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The class ended faster than my internal monologue. I was cooking up a strategy to avoid people's questions when the bell rang. It was unfortunate, but I scratched the unfinished idea off. Just like what they did during lunch, my curious classmates were making their way toward me. It irked me to no end that they didn't get discouraged easily. I mean, I had ignored them during lunch when they bombarded me with questions.
Read the atmosphere, damn it!
Huh. I felt attacked somehow. People used to tell me that. I could read the atmosphere, mind you. I could tell when it was time for me to nope the hell out. If I did something that made you exclude me from the conversation, that was what I wanted. Mere mortals wouldn't be able to understand my profound train of thought.
Okay, that sounded a little bit stuck up. Anyway, packing my things, I stood up and walked to the door. I heard Yui call my name, but I pretended not to hear. I felt a little bit betrayed that she left me to fend for myself during lunch. She could have invited me for the sake of formality. I needed that as an alibi.
A bag hit me on the back. Granted, I could barely feel it, but imagine the possibilities. Yui might develop a grudge against me and hit me with a break someday. I wouldn't die, but I didn't want to get hit by a brick. I needed to put a stop to her bad habit. I couldn't let her get any funny ideas.
"Why didn't you listen to my call, Hikki? I thought you no longer minded waiting for me in the class."
Turning around, I faced the pouting Yui with a quirked eyebrow.
"Sorry. The music was too loud," I apologized sincerely.
"You are not even wearing headphones!" she retorted with an offended look.
"I was until I got out of the classroom."
Yui raised her finger, pointed it at me, and then gaped like a goldfish. Her poor little brain went short-circuit, unable to think of a comeback. That didn't stop her fist from hitting me, unfortunately. I seriously needed to ask her if she had an unsettled grudge against me. I had never been left battered, but she attempted battery on me every day.
After she had enough of abusing me, we walked to the clubroom. I got more stares than before, but they disappeared the moment we entered the old building which was where the clubroom was located. I felt normal again. I had never expected to say it, but being popular sucked. I still preferred it over being the resident's weirdo like Zaimokuza, though.
Knock! Knock!
"Excuse us!"
"Yahallo, Yukinon!"
"Good afternoon, Yui-san."
I raised my hand in a greeting, eliciting a disapproving look from Yukino. I knew that expression well.
"I guess it is hard to expect a positive change from an inherently corrupted being such as yourself. How hard is it to properly give a greeting, Hachiman-kun?" Yukino said in distaste with a playful look in her eyes.
"Wait, wait, why do I feel more insult coming from your second sentence?" I asked, pointing out the way she called my name.
"My name is not an insult, Yuki-Onna!"
Yukino blinked her eyes in surprise. I quirked my eyebrow curiously before realizing that I had never called her that before. A smirk crept up my face. Yukino's face soon mimicked mine. We chuckled and then settled down. I sat beside Yui, sandwiching her between me and Yukino.
A moment later, Yukino served us tea. I took out my laptop and began to work. Reading the complaints from the employees was an interesting experience, to say the least. Instead of addressing the matter that bothered them at work, they complained about their private lives. Sometimes, I wondered if they were messing with me.
I felt so wrong when I got to know your age. We are apart, but not that far. Even so, the folks will frown upon us for our ungodly love. Ah, it feels so wrong, and yet I want it dearly. I shall taste it—the forbidden fruit. May I be forever washed by sin, but it shall be worth it when I have a piece of that. Chief Hikigaya, bend me over and bless me with thy domineering presence!
That 'complaint' convinced me that they were indeed messing with me. Seriously, though, this dude needed to get checked. It had been the third complaint and he was the only dude that sent me this. I don't swing his way.
Knock! Knock!
"Excuse us!"
I tore my eyes from my laptop and turned to the door. I was in time to see it opened by the resident female Saiyan, my beloved Shizuka-chan. I wondered why she came until she brought two students inside. I was familiar with one of them. She was the fluffy airheaded senior of mine, Meguri-san. I didn't know the other one.
"Yahallo, Hachiman-kun!" Meguri-san greeted me, blessing me with her warmth.
"Hello, Meguri-san," I greeted back with a small smile, ignoring the flat look my clubmates gave me.
I turned to the other student and observed her. She had shoulder-length light brown hair that was styled to suit her cute face. She wore a pink cardigan underneath her blazer, disrespecting the school's regulation on clothing, as I did. She looked somehow familiar. She had to be one of the popular students whom I ignored.
Her eyes lit up as they met mine. She turned her head away bashfully, but I knew it was just an act. She must not be well-liked by her peers. A lot of guys must have fallen for her because of her tricks. I was already desensitized by Komachi's expert manipulation. Her act could not affect me as it did the other boys.
I am built different.
Returning my attention to my laptop, I resumed my work. Shizuka-chan talked to Yukino, explaining the situation. It was about the upcoming student council presidential election. The poor girl was nominated by her classmate without her knowledge. I could tell that this classmate had a grudge against her.
"I think this matter will be instantly solved when the more popular candidate participates in the selection," Yukino concluded, following my line of thought.
"Well, not too many people are excited about becoming a student council president. Isshiki-san happens to be the only nominated candidate," Meguri-san explained.
This Isshiki kid was in a predicament. She didn't want to become a student council president, but she was forced to become one. When she assumed the role, some people would talk behind her back because she won by default. I could understand her distress.
"That is why I brought them here," Shizuka-chan declared proudly.
"Do you want us to look for another willing participant, Sensei?" Yukino asked.
"Nope," Shizuka-chan smirked. "I already have the other candidate, but I haven't put the name on the board."
"Ah, so you want us to convince that person to participate? However, are you sure that person will beat Isshiki-san?"
"Yup. I am sure. And I am not here to ask you to convince him. I am here to ask for confirmation."
When everyone's eyes shifted to me, I stopped typing and looked up. Shizuka-chan had a smug look on her face and Yukino had an understanding look. Yui mimicked my expression, wondering what was happening. Realization dawned on me a few seconds later. I must have shown that on my face since Shizuka-chan's smirk got wider.
"Hachiman, do you want to participate in—"
"I refuse!"
"Meh, I will put up your name regardless."
Shizuka-chan shrugged, dismissing my opinion like she always did. I crossed my arms and looked at her stoically. Her snicker turned into a nervous laugh. That laugh immediately disappeared as she squirmed under my gaze. I was not angry. I was just messing with her. It was fun to see her act so meekly.
"Who put up my name?" I asked solemnly.
"Ah, that will be me." Meguri-san raised her hand and smiled at me awkwardly. "I am sorry for not asking you first. I couldn't help but recommend you for how well you took care of the Culture Festival and the Sports Festival."
I sighed lightly. I couldn't get mad at my airheaded senior. I knew she didn't mean anything bad. I should be flattered for being viewed so highly. I was indeed capable, though. Regardless, I still mentally thanked Meguri-san for her positive evaluation. However, she got something wrong.
"Knowing how I took care of those events; I think you can tell that I don't like being the poster boy. I don't mind doing the work, but I prefer not to stand out. I am not too fond of being at the forefront." Gesturing at my laptop, I added, "Besides, I am not as free as I used to. I need to attend compulsory meetings sometimes and even go abroad as the representative of the company."
"Ah, right. I forgot about that!" Meguri-san knocked her palm with her clenched hand.
"Uh… so, what should I do?" our client asked nervously.
I looked at her for a moment, making her squirm, before asking, "Do you know who put up your name?" She shook her head. "Then, we can investigate the culprit and put up their name on the list of candidates. Not only will it save your reputation, but you can also drag them to hell with you even if you win," I proposed.
Of course, Yukino didn't agree with my suggestion.
Honorary Mention:
Venerable Immortal Bowzr
Venerable Immortal JayJonnaJamison
Venerable Immortal Kkmoney
Venerable Immortal Solaz
Venerable Immortal Tomas Lopez-Familiari