
Unstoppable hero: Emperor.

A new god create the earth and warden it for millions, billions of years, but wasn't satisfied. Howsoever the starting evolution of humans mankind was fun to observe, slowly thing starts to get worst soon after a brief period god loses his patience seeing the earth further destruction he thought why now to give some selective individual a chance to entertain him. In a second, a man died as thunder falls on him from the sky without any clouds. starting a new story ------------------------- It's just fan friction, enjoy as I will try hard to make it readable. It doesn't belong to me plus its cover. Give it an try thx,

Hate_Loli · 漫画同人
20 Chs

Time skip

-5 years later --

The time continues to flow, 5 years had already passed by now and Lux had bought an apartment for himself with the money he got from the government.

He works as a consultant now but he wanted to retire from his pseudo-hero job but the hero association's current president emphasizes him to come back whenever he was needed as they acknowledge his quirk as too dangerous.

Overall he was first an assistant hero then two years later he got his license to use power and now he can use his power openly without a problem.

Later on in the last 2 years more his relationship was extremely good esspecially with female executives of hero association now his words carry the same power as the President of the associated cause of his great work.

Nothing had pubic yet, but the news is trying hard to collect some info and wanted revelation by association. But the association also suppressing them and their claims.

And in society, after the top 10 heroes, he is famous as a shadow hero. There are many saying about him, all are rumors spread by locals for gaining attention.

Now, about his development, over time with hardcore mental training, his power had increased 100 folds but currently, there is a cap he wasn't able to use more than 60% of his arsenal had also expanded with his perception control.

Every year he reached a new power cap and surpass it but this time he was struck so he gives up as his time was wasting. He was satisfied with the current level which is equal to or more strong than the symbol of peace.

It's not like he can't get there, more like there is no necessity.

Over the time or more specifically in one-year midnight/Nemuri and Takeyama/Mt lady had become friends with extreme benefits and for a year they were in a problematic love triangle because of drunk sex, both of them had with Lux they spit out many pent up emotion in sex leading them to have this relation of benefits.

But later on, the trio thing was sort of cleared and now they are more close friends with fewer benefits.

--- Now --

" Aaah!! A bit deep Lux yes, there in between " Moan of women was heard while lying of the floor wearing micro bikini enjoy the massage.

" Stop doing that, Tatsuma!! " Lux shouted seeing her acting like a horny woman having satisfying sex.

She was none another than DragonPro: Hero-Ryukyu. Chin level blond hair, which she wears swept-back with broadband, a long fringe over the right side of her face, covering her eye. She had some reptiles feature cause of her quirk to turn into a dragon.

She was currently top 14 struggling to be top 10. One may ask why such a hero was having a massage answer was simple.


Two years back when lux was still in a problematic love relationship with both midnight and Mt lady were always fighting for him and things were complex.

So to make things go smoothly he learns massage and spoiled both of them a lot soon with time his skill goes beyond and they become addicted to it.

They brag about it all and emphasize it all day whenever they talk with an innocent and morally correct Dragon hero to corrupt her and planned up a trap.

Over a night she was invited to stay a night and getting over drunk which was their plan, she became aggressive and wicked, apart from knocking her off there was one option to accept her demand.

However, seeing how hot and sexy her voice was his teenage hormones kicked in unable to resist it as he was not perfect, till the next morning, many deeds were done even the forbidden one.

Through it was a real stress buster and all her worries and pent-up frustration was gone but after knowing it was a plan.

The next morning everyone was beaten up by her outrage mode.

However, she starts showing up in between some months.

-- End flashback---

" You all shld be gteful....if you wer't my.....friend..... then, I would have killed ....y " Lux intensified the massage making it hard for her to speak up properly.

As lux had said she tried to suppress her moans as ut was too shameful and embarrassing for her but she couldn't help as it was too good between her thighs and back giving her goosebumps.

" We are also ready hurry lux, " Takeyama said removing all her clothes completely naked and lux was getting triggered inside as he was getting late for a meetup with someone.

" Only 10 more minutes..."

" Wait for me!! " Kayama said as she appeared big long yellow sweaters and start undressing for massage as she never wanted to miss it.

Lux create 2 more invisible hands consist of the atom and rub some oil and massages them with high sensitivity making them into bliss mode for 10 minutes.

' This massage thing had backfired on me '

He thought with regret as if he had known that they both had planned so evilly he would have stopped.

He stopped and saw them unable to move cummed or pissed on the floor from Ecstasy and pleasure.

He left them locking the house taking his phone as it was ringing with a special tone.

" I found the reports and things related to Nana Shimura as per your order...."

" Well do what I had said to you "

Lux was talking to his spy on a private network that can't be recorded or heard by a third party. Ending the call he takes out his mask and bandages around his eyes which help him to increase his control over his quirk.

As he had nothing to do now as the meetup was canceled out to be a call he checks up his timetable which was a year old with no use now and deleted it.

" I forgot She had her debut tomorrow!! " He remembers that Mt lady Dubut was next day.

Next up U.A.. Enjoy

Hate_Lolicreators' thoughts