

Who doesn't desire to be a King or Queen? Well in the modern vampire world no one. Zara Lee is offered to rule the vampires. But she was about to decline the offer when she is forced to accept it because of the sudden decision of marriage by her fiancé. Will she become the queen? But things don't go easy when she finds out who was behind all this and especially when her fiancé is determined to ruin her image. The worst is yet to come as the throne is full of secrets yet to be revealed.

Thunder_Gurl_2 · 奇幻言情
15 Chs

8. Aftermath

"What are you doing?", John briskly walked towards them as his loud voice reverberated in the empty floor that was recently refurbished. One could easily tell as the room was filled with the scent of paint and looked very new. The people downstairs turned their heads towards the staircase as they heard John's voice.

Leo could tell John intended to go towards Zara so he stood in front of her. Zara could barely be seen behind him. John grabbed Leo by his collar, "You two know each other don't you? Are you having an affair with him?", John asked as he glanced over from Leo's shoulder to see Zara almost tip toeing.

Zara stood staring at John in disbelief, she wanted to punch his face hard. Leo pushed him, pulled out a chair and forcefully made him sit by holding his shoulder. John's strength was nothing compared to Leo's.

"After you cheat on her, you think you have any right to act like this?", Leo muttered with a scowl. John stared at him aghast, he could feel his hands shaking. The plans John had in his mind need to succeed at any cost. And how did Leo find out about his affair?

Leo shoved him back to the chair once again before getting away from him. John grimaced as the pain in his back crawled up on him. Zara grew curious about what Leo had whispered to John that he clamed up all of a sudden.

"I...I'll go", John stammered, he got up holding his shoulder and went downstairs. John thought this was the best way to avoid disclosure of his vicious plan.

Leo turned around to talk to Zara but she wasn't there. He looked around confused then noticed the elevator was on the ground floor. John who reached the ground floor saw Zara run past him. "Hey you!", he yelled but she ignored it.

A few moments ago she had recieved a call from her sister, but she heard her husband yelling at her which was followed by smashing of a vase or something made up of glass.

Zara took a taxi and went to her sister's house. She rang the bell standing in front of Olivia's flat, her heart pounding hoping her sister to be alright. Olivia's husband opened the door and saw police officers standing behind Zara. She barged in the house and saw her sister in the living room. "Zara", she cried standing up from the couch and hugging Zara, her arm was bleeding. Oliver was arrested.

Olivia was taken to the hospital, her wound was treated and after completing the formalities in the police station Zara took Olivia with her.

At home Olivia gave the same explanation to her parents that she gave at the police station.


Olivia was washing the dishes when Oliver came home. "Let's go I fixed the appointment to see a plastic surgeon. We should be there in an hour", he said as he walked past her. Oliver wanted her to get lip fillers done.

After pestering her for a month Olivia had agreed because she had no choice left. Oliver started with a pattern of suggestion, discussion( which was an argument in reality), transformation of suggestion into an order, harassment to get the order followed. Basically Olivia had no choice but to accept her fate.

This time however she was a bit stubborn afterall it was related to her own body. Oliver opened the door of the room thinking she should be ready by now. But Olivia was still wearing the clothes she usually wears at home. The fake smile he had put on to make someone reluctant to say no, ebbed away.

"Why are you not ready yet?", he asked in a cold voice. "I don't want to go", Olivia cowered. "Get ready now!", he bellowed which made her flinch. "I don't want to get it done, can't I choose what I want for myself", she argued politely. "Who earns in this house me or you? Then it will be me who decides", Oliver barked at her. Olivia secretly called her sister, she knew only Zara can help her out.

"We will talk about this later. I don't want to go now", she suggested. "We are going now", he shouted. At this point neighbours were getting distracted. "I said no", she screeched. "We have to go!", Oliver grabbed a vase and throws it on her. Olivia blocked it with her forearm otherwise it could have hit her face. Oliver was panicking because her wound might need stitches so he was trying to find a solution to avoid any rumours.

End of flashback

"You should have agreed to what he wanted without creating a scene", her father advised. "Take the case back", he added.

"What are you saying?", Olivia said breaking into tears. "Typical patriarchal family. You didn't allow us to complete our education and got us married so we could be just like mother. You are okay with us being oppressed by men because you feel that's how a women should be treated. Your ego hurts when you see a women earning more or being at a higher position than you isn't it? And you find John and Oliver with similar mindset so this cycle could go on", Zara said in an accusatory tone.

"Because that's how it should be", Mr. Lee rejoined angrily. Zara rolled her eyes, she knew he will never change. Even someone's death or a big tragedy can't help to get his head straight.

"I had to get stitches can't you see? I knew you will react like this so I called Zara instead. Moreover I'm tired of the consistent mental harassment I've been putting up with ever since we got married. I want to get divorced. I've already been thinking about this for long", Olivia stated and went inside her room closing the door with a bang. Zara went inside her room too.

She called Mr. W to meet her tomorrow.

Zara lied down on the bed, Leo's proposal constantly popped up on her head. "Was he even serious? Even if he was it doesn't matter because now I want to live a normal life. I don't want someone to remind me that I'm living off of someone's money. I will earn myself and live a life without restraints", she thought.