
The selection process begins

He read the ways to maintain a clean body and tried to rationalize each of them. He could not help but to nod in agreement.

"It seems that this society is far more advanced than I imagined." he said to himself. The universal precaution, use of earthen vessel, avoidance of certain kinds of food, copulation and many other concepts were in line with his previous practice.

A smile crept up to his face. "Who knew that cultivation could be so easy."

The next part was an easy concept. It was about cultivating the heart. In his planet, there were genetic codes that are constant in each human. They are referred to as constant codes and it is more about human behavior and morality. It was difficult to manipulate, like it was on a locked state. But during experiments, they realized that men can alter it with his own deeds. The constant code is about stealing, killing, cheating, worship, parental treatment, rest, lying.

The seven deadly sins, as they name it. These codes where all connected to the physical, chemical, mental and emotional state of a person. The constant codes are also unique to humans, it was the most unique part of the DNA that scientist started to call it the code of humanity and defiling it means losing one's important trait that makes them human.

Cultivating the heart is rather difficult because it may feel emotions that is too powerful to control. Like love, longing, envy and hatred. But factors causing the stability of emotions were already clearly identified in their society. The only thing was that it was hard to practice. Schemes, treachery, and selfishness was like a plague that continued to haunt society.

As he pondered over, he realized that despite their vast knowledge about lower realm creatures, sickness and disability continued to rise. It was partly because of their emotional state. The seven deadly sins are indeed deadly.

It was already midnight when he decided to sleep. He was nowhere near to finishing the manual. But as advised by his friends he needed to practice what he learned and meditate on it. But the question was until when.


The next day:

Henry gripped the paper tightly upon reading the participants for the selection process. There were over 5 thousand students under the physician hall. He remembered what the school principal told him about the life and death battle.

"We cannot lose any elite in the life and death battle. Send the weakest student and make them surrender before the game starts."

The life and death battle was the most anticipated part of the interscholastic event. It is the platform for advancing one's cultivation and mental strength. Because of the risk, only those students who have full confidence of themselves are sent. Because there was nothing at stake during sparring, the level of performance of students are limited to practicing moves with limited emotions involved. But in a real battle this experience are lacking.

The strategy to keep one's skin, and the emotional stability despite of pressure can only be attained with real life battles with life at stake.

Deep down, he got the principal's message. It was to send Madel to the life and death battle. Knowing her personality, Henry knew that she will make a fuss but she will comply. She is not the type to surrender as well. She never did, not once. Despite of their heaven and earth disparity in strength, she endured until he says that the sparring is over.

He was very conflicted. Since the principal instructed him two weeks ago, he had been very grumpy. But, he comforted himself in thinking that the guidelines might mention about selecting the participants for the life and death battle, there was none. His heart tightened. The pressure of being the student's council president was weighing on him again. Cheska tapped him lightly on his shoulder.

"Looking troubled again." Cheska gave him a sweet smile.

"No, I was thinking of something." he said while pronating his hands and flicking it with the emphasis on his beautiful nails.

"okay, we will wait for you here in the centree. Let's go home together." She said and smiled.

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