Every effect has a corresponding cause, it is an immutable law. Why? Because otherwise a donkey could spawn in your pocket and it wouldn't be strange. Power as an effect also needs a cause, and the bigger the power, the bigger the cause. Someone once said something along those lines, though I prefer my choice of words. You see... If you have power, it won't stay without use. You can't run away from it so accept reality, you can't change your fate.
It's NOT necessary to read this page to understand the story and any of its gears, but I'm going to compile a lot of info and one-shot release it to everyone regardless. Why? 'Cuz I know how curious a reader can be.
I wish a good read for everyone!
Established Power System (Orthodox System of Ash's World):
#Transformation Stage(Not a Realm, but a necessary process to reach the first Realm.)
In this stage, a person has to be transformed from the core to be able to harness the power within the 'Ether,' the mysterious energy which is almost everywhere. Gene Nourishment is the most common way to complete this transformation, along with other auxiliary means such as using innate vitality.
1°| Foundation Tempering Realm
After a person absorbs and uses Ether for the first time, the body will begin to adjust itself automatically to best accommodate its power. The Etherist should then use any possible means to temper his/her body and mind to the highest possible point. After reaching the absolute peak of possible physical and mental fitness in this Realm, the Etherist has to establish his 'Concept' in his body and mind. 'Concept' is what the Etherist firmly believes to be the most adequate power and 'authority' for him. When his 'Concept' becomes mature enough to harmonize with the Ether in his body, the Etherist's body and mind will undergo another drastic transformation and he will enter the next Realm.
2°| Power Conceptualization Realm
After reaching this Realm, the Etherist has to focus on developing his Concept further and try to harmonize the Ether outside his body with it. When his Concept is developed and stable enough and can harmonize with external Ether, the Etherist will be able to use the Ether in his surroundings to fuel his power. After his Concept reaches the absolute possible peak for the Etherist in this Realm, he will need to integrate it into his very Soul, and when he is finally able to do it, his entire being will further transform (advancing to the next Realm) and be able to harness much more power and even be able to fly.
3°| Soul Tribulations Realm (can fucking fly)
In this Realm, the Etherist will have to face mental challenges as his Concept continuously try to corrode his mind and memories. He has to focus on strengthening his mind and Soul enough to truly support the power brought by his Concept. After his Soul reaches the absolute possible peak for this Realm, the Etherist Body and Soul will reach an absolute state of resonance and there will be nothing the Etherist can't control within himself, be it his Body, Concept, or Soul. The Etherist will undergo such a ridiculous transformation that many say it is like a complete rebirth.
4°| Body Rebirth Realm
By reaching this Realm, the Etherist can probably live for two to three thousand years and even beyond. His power is so ridiculous that he can destroy mountains by himself and even survive in outer space without any equipment for a few days. To advance even further, the Etherist has to focus on who he is and his own comprehension of what the world and nature are. Only by reaching "enlightenment" he will advance to the next Realm, with augmented powers and life span. "Enlightenment" is a mysterious state and is not a fixed factor, so it's difficult to measure what can be deemed so, but the world seems to "enjoy" the birth of an "Enlightened" Etherist, since many phenomena may surge when it occurs.
5°| Shedding Realm
In this Realm, the Etherist has to focus on "Enlightenment" again, but this time in a broader fashion. He has to reconstruct his body and soul by himself using only "Enlightenment" as the material, and his Concept can be used as the base for Enlightenment. There's no Upper Limit for this Realm, and the Etherist can theoretically transform again and again... forever. But of course, he still has a limited lifespan and can only live up to, according to estimations, ten thousand years. After a certain level of accomplishment, the Etherist can try to advance to the next Realm, but it can vary.
Ash's Cultivation Systems:
His Cultivation System is divided into two sub-systems, the "internal cultivation sub-system" and the "external cultivation sub-system." The "internal" one is all about elevating a person's life plane, thus enabling more room for power to be gained, while the "external" one is about filling this life plane with constant power.
•"INTERNAL" Sub-System ("Vase"/"Life Plane"):
Every Realm of this sub-system needs the corresponding Realm of the "external" sub-system to be stable, otherwise, the person might suffer from many possible problems.
#Tempering Stage (Not a Realm, but a necessary process to begin cultivation.)
1°| Refine Essence to transform it into Qi (Also called Essence Refining Realm)
2°| Refine Qi to nourish the Soul (Also called Qi Refining Realm)
#Duality Reversion Stage (Not a Realm, but a necessary process to advance to the next Realm.)
3°| Refine the Soul to return to the Void (Also called Soul Refining Realm)
4°| Refine the Void to merge with the Shackles (Also called Void Refining Realm)
5°| Breaking Shackles Realm (Also called Ascension Realm)
•"EXTERNAL" Sub-System (Raw Power/Energy Power):
Every Realm of this sub-system needs the corresponding Realm of the "internal" sub-system to be stable, otherwise, the person might (and probably will) explode from being unable to contain the power.
#Tempering Stage (Not a Realm, but a necessary process to begin cultivation.)
1°| Body and Mind Refinement Realm (Also called Basic Training Realm)
2°| Refining Qi Realm (The Qi here is used to fuel power, not for life evolution as in the "internal" sub-system.) (Also called Foundation Establishment Realm)
#Duality Reversion Stage (Not a Realm, but a necessary process to advance to the next Realm.)
3°| Golden Core Realm (Also called Great Unity Realm)
4°| Nascent Soul Realm (Also called Life Transformation Realm)
5°| Tribulation Transcending Realm (Also called Life's Epic Realm)