
Chapter 215

After making it down the mountain, Jason took the path on the right as he continue with his journey but after traveling for some time, they were unable to locate the sunlight lake which lead him to wonder if there is an error in the marking by the prince while Drago is on his neck racking about how he is not been able to read the map.

"Would you shut the hell up" yelled Jason in anger after not being able to take it anymore.

"You are the one who said we should take this path all in the name of the prince's instruction, now we are lost in the middle of nowhere" said Drago as he refused to keep his mouth quiet. 

"That's because he knows the continent more than I do" replied Jason.

"Now that we are lost in this place, why don't you go ahead and call the prince to take you where you need to go? '' asked Drago with a frown.