
Chapter 330: Princesses are princesses

Kassandra's POV

They look at me weirdly. I guess they are aware of the dark smoke that I was talking about.

"What are the things you know about this dark smoke?" the queen asks.

I cross my legs and take a deep breath. "Can I ask a question first? Is there any incidence where this dark smoke harmed your people or caused any trouble?" I ask. Prince Airone sighed.

"We first encountered this dark smoke when I was 16 years old. That's where I discovered that I can control the wind or air. That's where I accidentally killed my father," he confessed.

The queen caresses his back and looks at him with no hatred in her eyes. "Your father was grateful because you're not hurt. He was also proud of you because you protected everyone. Please don't remember your dad with sadness and guilt in your eyes," the queen whispered.