
Untouched by the Outbreak

Ryo Tanaka, a struggling college student, works tirelessly at multiple part-time jobs to make ends meet. In a bid to earn some extra cash, he volunteers for a paid drug research study, unaware that it will alter the course of his life forever. The experiment takes a disastrous turn, leaving Ryo bedridden with a high fever for several days. But when he finally awakens, he finds himself in a world plunged into chaos. A deadly virus has ravaged the city, turning its inhabitants into ravenous, flesh-eating zombies. Streets once bustling with life now lay desolate, the remnants of civilization crumbling under the weight of the apocalypse.

Jacksen_Bent · 灵异恐怖
197 Chs

Chapter 134: The Calm Before the Storm

After breakfast, Ryo carried his chair outside, setting it down on the porch as the evening breeze drifted through the air. He opened a cold can of beer and took a long sip, feeling the familiar, satisfying buzz as the liquid hit his throat. His MP5 rested by his side, as usual—ready for anything. He scanned the area, making sure the Striders and Brutes he commanded were in position, guarding the perimeter of the house. Zombies were no longer a threat, not for him. It was the government that concerned him now. He knew they wouldn't stop until they captured him, but Ryo had no intention of letting that happen without a fight.