
Unlucky Reincarnator

THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING A NOVEL AND ENGLISH IS NOT FORTE. I died. I met God. I got 5 wishes. Go to fanfic world. Everything's good... except... Where in the Anime or Novel I am?????

Remg · 漫画同人
28 Chs

Easy cultivation and first noble phantasm

**Alexander's POV**

-- Thirty minutes ago --


' Who the hell disturb my sleep!!!...Arghh..I was ready to attac...hmmm...I mean to help my Sister Xiu...but someone dared to disturb me...'

' Ehhh where am I?...hmm oh right I was in {HANGING GARDEN OF BABYLON } and cultivating but...isn't to early for me to finished?...in novels some cultivator takes month or years to cultivate...but for me... don't tell that I don't have talent in cultivation!!

As soon as I come up with my own answer and not caring of what the reason does the sound came from. A blue wisp suddenly appeared and greet me.

SS: { Glad your back from cultivation Master }

As I heard my system's congratulatory word to me, I got pissed of.

Alexander: Well I'm not glad, it seems that I don't have talent in cultivation.

SS: { ERROR... ERROR...the System can't understand Master's dissatisfaction,vwith your physic and cultivation technique Master cultivation will be easy. I suggest for Master to check his Status. }

Alexander: Status

On what appeared in front of makes me re think, does cultivation really hard ?

Name : Alexander Cross

Age : 18


Physic : Ancient God Body

Cultivation Technique : Ancient Void Technique

Cultivation Rank : Middle Void Realm ( I changed MAHAYANA to VOID )


Passive Skill : Nine Lives

Skill : None


Alex : System how come I reached this realm by short amount of time??..

SS: { It was because of energies that Master are using to cultivate. The other cultivators are using one energy which is QI. QI is one of a few type energy, but Master can use all type of energy to cultivate that's why Master can cultivate faster than all cultivators. }

SS: [ And it's already four months when Master started to cultivate ]

Alexander: So that's why...and why do I feel like it just an hour?

SS : [ Because of Master high intelligence, you can take enlightment everytime you cultivate and this where your body become unconscious to sorounding. ]

Alexander : High intelligence??...you're kidding me right?? I can't even cultivate without you!!

SS: [ Because Sage System is part of Master, we serve as Master's brain ]

Alexander : Hoo so it's like that... Then does it mean if I cultivate another months I can breakthrough Heavenly Tribulation??

SS : [ Sage System does not recommend for Master to cultivate, because Master use all different types of energy, your more powerful than normal cultivator...By calculating Master base power, you can fight a cultivator one rank above yours. ]

SS : [ If Master cultivate again and take an enlightment again, the system don't know when you will wake up again. Master is lucky to get disturb by the two Early Heavenly Tribulation beast, if not Master will already ascend to upper world. ]

Alexander : Wait... there's an upper world?

SS: [ Yes Master, this are the realm of low rank gods ]

Alexander : Hmm maybe someday I'll try to go there...you said there's a Heavenly Tribulation beast fighting...let me watch it first.

As soon as I step outside the throne room, I look tens of miles away from here is a two giant ape and snake-like dragon fighting...it seems that all my instincts are enhanced to a ridiculous level...so this is the power of Early Heavenly Tribulation, if they outside this world and rampage, destroying a city is just a matter of minutes.

Smokes that rising up in the sky, burned forest, missing mountains and giant craters.

The system told me that I can fight one rank above me but seriously seeing their monstrous power makes my legs jelly, caus I was just a mortal four months ago ( two hours outside ).

Ummmm...isn't that dragon that tried to chase me. Damnit... I'll get my revenge now for scaring me four months ago...I'll just use a long range phatasm, if I can't kill it I'll just return to fortress.

Wait... how can I fly??...hey system help me how to levitate using QI.

-- a few minutes later --

Hahaha...so this how it feels like to fly...haha..i feel that I can race with a jet fighter..

Yosh...it seems that they're to focus in their fight that they didn't detect me ten kilometres away...What weapon should I choose...nahh I'll use the "sure to kill " weapons, even I can't kill that dragon I'm sure I can injure with this


Alexander flew of the two beast and stop ten kilometres away from battlefield. After that a golden ripple appear on his right side and a weapon that should not exist in this world appeared.

The king tells that this sword is his most powerful weapon that contained in the { GATE OF BABYLON } unlike his other nameless weapon. It's an odd shaped weapon that a normal style of sword should possess. The grip of it is the same length of the blade of a longsword. The section of that should contain a blade differs from a normal form of edge weapon. The blade itself and the tip of sword spun in a spiral shape, drill-shaped pillar made up of three independently rotating segments, engraved with red markings that spin around the blade.

As Alexander drew the weapon and enchant the words to release the power of sword. The air around became deadly, space are begin to cut. Red lighting came out of the sword that crawl to his body as the three spiral blades began to rotate in different directions and the blade started to gather a ridiculous amount of energy.

-- "I shall offer this one strike as the ceremony not separation!"

"I speak of the beginning. Heaven and earth are divided and nothingness celebration of nothingness.

My sword of Rupture rends the world apart."

"The vortex that turn the stars, this heavenly hell signifies the end of the eve of genesis, Subside with


"Enuma Elish!"

From the tip of the red ball of energy created and shot in the direction of the beast, as the red laser beam travel towards them it erased everything on its path. When the red laser beam hit them, they can't even retaliate and die.

The red laser beam didn't stop there and continue who knows how many miles until Alexander heard a loud of explosion far away from him.

Seeing the destructive displayed by the sword makes his mouth agape.