
140 Kitty's Artwork

"If you are being serious than I want to see them!!!! I would love to see all of your other works. I am your number one fan!" Brielle was happy that she finally got to meet the artist that painted her the artwork she fell in love with. 

"Okay, we need to go to the moving truck out front and pull out the two containers. I know which ones they are, and I will need you to carry them into the house for me. That is if you don't mind?" Kitty asks before assuming Brielle will do it. 

Brielle stands up quickly and walks to the doorway. "If that is the only requirement I can and will gladly do it!"

Kitty giggles and gets up walking to the doorway her tail swayed slightly with each step catching Brielle's eye. Kitty watches her expression, "you look like you found a new target."