
Chapter 19 : Enter! Winter solstice ritual

December 21. 1990

Antares POV

Looking back at the castle that's slowly moving away from my view I can't help but think about it.

Going back home from Hogwarts, I don't know how to feel about that.

Yes, I certainly miss my family, but the Hogwarts has this kind of presence, aura, whatever you call it, that it reminds you of home, like you never left. Normally you don't notice it. But when you're about to leave... you start to miss the castle. It's no wonder that people doesn't want to leave. But enough about that.

The people from the study group I've been part of for the few days are slowly becoming my friends, not all of them though. Marietta Edgecombe has some kind of personal problem with me and Dominic Ross is too stiff and professional for my taste. He's also as light as they come. I will probably never be friends with those two. David Wilson is just too much and has a problem with respecting personal space, we could be friends but it would take a lot more time.

Surprisingly I've gotten closer to Heather Anderson and Matthew Campbell.

Heather, when you get past her shy exterior, is very sweet girl who is very passionate about anything she likes. She could rant about History for hours and when she will realise what she did, blush furiously. Apart from that she is very pleasant company to have, the fact that she's very quiet most of the time is just a bonus.

Matthew and I get along great. Matthew is pretty good at Potions but it's nothing against his DADA.

He's sarcastic and makes fun of others most of the time but he also has a serious side to him. At first he had problems with me, being Malfoy and all, but slowly warmed up.

Moving through the crowd of people I finally notice my mom. Father and Draco nowhere in sight.


"Mother" Before I would hug her like when I was leaving but she explained to me through letters that I shouldn't let my emotions get better of me.

"Antares" her features soften a bit she allows a small smile to form.

I hug her the moment we step home.

"I missed you" I whisper to her.

"I missed you too my little star" she whispers back.

It was a bit before dinner when I hear someone knocking on my door.

"Antares" I look up from my book.


'What is he doing here? He usually doesn't even come here'

"I came to inform you that you are going to participate in the Winter solstice ritual this year with your mother and I"

"I thought that I would have to wait one more year?"

"As you may already know, children are usually ready to begin with rituals after they eleventh birthday. With you only having half of your core, we thought that we should wait for your magic to settle down after you received your power boost on your eleventh birthday. But, it seems that you exceeded our expectations and your magic is already settled down" explained father.

"Be ready before sunset" and with that he left.

"Shall we begin?" asked father when I arrive with mom right behind me.

I hummed affirmative and mom said simple yes.

We turned off all the lights, and face our altar.

Father faced the candles, and said

"The wheel of the year has turned once more,

and the nights have grown longer and colder.

Tonight, the darkness begins to retreat,

and light begins its return once again.

As the wheel continues to spin,

the sun returns to us once more"

Mom lighted the sun candle, and said

"Even in the darkest hours,

even in the longest nights,

the spark of life lingered on.

Laying dormant, waiting, ready to return

when the time was right.

The darkness will leave us now,

as the sun begins its journey home"

Beginning with the candles closest to the sun candle, and working my way outward, I light each of the other candles. As I lighted each one, I said

"As the wheel turns, light returns.

The light of the sun has returned to us,

bringing life and warmth with it.

The shadows will vanish, and life will continue.

We are blessed by the light of the sun"

As soon as I finished a light breeze picked up and I felt part of me open. And with the part opened all the impurities I've accommodated over the years cleansed from my body. It was like the feeling of water on skin after an intense workout.

It wasn't just bodily impurities. I think at least. My mind was more focused, my Occlumency shields and traps more refined and my magic happily hummed under my skin.

Closing my eyes I choose to focus on my magical core. The size or shape didn't change, but on touch it's less fluffy more sturdy.

And that's when I noticed it. A single see through thin string going from from my core to somewhere not in sight getting more darker the further it is.


Not a second later Felix responded

'What is it?'

'What the hell is THAT?!' I screeched pointing at the string.

'I, I'm not sure, give me a moment please'

'Felix? Felix?! What do you mean not sure?!'

Unaware of my internal breakdown, mom and father started to clean the ritual site.


"Y-Yeah? What is it?"

"Is something wrong? You look a bit pale"

You can only guess who was concerned about my well-being.

"No, I'm fine. Don't worry about it"

She looks ready to argue but in the end lets it go.


'Hey, Antares!'

'Wake up! Antares!'

'Whud da ya wa't? T's-'

Insert a wandless Tempus here.

'BLOODY 3AM?!' My eyes bulged out.

'Felix?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!'

'I figured it out"

'What?' My brain doesn't work the first half an hour after I woke up, he should know that by now.

'I know what's the string!'

'It couldn't wait until I woke up?'


*sigh* 'What does it do then?'

'It's connecting our cores!!'


'You don't get it, do you?'

'It's 3AM, I don't even know how am I able to hold a conversation this early'

'I have to wait until later, don't I?'

'That you do, you little parasite'

It's probably very shitty chapter. I honestly don't know what I'm trying to achieve. Until the start of the Sorcerer's stone that is. And from there it will be probably me just rambling and making complaints.

If you're wondering why I didn't post anything previous week it's because I had writters block and still somewhat have. So, probably a chapter per week until Sorcerer's stone and from there I will see.

Author out!

Krsakcreators' thoughts