
Up Against The Wind

" You can't leave me like this ,not now ...am not ready ! " . When he said those words I could feel the pain ,sorrows and rage in his voice ,tears scatting down his eyes . How was I to make him understand? , I couldn't fight fate! I could feel my body getting cold, slowly losing my breath as every second goes by, heart beat decreasing. Call me mad but I can see the bright light, and that glorious music has begun ringing in my ears...

Dolly_nonduh · 现代言情
30 Chs

All ends in flames

He walked out ,I pretended to be asleep . I was in so much pain ,could barely move . Thinking of everything tears were streaming down my eyes forming a puddle on my T-shirt . Maybe if he never saved me from that train I wouldn't be there . He took advantage of my vulnerability ,I was so caught up in being protected I ignored the fact that he was hurting me ,he had turned into a monster .

I had to get cleaned .Taking a bath was soothing to the body ,it helped heal the bruises ,but couldn't heal my heart or soul . When I was browsing through my phone ,I stumbled into old pictures of me ,ones that I was still young and innocent . There was a knock on the door .I was sure it was our landlord ,there to ask me about the screams he heard last night . He came by often to check up on me ,helped with some painkillers and always preached one thing to me " Child go home before this man kills you ." I did listen to him ,wanted to go home .But the problem is I never had a home to go back to ,for heaven's sake I didn't even know my surname or my origin .

I dragged my body ,annoyed and just tired to the door " Josh I am fine " I said that opening the door . I almost fell down when I saw who it was . It was my brother in flesh and blood . We stared into each other's eyes for some time . "Lorna ! " he raised his hand and gently brushed my face . He was worn out I could see that , he just threw himself into my arms and I wrapped them around him .We stayed in that position for some time .

" Take your things ,I'm here to take you home, you don't deserve all this and that bastard will have to deal with me " he pushed me aside and got in .He had always been my savior ,even when we were growing up . My body wouldn't allow me to move freely ,so he sat me down and went to pack my stuff . I was jittery and jumpy wanted him to hurry up so we could get the hell out of there .

He dragged the first suitcase and placed it by the door . " Just leave the rest ,take what is important " I said that peeping out the window to check if Lewis was not coming . My heart was pounding ,I was all sweaty . " okay, ready to go " Lwandile said ,and I could hear noises of him dragging something . I sighed in relief and got to take a breather . While I moved from the window and went to the coffee table to take my phone ,when I slowly turned the door was wide open ,and Lewis stood there in the middle of the door .

" Lew-Lewis ? " those words faintly came out of my mouth ,that how afraid of him I was .He looked at me and looked at the bag that was by the door ." Lorna are you leaving me ? " He altered those words taking steps towards me ,I kept on moving backwards as he came closer ." Yes she is going home where she belongs " Lwandile answered him . He looked so mad ,his eyes went all red . Before I would even say anything a punch landed on my face sent me flying to the couch .

While I picked myself up from the couch Lwandile and Lewis were at it ,they were beating the life out of each other . The noises that filled the room were "crash " and "bang " . My face and chest were on fire ,but I got myself up .When I looked closely now Lwandile was at the bottom and Lewis was winning . I was powerless ,and afraid of Lewis but that was one person I loved with all my heart and soul ,one person I would die for . It was about time I stopped being a coward and fought . I jumped on his back trying to strangle him and leave him breathless .

He was a beast ,roaring in anger and was untouchable . He threw me of his back . I went flying to the glass coffee table and it broke down into pieces . Lwandile was still on the floor ,I faintly heard him call my name "Lorna !" . I was out of it ,and everything was starting to go blurry . When I raised my hand after touching my body I was bleeding in loads of pain. I was slowly drifting away from it all .I heard the sound of a gun getting cocked ,I raised my head ,Lewis had the gun pointed towards Lwandile who was on the floor . I acted in reflex ,forgot about all the pain ,in reached for the steel candle holder that was decorating the room . I hit him in the back of his head .

The gun went off and there was silence ,as Lewis went crashing to the floor falling on his stomach .I was out of breath I went on my knees " Lwandi ? " I said that trying to crawl to him ,he stood up ,looked beat up . " It hit the wall ,are you okay? " he asked that going over Lewis and coming close to me . He knelt in front of me and he gave me a tight hug . " It's over now " he whispered that in my ear . He stood up and closed the door . I sat on my butt ,gaining my breath . I was staring at Lewis ,his body was not moving to show any form of breathing .

" What's wrong ? What are you staring at ? " When he asked that I went up to Lewis to check for a pulse .Lwandile also came down to help me turn him around . There was no pulse ,and he was not breathing .I just covered my mouth with my hands and sat back .Lwandile kept on pounding his cheat trying to revive him ." He is gone ,I killed him " When I said those words tears went streaming down my face ." No he can't be ,he just can't !" He said that continuing with the CPR until he saw it was a lost cause .He crawled into a corner and put his hands above his head ,whilst I silently whipped .

We remained in that position for a long time with Lewis's corpse in the middle of us . Lwandile looked terrible ,we had to do something soon .I went to sit next to Lwandile ." go away from here and I'll deal with this !" I said that reaching for my phone ." What ? " He asked me that question ,he was confused ." I'll call the police tell them I killed him in self-defense ,maybe they will be lenient with me " I wiped my tears and dialed the number .He stood up a looked at me for some time ." GO, GET OUT OF HERE ! " I screamed at him . He opened the door and turned his back on me ,he took a few steps forward .He paused came back in and closed the door .

" What are you doing ? " I asked him ,trying to breathe through the pain ." We shall get rid of the body " when he said that he looked damn serious . I choked on my saliva " what? ". He looked dead serious " Baby he hurt you a lot of times before and he had this coming ,so we will set him alight " .He said that like it was nothing . He emptied my large suitcase ,I just sat on the couch and watched this in disbelief ,hoping it was a really bad dream . He tried to fit Lewis into the case ,but it was impossible ." It won't work ..." He stopped me from completing my sentence ." I won't allow you to go to jail. " He kept on trying to put Lewis in the case ." No I mean let's wrap him in the rug ." I said that and he just looked at me .I was already involved no turning back all this was my fault .

That expensive bottle we gulped up was well needed in that moment . He took my bags to the back seat of mom's car . When he came back from searching Lewis's car ,he came back with a bag . He placed it in front of me ,showed me with his hand to open it . When I peeped through it was a bag on the side it was stacks of cash and on the other it was stash's of snow white cocaine . I finally found out the kind of job Lewis did .

We stayed up all night . When the clock striked 12 we checked if the coast was clear . It was a hard job dragging that body to the boot of his car . I got in the front seat and Lwandile drove off. We passed by the garage ,Lwandile came back with a gallon of petrol and two shovels . He made sure to hide his face . We drove out of the city ,to this deserted area . I was so afraid and tears just wouldn't stop ,never mind the guilt ,it was something I would take with me to the grave . We dug all night nothing too deep because we were all drained .We dug in silence ,tossed the body into the hole ,Lwandile looked so focused and seemed not concerned of what was happening .I touched his shoulder " Are you sure you will be able to live with this ,I already have demons to deal with this would just add to them " I said that looking him in the eye ,under the moonlight .

Even though we were in the dark I knew the lord was watching so I just asked for forgiveness Lwandile sprinkled the fuel all over him ,whilst I set him alight .He placed me on his shoulder and we stood there watched as he went up in flames . " He will never lay his hands on you now " He turned me around and gave me a tight hug " and I hugged him back , I knew from then nothing could break us apart . That right there was true love ,he was indeed my partner in crime .It was almost dawn we stripped the car .Removed the car disk and the number plates .We did this a little further from the grave which we filled up with the soil when he was all burnt up into ashes . We also set the car alight and walked back to the city in complete silence . Everything we had there was burnt up ,no evidence left .When we arrived in the city we took a taxi to the apartment .