

                      Ryan obviously didn't want to deal with the people there. They were too much of a pain. Not to mention, it was too tiresome for him not to punch Daniel every time they met, now that he was sure that he could win any fight against him with his fists alone.

"They won't trust us unless you do that much. They will think that we are planning something, that is why you should go," Isis said. "I won't force you, though. However, I am pretty sure that they have a better opinion of you since the elder gods' troops aren't causing trouble all over the world anymore and considering that you went to face Odin to protect them."

"Like I care," Ryan said. "I was only worried about Arthur and Zoe. Come to think of it, it is about time for me to change this mindset… I am not their guardian, and they are already strong enough to protect themselves."