

I stare at her stunned. Kazuha really misunderstood everything. I do not want her husband. I don't want Jaehyun to break up his marriage for me.

"Samantha you are really a snake!" She shouts. "You pretended to be a sweet and kind woman but behind that facade you were a lying snake!"

"Please calm down! I don't know what the hell you're even talking about!" 

"You are trying to steal my husband!"

I shake my head in disbelief. "Who told you such a huge lie? I am not after your husband! I don't want anything from Jaehyun!"

She scoffs and pulls out a pictures throwing it in my face. To my horror it was pictures of Jaehyun and I back in Korea.

"What do you have to say Now? Will you continue acting innocent?"

"This is the past! Jaehyun and I don't have anything together anymore!"