
Unluckiest Souls Reversed Fate

A soul who has been wondering the halls of judgement for decades has his fate changed? Traval with Kalor , The unlucky soul , whose fate changed when a reaper accidentally threw him through a damaged door of judgement to fall into the universe to get him moving but... instead gave him life on the whim.

DARKSIDERrider · 奇幻
5 Chs

Tell me that 2 soul bonding is not enough

(Earlier in the Night)

Amidst the silent night, Kalor had a look through the memorys he possessed to understand this world better.

For example: their languages, customs , traditions, normalitys exetra...

But, A chilling gaze woke him from his stupor;

"Whos there?!"Kalor tried to identify the owner of this petrifying gaze.

Quiet tapings on the dusted floor echoed as this shadowy figure slowly inched itself towards him.

'What i am is not important... but what is my duty to fix this mistake i caused so now forgive but i will be in your care.' Without a voice, seemingly in his head or soul?

Kalor slowly nodded his head at this shadowy being agreeing to the beings demand.

'This reminds of that time in the judgement halls, the shadowy spirits?'

After a few moments of silence, the being slowly turned into a dark beam that entered his head.

'Now that is over, my name is Yurislafatika and i will be here to moniter you, but don't fear, your given freewill, until your dead offcourse.'

The same mysterious voice said again with a touch of femininity.

'As you mortal came through space and ended up here i am the executer of someones will who wished me to monitor and help in your predictment.'

Out of thin air,A shadowy scroll fell into Kalors lap.

'I know you have many other questions but lets safe them for later, this here is a judgement scroll or also known as the life reading scroll which records important facts about your title,body,state,powers and other talents you possess so have a look Kalor...'

With his thoughts slowly clearing, Kalor picked it up with his remaining hand and attempted to silently read it until...

'O i forgot something hehe... this scroll is modified for you to understand it better...'

Interpreting that message as mockery, Kalor prepared himself for it and read...


Title : Kalor Zen Havelt

State: Material , mortal , injured

Unique traits: Epiphany , Eastarn

swordsmanship , inventor

Power ratings in judgement of humans:

Strength:5 Dexterity:5 Agilty:5 Endurance:5

Intelligence:20 Wisdom:8 Spirit:0

Skills : ...


'Why is this game like??' Kalor thought to himself,

'As a Mortal from a world where your 'gaming' reached a high standard, 'they' have decided to put it in this manner according to 'them' as it would be easier for you to comprehend...' Did the voice reply until...

'OK-AY, Yuri!!!' Did Kalor voice his internal opinion, hoping to ignore her.

'*Exhales* Ok... now i will explain myself and the cause of why this happened and why i am inside of you currently, so it began with...'



Kalor prepared himself to get up while remembering last nights deep conversation

'So simply a fit spirit reaper chick woman thing is in my head or body... well ... i hope nothing goes wrong today.'

Kalor changed into the travallars atire left by his bed, Many would not even belief or notice him for Royalty in this.

"Welp..Time to get some money...or an arm?"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Also im planning to write a few more chapters and i hope i can get a review by the end of it as i wish to carry on but also wish for others to see it.


DARKSIDERridercreators' thoughts