
Unparalleled versatile entity

Magic is all around you if only you'd open your eyes to see...... Elias founds himself in a new world of swords and magic overwhelmed with fantasy, he was given a second chance to relive his life without regrets. Elias chooses Neither to be the hero or the villain, he chooses to follow the regular pattern where the strong prey on the weak, the rich controls the poor and the blessed dominates the wretched.

prynex · 奇幻
29 Chs

New body

<The royal palace of the human kingdom of Diastreia.

A man and a woman could be seen discussing a serious matter at hand as they sat opposite each other on the extremely large dinning table which was completely beautified with several dishes of mouth watering meals.

The man had a blond short hair, with the average face of a a late thirty years old man, he wore a golden robe adorned with several precious stones complimented with a crown representing royalty, he was no other person that king Julius the third of the great kingdom Diastreia.

Sitting opposite him was like the most beautiful woman ever to walk the face of the world, she had long silver hairs, striking blue pupils with a light fair complexion and a curvy figure, she wore a silver gown with a trace of gold dust. She was the queen and the wife of Julius.

"It's settled then, our little boy can't be left untrained, if he had already been trained he wouldn't have suffered that incident." The king said to the queen who was putting on a worried look as her eyebrows were slightly raised.

"Neil is still to young, he's only five years.... We could simply station guards around him."

"No! you don't understand, as a prince he must learn to be independent, take his older sister for example, she had already started training at the age if six, seeing he's a boy he should be able to do better." The king said using his first child and only daughter as a reference.

She was hailed as the genius of Diastreia already powerful magic at the age of ten, she could easily outmatch D rank Mages. She had great affinity for ice that she was already given the nickname the snow queen.

"Noel is different, don't forget how she came about....as for Neil alright! but I'll only agree on the condition that I'll bring a teacher who would educate him on the basics of magic first."

<Meanwhile at Neil's room

Elias realized that he was now in the body of Neil, a five year old human Prince who was recently In a comma after being attacked by a strange monster. He stared at himself once again as he took a deep sigh. "Why do my new body has to be this weak?"

<All skills have been fully integrated into the soul of the host. Unique skill: weapon mastery level 5(max)(title: war god): gives you the profound knowledge of the usage and experience to wield all weapons in contact or sight.

<Unique skill: magic creation level 5(max) (title: wise sage): With Certain understanding one could create any spell or magical technique In mind, one could also easily learn any magic he has affinity for and easily modify them lastly one could use wordless casting.

<unique skill: Universal Affinity level 5(max) (title: great sage): The host permanently has affinity over all element and magic, he could also freely control the nine basic element: fire, water, wind, earth, Ice, poison, shadow, darkness and light..After forming the elemental ball of the particular element.

<dragonic unique skill: Dominance level 3: with the pressure of a dragon, he could suppress the will and dominate any being weaker than him, if maxed out it could even affect those stronger than him.

<dragonic unique skill:dragons breath level 3: The signature technique of dragons, their devastating hot flame if magic that could turn worlds to ashes if mastered to the peak.

<dragonic unique skill: dragon shift level 3: give the host the ability to shift into the dragon form temporarily, in this form mana cannot be exhausted, magical attributes is greatly enhanced and no physical damage is taken, but it only last for one minute, he could also freely modify body parts to that of a dragon without limitation, if maxed out one could easily shift into a full dragon for eternity.

<Demonic unique skill: Menace level 3: if he can inflict fear on a target or if the target already fees him, he could claim the lives of those weaker than him without moving an inch, if maxed out it could also affect those stronger than him and on a large scale.

<Demonic unique skill: Death flame level 3: A never ending flame that consumes a target to ashes, the flames affects the soul directly and do affects only living thing, when the soul is burnt the body turns to ashes. If maxed out the backlash of continuous using is lifted and little mana is expended.

<Demonic unique skill: Demon shift level 3

give the host the ability to shift into the demon form temporarily, in this form strength or stamina cannot be exhausted, physical attributes is greatly enhanced and no magical damage is taken, but it only last for one minute, he could also freely modify body parts to that of a demon without limitation, if maxed out one could easily shift into a full demon for eternity.

<Demonic dragon unique skill: death eye level 1(LOCKED)

<Demonic dragon unique skill: Internal inferno level 1 (LOCKED)

<Demonic dragon unique skill: Demon dragon shift level 1(LOCKED)

Elias processed multiple information at once as he felt a tingly sensation on his head, all memories intertwined as he felt an excruciating pain.


The chief butter of the royal palace 'Vander' hurriedly ran towards the dinning room carrying a bad news to the two royalties, with heavy footsteps slowly approaching the king and queen had to look at the direction it came


"My king, my queen...bad news, the young master has been screaming in pain inside his room, I have sent for a team of medical mages, he seems to be half conscious on his bed." Vander let the cat out of the bag as immediately the king and queen left for their son's room.

"Neil, Neil!!!" The queen shouted but as they came neared to the room, the screams of his son slowly died down. They where all surprised to see Neil standing on his own looking at the mirror, he looked so puzzled but no one knew why.

"Neil you're awake!"

Elias had the instinct to turn to the lady who called out for Neil.

"That's right! that's my name, this is my mother, my father and the chief butler and it turns out I'm royalty too, good start."

"Neil are you alright my son?" The king asked hurriedly walking to his son before kneeling down to his level while holding his hand. "Yes father! I'm perfectly fine." Neil said looking a little bit tired as the change in his body had wore him down.

"But how, the doctor said you won't be unconscious for six months and it's only be one week?" The king asked not expecting an answer, his mother soon joined in the discussion patting her son on the head. "You need to rest, your wounds have not yet healed."

"Like I said, i'm perfectly fine." Neil said loosing the bandages on his lower abdomen and his chest only to reveal a fresh scarless skin, it was as if there was never an injury there before.

"It's a miracle, I told you my son was blessed..... look how flawless he is, just like me." His father cred in excitement lifting him up in his arms swinging him as if he was paper weight. "This.....this is annoying, isn't he supposed to be a king or what, he's the real child between the two of us." Just as Neil was in a state of thought, he felt a dark presence in the room as the healing mages accompanied by the doctor who had treated him walked In.

"Huh!" The head doctor was left speechless as the glasses in his eyes fell off.

"This man stinks of evil, his heart isn't even clean, he's completely tainted with darkness and baptized in corruption... Those looks in his eyes, it's as if he wants me dead."

Just then a tingling sensation in his head followed by the feminine voice that had been speaking to him frequently.

< His greed for power has corrupted his soul and turned him into a half fallen. He was responsible for your accident and also planned to kill you after.

"Why is this boy awake, when I heard he was screaming in pain, I was happy that I had to come check for my self if he was about to die.... This!...what's this. Look at his disgusting face staring at me." The doctor could make up something from the movement of Neil's lips. "Run!"

I'm finding it hard to crosscheck my works, so if you find an error, please write it down on the paragraph comment.

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