
Known act Unknown

Stephanie: dude! You... Really horrified me. Atleast you should tell me before you go anywhere and your phone ? Where you drop it?

Luna: sorry steph that I make you worried because of me actually I need to visit my one of the friends the time you called my phone was dead and I don't have any charger and her was not working on mine.

And I need to stay near her as she needs me urgently. I hope you won't be angry with me . If you wish I can make it up to you !!!

Stephanie: fine then pick me up by tomorrow 12:00 pm and don't be late I want you to meet someone.

Luna: okay madam . I will be right at your service.

And they both chuckels...

Call ends.

Luna came in her balcony:

Luna sings the song she use to sing only when she was deeply hurt and almost wished to die... And that time Hyun was also passing through that

She was singing:

I was listenin' to the ocea

I saw a face in the sand

But when I picked it up

Then it vanished away from my hands, da