
unlighted mystery

The novel unlighted mystery is started after Clara Eyre birth after a meeting with aera Norton her life started to suddenly change the sudden change made her mother , close friend aera vanish from her life .while founding about her close friend she fall in love with her colleague Matt Harker but in her fate he is not for her.Clara found out everything with Edward Norton who is stalking her since she is child.At the same time Edward Norton twin brother Stephan Norton also falls for Clara slowly Edward Norton also falls for Clara Eyre the love triangle made Clara Eyre life hard. I wish this novel will bring the mystery you need- aerasydney

aerasydney · 奇幻言情
42 Chs


Clara became terrified she thought thief is here to Robb the things,Clara didn't make any sound because the thief will kill her if she shout for any help so Clara kept silent.then the thief went close to Clara he touched her hair

" What a busy human!"Said the thief . Clara started to sweat. She was afraid the thief did not know that she was awake.

" Too busy with sleeping you know one thing busy human I am not a human, being a monster it's hurt a lot your sleeping without fear and free but I can't able to sleep like you aahh previous month I think you shouted in beach that you hates a lot to be human you wants to be a air I heard that your so funny I wants to know about you what is the thing that is bothering you okay sleep well like this , eat well and don't cry to that things happened in past " said the thief then he vanished from that room Clara stunned she did not moved a bit she slept with fear morning clara mother called her because she did not came downstairs for breakfast ,Clara woke up with a terrible face she checked everything nothing is missing but there is a broken watch under the bed she was afraid to touch the watch but she took the watch while closing her eyes . Clara looked at the watch for a while she found that is smart watch , Clara thought in that watch have any information about the thief then she kept that in her backpack for repair .Clara got ready for the school she went downstairs to eat but she was late to school so her mother gave a strawberry juice to drink while she was in the school bus .clara did not drink the juice at school bus , she went to class room aera said hi to her she did not reply to her aera kept silent then Clara went close to aera

" I am sorry I was thinking about yesterday night" but Aera did not reply to her

" Why can't you ask what happened yesterday night? While I was sleeping there was a man standing at my room door. He said something about me. I don't know who he is but he left his watch under my bed that was a broken smart watch, " added Clara smoothly.

" What happened? What watch Are you okay " asked impatiently.

"I am okay I planned to repair the watch after school can we go together" aera nodded her head .the class started as usually the two listened the teacher sincerely,the school ended aera called her maid and told that I will be late for school Clara showed the watch to Her ,Aera while looking at the she stunned and became silent then they went together to the repair shop Clara showed the watch to the shopper he checked the watch and said that he need 1 day to repair and collect the watch tomorrow. Clara said okay and went to bus stop while walking

" Why did you see that watch before?" asked Clara .

" No why I didn't saw that watch before then bye"said aera.Clara went home she keep think about yesterday night she checked her room one more time and founded a ring also she stunned

"What the hell happened yesterday oh god " she muttered to herself. She started to look at the ring and founded that is platinum Clara went downstairs and

"Mom did you missed any ring at my room " asked her mother , but she said no then clara went upstairs she sat on the desk table then Clara thought to wear that ring

"Oh this ring is perfect for my finger is this my ring aah whatever I am very tired".Clara slept at the desk table it's nearly 1 am Clara phone was ringing she woke up silently then she saw the mask man thief who came yesterday she closed her eyes but still her phone was ringing the mask man switched off the phone then he came close to Clara " where is my watch did you took that don't try to find me understand that will harm for you so be careful understand bye and one more think the ring is for you keep that safely if you miss this then uffff"

Said the mask man .He disappear like yesterday she woke up after he went Clara was afraid she went downstairs to drink water she heard some noises that coming from her parents room

Clara's father: " I prepared the documents just sign tomorrow you don't need to move on I am going to move from this "

Clara's mother : " why at least Clara shake wait for at least two years I am begging you please"

Clara's father : " Now sign after two years we can make a move"

Clara's mother believed him and signed the divorce paper. Clara went upstairs with a tearfully eyes," why only me did I do anything wrong or my mother did anything wrong she went sleep with that tearful eyes when she wake up on her right side she saw some wet tissues and chocolates

" I didn't brought this then how did this came here " she ate the chocolates and went downstairs she saw her mother was crying

" What happened, mom did dad leave this house " Clara asked .

" How did you know that my child abandoned us with this house? " her mother said while crying. Clara didn't cry hugged her mother and said

"Are you okay mom we can live without him don't cry let's start our day I didn't wants to go school today mom but I have one work I will be home in two hours don't cry take care of you " .mother nodded her head she went to the repair shop to collect smart watch she collected the watch and went home early she saw her mother was unconscious she woke up her with water but she did not came to conscious she checked her vitals but there is none she became afraid.Clara searched for her phone to call ambulance but she heard some ambulance sirens sound the ambulance asked her did she called them she said yes because her mother is unconscious . Clara went hospital

"While in the ambulance she died, I am sorry, " the doctor said. Clara, stunned, started to cry after an hour they handed over her mother's body . She called her grandparents and uncle to inform them that her mother had died . Clara grandparents took care of her mother funeral she didn't went school for a Month so aera called her " hey what happened why you didn't came school for a month is there anything happened" asked aera angrily.

" Mom mom died ...."she started to cry aera don't know what to say

" Are you okay? Is there anyone with you? '' asked Aera .

" I said I want to be alone so don't call me for a week please" she disconnected the Phone and switched off her phone . She went her mother house she saw the same ring that she took from her bed Clara take that ring with her and cried aloud

"What in the world happened to you mom if I stayed with you that at you will be with me now that's all my fault I am sorry mom "She slept at her mother's room sharp 1 am the mask man came to her mother's room he went close to Clara opened her eyes

" Don't go stay here please did you know that my mom is going to die tell me please mask man " asked Clara . "Mm i know that's why I called an ambulance and one more thing I am not mask man my name is Edward you can call me edi then I am going bye " mask man said.

" so your name is Edward what is your age " asked Clara impatiently

" I am nineteen years old for you. Don't cry , eat well , sleep well and don't think too much bye no more questions please then finish your school I can't come here for a ten months bye " Edward went after Clara let him go . After a month she slept peacefully , Clara got ready for school

" Mom, I am ready, is there breakfast ready.... ``She realised that mom was gone after a minute Clara went to school after a sigh. Clara saw aera is sleeping at her table

" boo hi " Clara said with a brightest voice .aera started to hit her

" Where have you been this day are you okay " said aera with a sadly tone

" I am okay what about you everything is like a dream bad dream uff " said like a soulless

" Forget everything like a bad dream. I am sorry dear " said Aera . Clara looked something in her bag she took out the smart watch

" He is Edward, he came yesterday, " said Clara. Aera looked like doomed

" Did you know him? " added impatiently Clara.

" No I am going suddenly I feel ill bye ". Aera packed her backpack quickly. She dropped her strawberry juice bottle at the same time Clara dropped her strawberry juice bottle then the two swiped their strawberry juices aera went home Clara stayed at school.