
Unprecedented spearmaster

The young boy Gary is a young nobleman. Who had lived a comfortable life for 12 years, where he could do whatever he wanted. He had chosen to become stronger. He had always felt like he was not enough, and that he wanted to make his parents proud by getting stronger, by becoming the strongest there was. Follow the journey of a kid, growing up, to become one of the strongest spearmen to have ever existed. ------------------------------------- This is my first ever book, so please give me pointers if you have any.

MasterSpearmaster · 武侠
5 Chs

Chapter 5

Everybody at the Plaza looked at where the voice came from.

They all saw a tall old man with long white hair and beard. He looked to be a wise old man, with a very kind and warm face.

"Hello everyone, I trust that you all are ready to get this exam started, and start your life in the academy!" He continued with a kind smile, while looking at all of their excited faces.

"My name us Vincent Duke, and I will be the one in charge of the exam this year!" Hesaid, with a low, but loud enough voice for everyone to hear.

As soon as they heard the name of the old man, most of the youths here went into an uproar. Only a few kept a calm look, while Gary wore a confused look.

With a curious look, Gary looked to his aide to Jasmine, to see what her reaction was. To his surprise, she was completely frozen where she stood.

"Who is this man since it caused this kind of uproar?" Gary asked Jasmine with a wry smile. he felt kind of weird for not knowing who he was.

"You don't know?" Her already shocked face, somehow became even more shocked!

"He is the 31st principal of the royal academy, and is the strongest mage in our current kingdom!" She almost yelled, but managed to keep her voice low enough for nobody other than Gary to hear.

"I see!" He said while smiling wryly and scratching the back of his head.

Looking back at the old man, Gary paid a little more attention to him, and could now somehow feel a little bit of an aura around him.

It did not feel dangerous or frightening, but instead a bit more friendly. Almost like it wanted Gary to find it.

The old man quickly noticed the peculiar stare, as it was much different than the others.

'Interesting!' the old man thought as he removed his gaze from Gary.

After Vincent removed his gaze from Gary, Gary lost the feeling of the special aura.

'What the hell was that?' thinking this, Gary tried to figure out what it was but soon gave up on figuring it out.

"The first test will be the magical aptitude test! There is nothing much to it, all you need to do, is touch this sphere, and it will then show a number of colorful spheres, which will show your aptitude and current magical powers!" Vincent started to talk about the first test.

"The number of spheres is how much magical power you have now, and the color of the spheres determines your element. While the denser the color is, the stronger your talent will be!" Vincent continued.

Everybody has a talent for how well they can use the intelligence points they had and how easily they can feel the flow of mana.

"Now that the explanation is over, I will call your names one by one, so please atep up, when your name is called!" Vincent had finished explaining, so now he just wanted the exam to start.

At this time, the huge uproar he had started in the beginning had begun to calm down, and upon hearing that the exam would start, the plaza became completely quiet.

"First up, Terry Moose, come to the magic crystal!" Vincent said calmly, while somehow looking exactly at the spit Terry stood.

A young boy a little older than Gary came out from the big crowd. He was about the same height as Gary too, but his face looked quite average with a calm expression.

He had a normal sword strapped to his back, so Gary assumed he was a martial artist too.

Walking to the magic crystal, he stood right in front of Vincent. His face as still as water, not showing any signs of nervousness.

"Touch the crystal!" Vincent Said while looking at the calm Terry in front of him with some respect. 'It is hard

to be this calm in front of me!' He thought.

After getting the go from Vincent, Terry reached out towards the magical crystal, touching it.

As soon as he did, the sphere turned a bright White color, almost bright enough to blind everyone present.

'This density… It is something rarely seen…' Vincent looked at the height light, not even his talent for his element was not this good.

'But wait, what is this?' Vincent asked himself in his head, while taking a closer look at the crystal. Inside there were only 2 small spheres of light. This meant he had probably never trained magic.

"Great talent for magic! You will easily be able to enter the magic department of the academy!" Vincent announced shortly after the test. "So, would you like to join the magic department?" Vincent asked the young Terry.

"No, my heart lies with the sword!" Terry answered with a resolute look on his face.

Seeing the young boy's serious face, Vincent could not help but feel a bit more respect for the kid.

"Good. I look forward to seeing your progress!" Vincent said as He looked at Terry with a glint in his eyes. "Now, go to the side, and wait for the rest to finish!" He continued while pointing to the side.

"Next up is…." Vincent then yelled for the next guy.

After Terry was gone, around 50 people had gone through before the next person with some magical talent came through.

The person was a young girl named Isabelle Rock, and her density was much higher than the average. Besides that, she had the magical power of 34 spheres, which was not even a level 1 mage.

She was someone who had been training with magic throughout her life, so when she was asked to join the magic department, she, of course, agreed.

After she went up, another 50 or so people went up there, some with a little more than average talent but nothing special.

"Next up, Jasmin Rose!" Vincent said while looking in Jsamin's direction.

"It is finally the princess's turn, I am looking forward to this!" One of the young men said with an excited expression.

"Finally, my turn!" she said with an energetic smile as she went up there with excited steps.

She did not hesitate when she came up there, as she immediately touched the magical crystal. Her excitement quickly grew even more as the density was very high.

"WHOA!!!" An uproar started as they saw the magical crystal. The density it showed made it hard to count the number of spheres in there.

The color of the spheres inside was a deep blue, which meant she had an affinity with the water element.

At the same time, she had an amazing amount of spheres inside the crystal, numbering 87, which is the highest a 12-year-old had ever gotten in the history of the school.

To put it into perspective, Terry only had two magical power, which was more than an average human.

Typically, people who had never touched magic would only have 1 point in magical power, which is completely useless.

"That is some amazing talent you have there, but still, don't become too arrogant!" Vincent commented with a broad smile. "Would you like to join the mage department?" He asked, still having the broad smile.

"Yes!" Was the answer from Jasmine as she showed a bright smile while looking towards Gary.

Gary could not do anything but smile back wryly, as he felt all of the young men's gazes turn towards him again with some killing intent.

"Good, go join the others and wait for the next exam!" Vincent said, looking at the bright smile of the young princess. 'She is definitely a prime candidate for being my disciple!' He thought to himself as Jasmine joined the group of people to the side.

"Next one…" He continued with the exam after thinking that.

All of the rest of the young people at the plaza tested themselves now; no one stood out really, as they were all quite average.

The only one left to take the magic crystal test was Gary. This only made him stand out even more, as he stood alone with all of the attention.

"Last up, Gary Kingston" Vincent yelled out as he looked at the last boy on the plaza.

Gary started to walk up toward the magic crystal. He had never really thought of his talent in magic because his intelligence had never really been high.

He had always focused on his physical abilities, not really caring about the magical arts.

But now that he stood here, going to test his magical talent, he was quite nervous. He wanted a good result, even though he still wanted to be a martial artist.

Arriving in front of the crystal, Vincent gestured for Gary to take hold if the crystal, and so he did.

As soon as he did, he felt a weird feeling he had never felt before. He felt something was sucking his energy; it was sucking from deep within his body.

It was neither pleasant nor unpleasant, but he knew it wasn't bad, so he just let it be."Whaaaaat?!?" Seeing the result in front of them, no one could believe it as Vincent yelled out this one word.