
Unknown Gift I Got In Fictional Universe Made Me OP!

He always had a truly terrifying luck around him. However one day, he died saving a child. However that wasn't the end. Since his death was not something the universe expected, it gave him a chance. He is allowed to choose or random choose one gift. and got one extra as a service. After he randomly chose one, he was sent to the universe of anime and movies. there he saw that his gifts are.... _______________________________________ The characters from each anime and movies are not mine. I'm just borrowing them for some fun. Also, he sometimes go to other universe to pass the time during each world main events. It won't be the worlds given below. Though if you have any recommendations, just comment the latest chapter! Though I won't be using their characters that often, they will still be in the story. Thanks for reading! _______________________________________ World's : 1.) One Piece (Currently!) 2.) Tensura 3.) ??? 4.) DxD 5.) ??? Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from these anime,series or movies. The only thing I own is my own characters, (OC)

Mad_Crazer · 漫画同人
61 Chs

Chapter - 58 [ Plans! ]

Sensing with his powers, Ash found that Nami has been healed. And now Luffy was about invite chopper to travel with them. Howear wapol came and the fight started. Ash teleported hear kureha startling old woman. But seeing his smile as he observed their fight, she relaxed.

After fighting for a long time, Luffy firally threw wapol away with a punch. Luffy who saw Ash ran towards him happily introduong Chopper.

But the reindeer refused saying he's a monster. Ash said,

"I have the power to turn you into a human, Chopper."

This made the reindeer and Kureha doubt him. But Luffy and Co. Said,

"It's true. Ash is so strong, you know?"

As Chopper looked at Ash with Hope, He said,

"But I won't do it. At least not now."


"Because your feelings are different, Chopper."

Chopper wanted to refute. But Ash continued,

"Travel with Luffy and the others and wait. At a later date, when I ask you, if then you still wants to become a human, I'll gladly help you."

After saying that, he teleported away. His words was the reason for Chopper to join Luffy and the others for now. Besides, Luffy and the others accepted his identity as a monster.

Everything else was like the same in the canon. Chopper followed everyone leaving behind Kureha, even though she was fine with it.

When they were leaving, Kureha gave Chopper the present of Sakura blossom just like his predecessor, his late father said.

Chopper cried like a child for so long. But when Ash told him there are laser cannons in Merry, he was happy that he forgot about everything else.

"So princess, shall we go save your country?"

She was so elated that she cried a little before nodding.

"By the way, you all already know that i can see future a little, right?"

Evryone nodded. Ash continued,

"From the future I saw, princess, you and your country will be in danger even if we save you from crocodile..."

This made Vivi and Igaram look stunned.

"What do you mean, Ash?"

Nami asked with a slight nervousness.

"Alabasta have a Poneglyph under the royal palace, I told you, right? The world goverment is also searching for it. So, when they finds that it was under a kingdom which was also under the alliance till now, they will become enemies with you. Although not now, in the future after two years, a Reverie will be held in Marijoe. At that time, you and your father will go together, and your father will finds about some secrets that the world goverment is trying to hide. So, he questions the elders, which will eventually get him killed. But on the outside, it will be announced as a murder done by pirates..."

Vivi fell to her knees with tears in her eyes. Even if she can't believe his future prediction, she at least trusted him. So how can she not at least consider such a future...?

"Is there no other way?"

Igaram who understood the seriousness asked.

"There is a way."

Both Igaram and Vivi opened their eyes wide as Ash continued.

"I can make a barrier that covers the entire Alabasta. No one can leave, nor can enter. It will be an indestructible barrier. Of course I can enter. Only those who I allow can also enter. As for the condition is you will have to leave yourself from World Government's Rule. Ah, and you don't have to worry. Even if the five elders decided to act, they can't do anything to the barrier. As for trading purposes... I can help you with the problem of water and food production. Simply, you have to abandon Protection from the world goverment. That's all."

This made everyone surprised and wonder. How strong was he?

"When we reach your home, I'll talk to your father about it."

Robin asked,

"How much do you know about the world goverment?"

Ash shrugged and said,

"Almost everything? For example, CP0 to CP9, Five Elders, and there's one more. But it is not important now..."

But Ash waved to Robin to come forward. She did so, and he whispered,

"Do you know about the throne of the world?"

She nodded.

"Then do you know that no one is supposed to sit on it?"

"Yes. It is the power given by the countries of alliance. So, just one person can't represent that power. So, yeah, I know about that."

Ash smirked and said,

"But there is someone sitting on that throne now... The direct superior of Five Elders, King/Queen of the world."

Robin's eyes widened marginally. She couldn't believe such a thing.

"Are you serious?"

"Dead serious. Well, you will know in the future."

Robin was astonished. She nodded with a more grave face. Everyone who saw this understood whatever he mentioned to her wasn't a good thing.

"Then, Luffy, your fight against Crocodile will be very hard. But there is a catch. Crocodile is a sand man. His only weaknesses are Haki and Moisture. None of you have Haki so forget about it. The next easiest way is to use water. Not just sea water. Any type of liquids can be used. If his body is moisturized, he will be vulnerable. So, use your brain for this fight, okay?"

Luffy nodded with a determined expression. Vivi asked,

"Are you not going to fight?"

"Me? If i fought it will be over even before he can transform. Rather, I have even more interesting job. And Vivi, your job is to stop the rebels. As for the bombs prepared by Boroque Works, I'll leave it to you Sanji, Zoro. I will be taking care of the rain issue and talking with the king. My group will also be coming as a insurance with you. But they will not fight unless any of you are in danger."

That said, D and Merry began to move towards Alabasta very fastly. Thanks to his modification, even Navy ships are slow compared to Merry. Besides there was booster jets in case they need to escape.

On the way, they had to fight some Billions and Millions, the agents of Boroque Works. And Ash was again in his workshop. Although he could have created It easily, he wanted to make it by hands.

The Barrier Core. He was planning something like the Barrier that the church used to kill Rimuru's friends. Four cores throughout the land. Together they form an impenetrable and indestructible barrier. It used Spatial Element crystal as the core, and made some security measures such as DNA assessment. Only Those with the royal family bloodline, or himself can enter or leave the barrier. Even if someone wants to enter, they will need permission. That was why, he is planning on making four super Robots capable of defeating anyone, but sole purpose is to guard the security of the cores. Not weapons for Alabasta.

It took him more than two hours to finish. Of course with the time dilation domain. After he was finished, there was four robots with strongest meterial that this world cannot analyse or make, a brain only capable of having the program to protect the cores. It can't learn or lose to any threat in the world.

He named them with the numbers 1,2,3,4 to make it easier to call. Their code was AV with the numbers. He gave extra commanding authority to Vivi, even higher than her father.