

Leon Ashford was taking the next step in his life. Becoming an adult in the spring, he was now off for college, attending the prestigious Asmodeus Academy. While the Academy was very strict on its privacy, it had produced the vast majority of the world's doctors, lawyers, engineers, government officials and much more. All who graduated from Asmodeus would become something great in life and Leon was all for it. However on Orientation day, he would quickly come to find out that there was much more to this school than what was publicly known... "Welcome new students, to Asmodeus Academy!" "As is tradition we will now begin the 187th annual 'Orientation Orgy!'" Finding himself stuck inside a school full of horny students and faculty, Leon has to learn to survive and graduate all the while discovering himself, his own lust and what that may create for his future... "At Asmodeus Academy, all students will become elites, both in body and in mind." - - - For every 100 power stones the novel gets during the week, I'll be publishing a bonus chapter for you all to read so make sure to vote! - - - FYI this is NOT a cliché harem novel. Below are some things that I have noted down that could potentially be in the novel so read below before starting. Heavy smut with school theme. Its gonna have lots of sex and superpowers so enjoy! ;) chapter warnings: * - 'mild': handjobs, blowjobs, fingering, kissing, etc. ** - 'vanilla': vaginal/anal sex and its various positions, etc (the main bulk of smut in this novel) *** - 'Spicy': Orgies, swinging/sharing, 3some/4some, pet play, watersports, harem stuff, etc **** - 'Utterly Degenerate': incest, hardcore BDSM, blood, slave play, sexual torture, scat, vomit, wax, etc. - the things listed here are just examples; does not necessarily mean I will include them but there is still a chance that I will. It is a harem novel at the end of the day so while some of the women Leon sleeps with may do it with others given the nature of the school, it will usually be in a 3some/4some/orgy sort of way and will stay mostly exclusive to him or people he trusts. Just have an open mind when reading, don't be a bitch about it. ANYTHING IS FAIR GAME! Enjoy~ -- art is by @purplrpouni on twitter(X) --

QueiterNoises · 都市
67 Chs

Cheers ***

- - - Warning: Piss Drinking ahead 2/2 - - -

The strong smell of ammonia emanated off the cup, stung his nostrils and he began to wrack his brain about whether or not this was really worth it. He had a slight interest in watersports, as he didn't see it much different than squirting, but now that a cup of fresh pee was in front of his face, his mind was starting to change. 

He couldn't help but gag slightly as he looked at the golden liquid before him. He took a deep breath, and asked himself if this was something he was willing to do. He wanted to learn more about his Awakened powers, that was for certain, but how much of his sanity would it cost? 

He wasn't even completely sure if this was counted as softcore or hardcore in Sierra's eyes, so he may still have to do something even worse in the end. Not to mention, the more hardcore clubs he tried, the more the midnight beauty said she would teach him. 

She was a fourth year willing to give her precious time to a brand new first year who had barely dipped his toes into the world of sex. Even without seeing the looks of the looks of the other fourth years, Leon knew that for her to give her time in proportion to how much effort he put in, was a real boon for him. 

He didn't want to take advantage of her kindness, and do the bare minimum. It would make himself look bad and it would probably be seen as rude by some of the fourth years. At the same time, he wanted to discover more about himself. 

He wasn't completely aware of it yet, but his mind had already been altered significantly by the unique and cultured environment that was Asmodeus Academy. He was already beginning to look at life through a different lens whether he realized it or not. 

His interest in anal thanks to Serena's introduction, and his enjoyment with making girls squirt, had led him here now, and he would continue to branch further and further into the world of sex. He could either get an introduction to it now, and be prepared for it later, or take his time and work his way up to those harder-core activities that undoubtedly awaited him in his final years on campus. 

Taking a deep breath, Leon grabbed the cup from her. He could instantly feel how warm it was, and the smell was much stronger right under his nose. The woman folded her arms over her chest and watched patiently for his answer. 

'I must have really gone crazy.' He thought before holding his breath and swigging it back. 

His throat quickly burned from the foreign fluid, and the smell stuck to the walls of his throat. He got less than half down before he stopped and began coughing, feeling like he was ready to throw up. He waited a few seconds to let the feeling pass, before he quickly resumed and chugged the rest with tears in his eyes. 

He felt disgusted with himself, but proud that he managed to do it. He put his hands on his knees, panting like he was ready to die, gagging a little and it took him a while to come back up. When he saw the woman's face again, she had a big smile from ear to ear. 

Her almost deadpan face was completely gone and she looked like she was looking at a relative she hadn't seen in a while. 

"Congratulations, you passed the test. You wish to know more about our club right?" She smiled and went behind the stall to grab another chair. 

She set it up and gestured for him to sit while she brought hers over to sit in front of him. Despite her being completely nude, Leon suddenly felt as if that was the least of his problems. He could still taste her pee in the back of his throat and constantly smacked his lips in a poor attempt to remove it. 

"Thirsty?" She pulled out a water bottle for him. 

Leon however, was hesitant to take any liquids from her anymore. She gave him a disappointing look.

"Its not piss, just regular water. I know my pee was a bit strong today but I'll let you know now, that it is much more bearable when you join the club." 

Leon then sat with the woman who called herself Chloe and she told him about the Watersports club. She was a second year student, and had also joined this club in a similar fashion to Leon. She was able to squirt pretty consistently in her first year, but wondered how different it was from actual pee. 

She ended up having to drink some strong pee that had been 'cooking' for about a day in the guy who got her to join. Ever since then, she's had a pleasant time being both apart of this club and the squirting club. 

As for the club itself, all its members were on a diet of supplements and healthy foods that kept their pee as bearable as possible. A few members did not do such things, but they were the minority of hardcore watersports enthusiasts. 

Most of water the Watersports club did was have sex and allow their bladders to run freely. Some would directly pee on each other or into each other's mouths, while even fewer allowed internal pissing since it risked getting sick often times. 

Even so, they all had varying levels of comfort with the 'sport' and that his aversion to pee was common even amongst current members. Most students who had come to see her wouldn't even bother taking her cup, with some outright cursing her for having such a fetish. 

Chloe ignored them, and told Leon to do the same. No matter what kind of dislikes he had, there was someone out there who was bound to like it, and the same went reverse as well. Leon nodded, as they were wise words and slowly calmed down now that he had some water to wash his mouth out. 

"Sometimes we work with and collaborate with the squirting club. As a guy, its not as much of a problem but for us women, we need to be careful about whether we are peeing or squirting. We can show you techniques to get better control over your bladder so accidents don't happen. 

"We usually meet three times a week, I think Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are what we have scheduled at the moment so if you can make it, we start at 10pm tonight." 

"I just wanted to try it out though." Leon tried to correct her, as she was giving him a bunch of information and flyers that made it seem like she thought of him as a full member already.

"I know." She smiled at him and began to pack up her stall. 

"Bell's gonna ring soon, better hurry to your class freshie." She reminded him as he sat there in the chair thinking. 

"Oh shit!" She reminded him and with a quick thank you, ran off. 

Chloe watched him run off and giggled to herself. 

"So many interesting freshies this year~" 

- - -

Leon barely made it to class, being one of the last to arrive. His friends looked to him with relief, as he was close to being expelled. 

"Where were you?" Selia questioned him as he sat down panting.

"I got held up by someone at one of the booths." He was vague and moved himself slightly away from them, afraid that they might be able to smell his breath or something. 

Professor Knight soon started the class and the once again went back to using their hands. She explained that for the next couple weeks, they were going to be doing this routine of rotating hands and oral methods of pleasure and would get a mini test on it all next Friday. 

Some of the students were nervous, especially the ones that didn't have as much experience, while Leon didn't feel too worried. The class soon started, and this time the men were the ones who rotated after starting on the complete opposite side of them. 

He found himself with a student he had not met before and after quick introductions, he began his attack on her pussy. Her moans quickly echoed in the classroom, as did dozens of others, and 5 minutes later she came hard. 

Leon quickly ran to the front and got some water at a station that was set up every time they had their evening classes to clean out his mouth further, and continued on pleasuring his classmates.

"Mr. Ashford, come here a second." Professor Knight suddenly called out to him, quickly making the room go hush. 

He couldn't help but feel nervous as she smiled at him, but made his way to the front removing his dripping hand from his latest classmate's pussy.

"I didn't tell any of you to stop did I? Get back to working those hands!" She glared at the rest of the class. 

They quickly got back to work, with a little less oomph as some tried to strain their ears at their conversation. 

"Am I in trouble?" Leon asked the first thing that came to his mind. 

Professor Knight laughed, "No, far from it Leon. I came to challenge you." 

His raised an eyebrow as she smirked, "From now on, I want you to only use one part of your hands for each time you switch partners. Lets say you have a total of 12 parts, one for each finger and your two palms. Each time you meet a student, choose a finger or palm and you can only use that part of your hand to get them to cum.

"Manage to do so, and you can mark that part off on your checklist. However, you can no longer use that part you just used to pleasure anyone else until you complete all 12. If you manage to complete this by the end of next week...

"... I'll let you use those hands on me~"

be prepared for more piss talk in the future

QueiterNoisescreators' thoughts