
Chapter 18 - First Tale XVIII

It is not like I have to accept right away though, I can wait some more before I contact that old man again.

As for what to do in the mean time... I am not sure. Waiting outside this door won't be helpful at all, even if I await for someone to go inside. It is not like I could just ask them to let me enter together with them, that would be just like telling them that I have some particular business inside... and considering the way the kept the content of the library locked behind that door, I doubt they would take kindly upon my desire for going in. Hmmm, I can't do that... sneaking in would be even more absurd, although pick locking is something I know... that lock seem rather complicated. Earlier when I was taking a look at the door, I also paid some attention to it. But even though it looks old, it is a really complicated piece. The person who made it knew what he was doing so after I considered that I did not bring with me proper lock picking tools with me, because I did not expect that things would developer like this, although having them on me would've been bad when I recall how I ended up in this manor... I can only conclude that tearing the door down would be easier than picking that lock with any improvised tools I could somehow make on the spot.

Without much choice, I decided to walk somewhere else. I for once try to see if I could find one of the troublesome people in the manor. My targets in question being either the crazy old man Leonard, or the Miss who hides behind a stoic mask Alice. Although I said I would coperate with Mr. White, it is not like he will just give me his key if he has one just like that. So I thought I should have a second plan.... even though it includes them. Quite the choices I have here, the old man apparently has some relationship with 'Sid Grayworth' as he told me before and would probably make me help him out at some point in whatever he might be planning by holding the card of revealing my identity, which I think would be rather useless since most people here should have figured out who I am... at least the ones who figured that out are the trickiest to deal with. As for the Miss, she basically does not want me to get involved in any way. Once again, quite the choices, but I had nothing more I could try out at this point. I could of course try to talk with the person who invited me here Raymond Kingwood, but since that guy wanted to meet the real 'Sid'... then it should be because he needs something from him. No matter what it is, I won't be able to help him out. And I don't think he would like that, not one but.


My search did not bear fruits, I went around the manor but there were no clues about their locations. Being like that I just decide to ask a nearby maid but the answer was pretty much the same as the result of my search, they were not around. I tried asking different people but I got the same answer... until one of them seemed to slip up something about the Miss having a meeting, and even though it appeared as a slip up on the surface, I suspected that it was kind of planned. The interesting thing was that I also had not clue about the location of the rest of the family members, I had the feeling that they were all having this meeting together but sadly could not prove it. This idea came since I felt that they have such a meeting quite often in order to sort out their problems far away from the public eye. I think that they do this kind of thing since a while ago to keep outsiders blind to the inside fighting that occurs here. Otherwise, I doubt that someone with I'll intent toward the family would use that information somehow. Well, this is just speculation that I thought after taking into account the time they must've have spend fighting and the common public remaining on the dark so far. As for people of their same circle, I doubt they are ignorant about it but they lack enough proves to take advantage of the situation. Although... if I recall how 'those' guys told me how it was too late, I can't help but to think that they are going to do something on the open soon. Of course, I wouldn't particularly care if... only I were not in the middle of it. I can't help but sigh for the 'who knows' number of times today as I think about all this.

Hmmm, I just contact that old man and be done with that. Hopefully, helping that guy will bring me a opportunity to get the key... or at least know where I can find it. Would that old man carry it on him or would he leave somewhere? Where could that be? Perhaps his office considering that he would leave that key just anywhere. I will keep an eye on him to see if he has it on him but I should not waste a chance if I can look around his office. Putting the key aside, maybe he keeps some interesting information in that place. Although if that is the case, the place should be under key.... as long it is not a safe then I could probably pick the lock rather easily. That of course would need that I make preparations in the tool departament, since my bare hands alone won't do the job when I start lock picking. Now then, I can't just openly ask one of the maids for the tools, so I will need to find the materials.


As expected just looking on my own won't get me what I want, maybe I could ask that little girl to help. Who knows, she might just be able to get all I need without anyone noticing her. But I better wait some more to ask her since she should still be think about her mother.

Without much choice, I decided to look for Miss Maid, I bet that going to meet that old man or even starting to cooperate with him without her knowing would make Miss Jeanne angry.

I feel that I am paying much attention to not anger her, but do not get me wrong. I just trying to not cause problems for her at work. Yeah, I am not scared of her getting angry, not one, not one bit. I say that twice because it is important. Ok, I might be feeling that if she gets angry enough she could just beat me up easily. But, that wouldn't happen... right?. Recently I seem to be thinking too much nonsense when I am alone. Hopefully it is not a sign I am getting crazy... or crazier.

Anyways, I wonder where she is. I asked around but her co-workers don't know where I could find her. Is there a problem with the people here? When you want to find them, you won't be able to, but when you don't want to they might just suddenly appear? How can you find people like that? Do I need a tracker? Do I? I am getting a little angry here... and tired too. I have been walking for a while asking for this and that, but I hardly got what I wanted. Walking around this manor can be quite exhausting due to the sheer size of the place... the maids are really amazing walking from one place to another multiple times over and over and still being able to look neat and not even a drop of sweat. I guess they got used to it... used to it huh. That makes me amazed at them for a couple of other reasons. I wonder why they still choose to work here, although the pay should be rather high just from their work clothes... I would doubt a little of the work place. Just reputation wise, Mr. Raymond K. is quite troublesome put mildly, not sure how it would be working for him. The other individual that should complicate their work should be that plumb guy... what was his name again? I think it was Eric. Thankfully I did not meet him anymore, those few second I had to observe his behaviour showed me how headache inducing would be to talk to him. A really spoiled young master type, that's how he appeared to me. Not to mention his driving skills... That reminds me, the car he was driving was pretty cool looking until he crashed the poor vehicle unto that other car. Which I must say, had the tough luck of suffering unjustly. If that plumb guy drives like that regularly then he must be really lucky to be still... well, healthy. I wonder if the car is still there, my good friend likes cars so his reaction is always pretty interesting when I show him pictures of crashed cars like this one.

Hehe, I can't wait.

Oh, I lost myself a little there but a change of pase would be good. I am not sure if I can play around here at another time so I may as well relax a bit. I keep failing at my taks rather often lately. Getting frustrated will only make me screw up easily. So, I will go and take a picture of that car and I will use it to bother my friend later.


Now I have in front of me the car of that plumb guy. What a waste, this Aston Martin had really seem better days. A few pictures of the front, the sides, the back... and why not? A couple of pictures of the bottom part too since I am at it.

Let's take a look and yeah, they look pretty good all of the... what? I did not expect to see this, quite the finding I got here.

Well well, I got to say that this guy Eric must be reeaaally lucky, in someone else this would've worked 9 of 10.

Someone sabotaged his car, I don't know if there are other parts with problems but the breaks here are not suppose to look like that... even I can tell such a thing and I am not expert. I would like to take better pictures but there are a group of guards nearby, if I suddenly start talking about the breaks then they might supect me first. My situation is rather shaky so I can not make people have doubt on me like that, even though I could explain myself... this would create an stigma that could make things hard for me later. I am just a chess piece that probably lost its use for 'Sid Grayworth' so I won't get any help from them. The same would be for the people in this manor... kinda sad but I guess that's how it is. Maybe the little girl might help me out, but I would not get her involved if things were to go south.

Anyways, I need to find a way to inform someone about the people of the manor. I can't just ignore this.

I think that if I leave a note where people can read it, it would be enough I guess. Just in case, I should write a number of them in case they don't believe in the first one. Hmmm, the note will have to come from my stuff. I will need a new notepad when I get out of here. Thankfully, I have that pen from before... I still question how I forgot to bring a pen with me and had to rely on 'borrowing' one. Well, I may have to continue to 'borrow' it for who knows how long if I forget about it.


After spending a good amount of time writing and leaving the notes everywhere, I just sat near the windows in a empty room on the second floor to wait for the people here to check the car and done... I can see some people there checking under the car, and there is another one giving orders. Guess this is it, I now really have nothing to do again, where is that maid? I will just go and let Mr. White about helping him out. I can't waste more time like this.

Having already decided my next step I started looking for the guards to have them take me to meet Mr. White. I could try to solve everything through a phone call but I actually want to take another look at the old man's office. I would like to have the chance to locate the key if he has it in there, although I can not deny the possibility that he carries it on him. Whatever the case, I hope to use this trip there to confirm that.

A few minutes later of walking around I can see a number of guards and maids searching around the hallways and the rooms. I feel rather guilty about this since they must recieved some kind of instruction about finding the notes I previously left around. What can I say? I only put some notes around the first floor but on my way down from the second to the first floor I saw a number of employees going up, probably to search on the upper floors. Now they will continue looking everywhere, really... I am sorry. I only apologized in my head since I can not do so in any other way. They would start asking questions if I do so, thankfully I did my best when I wrote so they were rather different from my writing style. I have learned and copied different writing styles, practicing them until I could do them naturally at the request of her... since she said it would be handy to do so. This time seemed to be of use... if they try to look for the person who wrote this by comparison with other people. Otherwise... I just look like a paranoic person, don't I?.

While I walked downstairs I did not forget to ask a number of people about what they are doing, at the beginning they were rather reluctant to tell me, but nothing that took to much effort to find out with further proving. Acting tough when they like to gossip, I am getting used to the maids here.

I tried asking because acting like what happens around me would make me stand out.

Finally once I got to talk with a guard, who seemed feed up with looking around and agreed very quickly to take me to Mr. White. This guy... just wanted to skip work huh. He did not even ask me the reason why I wanted to go. Wait, always suspecting people intentions is not good, let's just think that he is someone eager to help others... no, nope, this guy truly and sincerely wanted to escape the tedious task of looking around. How can I tell? He told me as soon as when got out of the manor. Is this where the basic trust between humans took me?, I am slightly disappointed.

Sighing once again, I just decided to stop caring about this issue. So I just followed him until we arrived near his vehicle and just got into it. Without much to be said he turned on the car and we departed.


This time the ride was pretty normal, I did not talk more than what I had to with the guard and he did not try to engage in conversation either so everything when pretty quitely. Having seen most of the view while riding the vehicle during the last ride I did not find it as impressive as before so I just gazed outside without a particular goal. I have to say, the number of trees around here is pretty high, although there a good number of open spaces... it is sometimes cut of by the appearance of large groups of trees. I do wonder if all this is naturally like I see it, or they aimed to make it look like this as they planted the trees. If they did this then this is the fruit of long years of work, it is impressive that's for sure. There are different kinds of tree but they do not look unatural, it is like a small forest by the way they are arranged. Hmm, maybe I got this backwards, they did not plant the trees to make these smalls forest, but this place originally was a big forest and they took down a good number of trees until it looked as I currently see it. Then again, I am not sure. Both ideas seem possible but the second one is closer to the truth considering the path I took last night on my way here. There were trees everywhere so maybe that is how most of this place looked originally before people got here.

With thoughts like that going around my head it did not take long until I saw the building where the security of this manor was located.

As the car stopped I got down and thanked the guard that brought me here and started walking to the building entrance.

Putting a foot inside the place, I found the now rather familiar looking reception hall empty as I found it to be normal here it seems.

Now, a new thing I found was that the people working in the reception desk were different from before. I guess that they do get some rest and don't have to stay there all day.

Greeting the new staff, I go straight to the point and state that I wish to meet Mr. White for an important business that he asked me about, but I only got an negative answer that almost made me curse out loud. Damn it, he is not here.

What is wrong with the people here? Do they suffer from wanderlust or something? I now kind wasted my time huh.

Have a nice day readers....

Nyarlathotep00creators' thoughts