
The missing clue

Kassandra's POV

I grab the scroll and look at it. This was our last family portrait. It was painted three days before that attack.

I raise it high, and the moonlight from the window penetrates through this paper.

I frowned when I noticed the pattern where the lights penetrated. I step a little and move the things on the table. I spread the scroll again.

"I was right. Big brother, you're really cunning and genius!" I stated.

"These are the emblems of the five kingdoms on each side of the sphere. The missing clue from that board," I whispered. My husband looks at me.

"What is happening here, honey?" Noah asks.

I closed the scroll and grabbed a pen and blank paper on my table. I started to draw what I saw in the middle.

"I will explain when I have the concrete evidence, but Dad and Grandpa have been searching for clues for this," I mumbled. After I draw the emblem, I gaze at it.