
Chapter 20(the gift)

Reincarnation Realm

It has been a long while since Pangary started working in the reincarnation realm. Little by little, he clipped the hierarchy, and now he was directly under Themis.

He took little time to learn the local language. He, as a soul god, could easily spot the soul's intent of the judge people while they talk to him in their broken "olde" english, so he only have to pachup things together.

Even if he answered them in the fairy language they could easily understand as he clearly express the soul intent behind his words. He became a lot stronger as he learned more about souls.

Themis was such a perfect being in his eyes, with breathtaking beauty, admirable wisdom, great seriousness at work, being quite respectful, commendable, an inspiring leader, honorable, virtuous, boundless kindness...Briefly, he was in love with her.

The fair judge species have an interesting tradition when one asks the other for a date, they do this by giving them a gift, the type of gift, may vary from a self-made handicraft, with local material, to taking the other's shifts...

Pangary wanted his present to Themis to be special. He has heard from his sisters and brothers, through the communication channel of the gods meet, a lot about their travels in the mortal realm. One thing that intrigued him was the pets that the mortals raised.

Especially the variants wolf-dogs, cat-leopards, cat-civets, cat-hyaenas, and cat-mongooses that the emberhumans raised as pets, since the demigod's era. The first variant came from dogs, and has several subspecies, that behaves like a dog, but seems more like wolves, and live at least a century. The rest came from cats, which seem like the second species names in them, and have the same rebellious nature as cats.

Both are to Pangary interesting because they usually group up to become strong enough to protect their owners. But, Pangary takes an interest in both normal cats and dogs at the same time. Taking care of them may be a troublesome experience for some. But both dogs and cats have something that attracted people to them. Dogs have commendable loyalty, while cats have an entertaining free-spirit nature.

Though, raising cats or dogs in the foodless reincarnation real would not be the wisest of decisions. The absence of food there is not a problem for the fair judges specie, as they do not need to eat food, and most find eating a boring activity.

Based on this problem, Pangary decided to create a specie fit to live in the reincarnation realm. He could not create a physical body, maybe with my help, but he seems to find it too troublesome to ask. So he created a being that was only a living soul and did not need a body.

Why did he want to create a pet? He give the impression that he felt that queen Themis, was a bit solitary with her working tendencies, so he made it to help somehow.

First, he thought of merging cats' and dogs' designs to give the living soul form, but he concluded that this appearance might become strange. He made it have a default appearance that varies a lot from individual to individual.

They may communicate with others of their specie truly touching each other's soul and reproducing with each other the same way, after which a soul fragment may grow to become another being.

Though they can also release fragments of their soul alone, that also will grow to form new beings. They can also grow gradually stronger by absorbing supernatural energies. He gave the specie the same free-spirit nature as cats and the loyalty of dogs. He names the specie Soon-ok.

Pangary created only one from this specie, for now, and it has a dragon-like form and was born quite strong, to protect Themis. 'Not that she, one of the first three gods, needed protection, but just in case...' was probably Pangary thought. He spent all his divine energy to create this soul, and he was exhausted, but he still held on.

"Cwen Themis, Ic would lufast to ascian thee to agan eac mec." said Pangary meaning 'your majesty Themis, I would like to ask you to go out with me.' and gave her his gift.

"Ic sehtnes, Pangary." Themis said, meaning 'I accept, Pangary'.

"But ærest, Ic would pro efengelic to namian ðætte cute wafung."Ended her, meaning 'but first, I would like to name this cute thing.'

"Thyn name shalt be Qinglong."

"Êow sêman beswincan. Onhwerfan swefan. Ic pro spr¯æc attain êower smoc." she concluded meaning"you seem exhausted. Go rest. I will take your shift."

"ðafian hnot macian ðês geond dimf b¯æm belâdung oð overworking hrædlic ." shouted Pangary worried, meaning"no. Do not use this as an excuse for overworking again".

After Pangary recovered, their date started.