

Alex a normal average teen who had a Normal life until she discovers her true identity...she's a cross breed,a vampire, werewolf,demon and a witch.... How does she take this new change,new life.....how does she take this new world she now belonged to,a world she only read in books....now her reality..... Read on to find out! ...... exclusive content

Sophie_Davies_ · 青春言情
10 Chs


Alex just got back from school,spent some time with her new pal and ex bully Jacob which Stella still found slightly weird,but Alex didn't mind hanging out with him,"he is actually cool"...were her own words when Stella first confronted her about it.

Alex came home tired and stressed today.

"Mom!...am home and am also about to faint!"....she said dramatically as she saw her mom coming from the kitchen cleaning her hands with a kitchen towel.

"Hahaha....and what could have made my perl so exhausted that she wants to pass out before giving mummy a hug"her mom said as she reached for her daughter's warm embrace.

"Oh mom you don't know the half of it!"....Alex said as she took off her shoes.

"So tell me how today went"...Mrs James said as she helped Alex take off her bag pack.

"Well today was fine just that Mr Austin, our physics teacher gave us like a whole chapter of problems to solve"...

"Hahaha...but am sure it was like a piece of cake for my baby Einstein"...Mrs James teased as she ruffled Alex's hair.

"Well they weren't that difficult,but the procedures to take to get just a single answer is like Climbing mount everest ugh!"...Alex said as walked into the living room.

"And to make things even worse...Stella wasn't making things easy,she totally avoided me,and for what...a totally dumb reason!"...Alex said as she threw herself on the couch.

"You sure you didn't do anything wrong?"...her mom said as she say beside the couch she laid.

"Sure I didn't...like I said, she's not speaking to me for a totally dumb reason, just cause am hanging out with someone she doesn't like,how childish!"...Alex said angrily.

"So why doesn't she like this person?.... maybe she knows something you don't"... Mrs James said shrugging her shoulders.

" I doubt that,am pretty sure it's cause...!"Alex rushed to say but quickly held back.

"Cause.....?"...her mom said to make her complete it.

"ahh!.....it's cause he bullied me in the past and she doesn't like him being around me cause she's selfish and Inconsiderate!"... Alex said as she folded her hands over her chest in annoyance.

"Oh God!...Alex you never told me you were being bullied, are you sure everything is alright at school?,are you still being bullied?"...Her mom asked extremely worried sick.

"Mom focus!.... that is not the point right now,am fine,I've sorted it all out ok?...he even apologized and asked where I stay just to apologize and we are now friends just that Stella just doesn't seem to get that"...Alex said,but this time looking a bit sad.

"Oh pumpkin she's still your best friend....and your sister, don't let a little misunderstanding let you forget that ok?,and am sure she's just looking out for you...you know like always,and yeah I agree her methods sometimes can be a little over the edge but am sure she just doesn't want to see you get hurt"...her mom said as she stroked Alex's hair while Alex just laid there looking like a downer.

"its either that or she's just... jealous"....ever thought of that?, spending quality time with someone else and leaving your best friend hanging on the sidelines... maybe it's not the guy that's the problem..... maybe it's you"

"And just because you don't notice it doesn't mean she doesn't feel left out"...Mrs James said as she dropped a kiss on Alex's forehead.

"hurry up and shower,and oh...we might have to order takeouts for lunch"...Mrs James said as she left for the kitchen.

But Alex couldn't hear anything apart from what her mom had just said....oh God was she really making her feel left out, when she had always been there for her....her conscience couldn't help but feel guilty.

After few minutes of tormenting her conscience with her mom's words she decided to head for the shower...to cool head at least.

Water dripping on her head,she wasn't thinking about what her said anymore but she felt kinda weak and perhaps... lonely?...no no no she couldn't possibly be missing Stella....could she?

"Ugh"...she said as she shrugged the thought off.

Few minutes later she came out the shower and changed into some sweatpants and bunny slippers and went to the kitchen dragging her feet in a rather lazy way.

"Mom!...am starving what's for dinner"...she said as she growled.

"Over here darling"... Mrs James responded and Alex followed the voice to the living room.

"Oh sweetheart am afraid we ran out if groceries and I think it's better to get take outs than for me to go to supermarket and prepare lunch ...you know it'll save me Alot of trouble and save me from that annoying sound coming from your stomach"...Mrs James said sounding falsely irritated as she poked her belly.

'hahaha....mom!...stop it"...Alex yelled at she laughed hard as she slapped her mom's hands away from her stomach.

     "Hahaha...it's fine,so pizza?"...Mrs James said with a smile.


      "Chicken taco pizza!"... Alex said excitedly.

    "Ohh and pepperoni pizza!"...Mrs James added with excitement.

      "With Alot of cheese!"...they said in unison and laughed hard.

just then the door bell rang.

"hahaha...I'll get it"....Alex said still laughing as she went to the door.

just then she looked through the peep hole to see who was at the door,and to her greatest surprise it was.... STELLA!,the last person she wanted to see right now,she immediately turned her back to the door with her face looking irritated.

"who was at the door sweetheart?"...her mom asked.

"no one"....she replied bluntly,but the door bell rang again.

"what you do mean no one,fine I'll check myself"...her mom said as she got up from the couch and went to the door,while Alex just stood by the door folding her arms as she rolled her eyes

she immediately looked through the peep hole and saw Stella waiting outside.

"Alex!how could you keep her outside"...her mom said as she said Alex a questioning look

"whatever"...Alex said as she rolled her eyes and went back to the couch.

she and her mom were in the middle of some mother daughter bonding time before....ugh! stella had to show up and ruin everything!....

Her mom quickly opened the door

"hey didn't come here to fight just came here for....oh Mrs James I didn't realize it was you,I thought it was...

"SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T WANT TO SEE YOU !!"....Alex said interrupting her.

"Hey Alex! it's Stella you're talking you,Incase you hadn't noticed"....her mom said giving her a look.

"Oh I know".... Alex said sarcastically as she got up from the couch and walked away.

"Look Stella come on in and sure we got sort this all out"... Alex's mom said to Stella with a smile.

Alex who was already at her bedroom door turned back immediately she heard her mom invite Stella in

"What! come in where!.... mom you can't possibly...

"Look here young lady this is my house and I can have anyone as my guest understand!"....her mom said really sounding strict.

"Ugh! fine,do whatever you want!".... Alex yelled out in frustration.

"And hey! stranger at the door,you aren't here to apologize you might as well get the hell out!"...Alex yelled as she slammed her door.

"Oh God how did this get so out if hand".... Mrs James said as she brought Stella Inside.

"Oh no ....it's fine, it'll be stupid to say I expected better...but for some odd reason...I actually did"... Stella said faking a smile as she sat down on the couch.

Mrs James could see how down she looked at that moment and she felt bad for her.

"Oh darling...am so sorry you feel that way...tell me what actually happened....I wanna hear your side of the story"...Mrs James said as she sat next to stella

"no no it's fine...you don't have to"... Stella said with another fake smile.

"What do you mean I don't have to, I absolutely need to,my two daughters are at loggerheads with each other and you expect to what...just watch?, c'mon Stella talk to me"....Mrs James said

Stella smiled hearing Mrs James call her her daughter, she's heard it Alot from her but it felt nicer every time she hears it again.

"Ok....it's just this kid at school....

"yh the bully,now close friends with her ....blah blah blah,yh I know"...Mrs James said.

"What...you mean she told you?....so you know what happened then"....

"Well....yh she told me,but I wanna know why your mad at her making a new friend?"....Mrs James said with a smile

"hahaha ok first....am definitely not mad and second she hasn't even known him enough to call him... friend"... Stella said finding it hard to say the last word like it disgusted her or something.

"And to make things worse....he used to bully her Mrs James..... BULLY HER!".....Stella said trying to make her point clear.

"used to....you said it yourself,it's in the past now darling,so why can't you just let it go and trust the present"...

And those words just left Stella out of words to depend her stand on the matter.

"But ....he might..."Stella rushed to say.

"He might do it again?,you don't fully trust him yet?....I get that,but stella for a bully ...and from he looks of the way the matter,he could be the top bully and for such a person to apologize himself even asking for her home address to apologize.... Stella,such a person really means it,and bullies never apologize, especially to their victims,but he did and it really looks sincere to me,so why can't you just it go.... that's all am asking"....Mrs James said as she gave a smile to Stella was seemed to be getting the message as she was awfully quiet ...but in a good way,like how Alex acted when her conscience got the best of her.

"You know at first when I heard about the whole issue...I was like that's just Stella being overprotective as always"....Mrs James said looking at Stella who was still lost in her own thoughts.

"But my second second guess was... you were being.... jealous".... Mrs James said with smile as she knew it would get to her.

And just then Stella got nay to reality, immediately she heard Mrs James cal her..... jealous!.

"huh what!... hahaha,me?....jea... jealous?.....hahaha good one mrs James...hahaha good one"she said laughing awkwardly.

"Ah kids never able to admit things"...Mrs James said to herself as she smiled.

"well you can deny the fact that you were jealous, but you can't deny the fact that you miss hanging out with your best friend"....Mrs James said with a smile while Stella just froze with those words in replay in her head....Mrs James sure knows how to kick a person's conscience.

And just as she was about to leave Stella to reflect on what she had just said,she turned back and said...

"And oh you're staying for lunch and possibly dinner....no excuses"....she said with a smile.

And just as she was about to leave, Stella regained her consciousness and turned to face her.

"Oh no that won't be pissy am afraid,I didn't plan to stay long, just came over to get my physics textbook from her...

we had this crazy class assignment in physics,and I forgot it on her desk,she left with...Jacob....before I could take it back"...Stella said as her tone got low within her last sentence.

"Oh I see".... Mrs James replied in a low tone too as she noticed Stella became sad again.

"But we were gonna order pizza for lunch"...Mrs James said as she pouted her lips,she was just trying to be funny to get Stella out of that mood and also make her stay for pizza of course.


"hey! I'll call your dad if I have you,and you can't fix things with Alex if you don't get a chance to talk with her"....

"And besides doy tell me you wanna pizza"....Mrs James said as she placed her hands on her waist looking at Stella.

"What kind of pizza?"....Stella asked in a low tone as she finally gave in.

"Chicken taco....and ohhhh pepperoni pizza"..... Mrs James tryna entice her.

just then Stella faced brightened as she looked up at Mrs James with excitement.

"will there be cheese".....she said trying to hide her smile as she played with her fingernails In a way that made her look shy at that moment.

"you bet ya".....Mrs James said smiling as she clapped her hands in excitement.

"hahaha ok fine I stay.....MOM".....Stella said as she too laughed seeing Mrs James get all excited.

"Awwn, now that's much better.... just sit tight let me go get Mrs grumpy down here"Mrs James said with a smile and Stella as she was told.

And Mrs James headed for the stairs and got to Alex bedroom door.

"knock knock, sweetheart it's mom"...She said trying not to come off strong with her.

"Lemme alone!"....Alex yelled from inside.

Alex sat on her bed with hands wrapped around her legs as she rested her head on her knees.

"oh c'mon pumpkin don't sound that way, mummy's sorry she yelled at you, won't you let mummy in?"....Mrs James said but still there was no response.

"Baby am sorry,but if you won't let me in,then at least come out ok?,we need you downstairs"....Mrs James said.

"Oh you need me now,why don't you spend time with your beloved STELLA!"...Alex yelled as she punched the bed in annoyance.

"What is it with these kids and jealousy"...Mrs James said under her breath, but unfortunately Alex heard her.

"Did you just call me jealous!....ahhhh!".... Alex screamed.

"Oh Good gracious!....errm no sweetheart, could you just come out for a sec"...Mrs James said as she rested her back on the door.

"Well I dy feel like talking to you!"...Alex yelled again.

"Did she just say that to me"....Mrs James said to her self as she faced the door again.

"Well I also don't feel like talking to a child who keeps yelling at me! it's Stella who has the time to talk to you not me!..jeez!....Mrs James said as she turned to walk away but she turned back and faced the door.

and bring out her physics textbook when you come out!....."

"kid needs to work on her tone...jeez"...she said to herself as she reached for the stairs,but just then Alex opened the door with the textbook in her hand.

"Well it better be an apology"....she said as she went down the stairs.

"you know sometimes I wonder who raised her"....Mrs James said to herself as she watched Alex go down the stairs.

Alex went up to Stella who was sitting on the couch making a call.

"hahaha....like you're just a good friend,like I owe ....

"so you get to have other friends and I don't?"....Alex said with her arms folded around her chest.

Stella turned and saw Alex...

"errm hey, sorry I'll call you back"....She said as she ended the call but her eyes were still fixed on Alex,but Alex just looked away.

"Hey.... could we sit and talk about this?"... Stella said.

Alex was reluctant but she later sat down.

"I know you're probably waiting for me to apologize first so....yh,am sorry,am sorry for being..... selfish as you put it, sorry for getting unnecessarily worked up,guess I was just.... jealous"....she said as she smiled at Mrs James who watched the girls from a close distance,and she also returned the smile.

"I just thought I was losing you to.... Jacob,but I promise.....

"Did you really come here just for your textbook?"....Alex interrupted but still keeping her frank look.

"What?... no,of course not,I needed an excuse to see you that was why I...

And before Stella could finish her sentence,Alex hugged her out the blue

Stella looked at Mrs James with a confusion written over her face,but Mrs James just smiled.

"You should have told me....and am sorry for making you feel that way,I was just too ignorant to notice....am really sorry"....Alex said as she hugged her tighter.

"It's ...fine"..... Stella said as she hugged her back.

"Besides I was the one who started it".....Stella said and Alex immediately withdrew her hug

"no no no.....this was all my fault,I started it not you"

"You it's not your fault it's fine I was just jealous"..... Stella said.

"No no getting close to jacob was stupid in the first place".....Alex said

"no no Alex,you have the right to have other friends"....Stella said and. before you know it,it turned to an argument.

"But I shouldn't have took him to our favorite restaurant the day we were supposed to have lunch together"....Alex yelled.

"Wait ..... you did what!".... Stella shouted.

"I ....I mean .... forget I said that!"...Alex shouted.

"you said you were going home early cause you were tired!".... Stella shouted.

"How was I supposed to tell you I gonna go with him,....."hey Stella, am having lunch with Jacob the guy that you don't like?".....You would freak out!"...Alex shouted back.

"So what you're saying I can't be reasoned with .....did you just call me unreasonable!.....ahhhh!"Stella screamed.

Mrs James saw this was getting out of hand ,so she decided to step in before another fight begins....well it kinda all already begun.

"Girls please calm down...this Is just....

"STAY OUT OF THIS!"....They both yelled at Mrs James not taking their eyes off each other.

"Wow ....now I just feel like a stranger in my own house"....

"Just don't call me to help you settle this fight,cause I will be "STAYING OUT OT THIS" she said in air quotes as she yelled and walked away.

"Well sometimes you can be over protective"....Alex yelled.

"Well it's cause am your big sister!"....Stella yelled back.

"We're the same age!"... Alex yelled.

"Well it's cause I don't want to lose you!"....Stella yelled as she was almost tearing up.

"well...I don't to lose you too!"....Alex yelled back and also got emotional seeing Stella tearing up.

"I missed you"... they both said in unison as they hugged each other crying.

Mrs James who was already walking away turned back immediately she heard crying.

"what the....ahh,my girls"....She said with a smile as she went and hugged both of them.

"you too should never ever fight again you hear me!....I love you both so much"....she said to them as she found herself also getting emotionally

Friendship is a bond as magical as a fairy's wand,make sure a true friend is never lost, they are rare so keep them at all cost, apologize if you must

Sophie_Davies_creators' thoughts