

Leon Ashford was taking the next step in his life. Becoming an adult in the spring, he was now off for college, attending the prestigious Asmodeus Academy. While the Academy was very strict on its privacy, it had produced the vast majority of the world's doctors, lawyers, engineers, government officials and much more. All who graduated from Asmodeus would become something great in life and Leon was all for it. However on Orientation day, he would quickly come to find out that there was much more to this school than what was publicly known... "Welcome new students, to Asmodeus Academy!" "As is tradition we will now begin the 187th annual 'Orientation Orgy!'" Finding himself stuck inside a school full of horny students and faculty, Leon has to learn to survive and graduate all the while discovering himself, his own lust and what that may create for his future... "At Asmodeus Academy, all students will become elites, both in body and in mind." - - - For every 100 power stones the novel gets during the week, I'll be publishing a bonus chapter for you all to read so make sure to vote! - - - FYI this is NOT a cliché harem novel. Below are some things that I have noted down that could potentially be in the novel so read below before starting. Heavy smut with school theme. Its gonna have lots of sex and superpowers so enjoy! ;) chapter warnings: * - 'mild': handjobs, blowjobs, fingering, kissing, etc. ** - 'vanilla': vaginal/anal sex and its various positions, etc (the main bulk of smut in this novel) *** - 'Spicy': Orgies, swinging/sharing, 3some/4some, pet play, watersports, harem stuff, etc **** - 'Utterly Degenerate': incest, hardcore BDSM, blood, slave play, sexual torture, scat, vomit, wax, etc. - the things listed here are just examples; does not necessarily mean I will include them but there is still a chance that I will. It is a harem novel at the end of the day so while some of the women Leon sleeps with may do it with others given the nature of the school, it will usually be in a 3some/4some/orgy sort of way and will stay mostly exclusive to him or people he trusts. Just have an open mind when reading, don't be a bitch about it. ANYTHING IS FAIR GAME! Enjoy~ -- art is by @purplrpouni on twitter(X) --

QueiterNoises · 都市
67 Chs

Anatomy Lesson ***

- - - Warning: Piss Play ahead 1/4 - - -

"Welcome! Are you here for the Squirting or Watersports club?" A sweaty woman with messy hair answered. 

"Uh... yes." Leon responded awkwardly, peeking inside to see a few dozen or so bodies getting it on and liquids flying across the room like fountains. 

"Don't just stand there then, come in!" She grabbed his hand with a smile and led him in. 

"What's your name?" She asked and led him past the bodies rubbing against each other on the ground.

"Leon." He answered, almost mesmerized by the atmosphere. 

"Nice to meet you Leon, I'm Rae. You're a freshman right?" She introduced herself as well. 

Leon answered yes while admiring her. She had long, curly brown hair that was in a mess from her earlier activities and had a big smile on her face. Her back side stole the show though, as it jiggled violently with her every step. 

Leon couldn't help but hump her in his mind as she continued to take him towards the kitchen in the back. The whole way there, he could smell the faint scent of ammonia, but compared to what he drank earlier that day, he almost didn't notice the smell at all. 

Along the way Rae explained to him that here in the living room area of this club building was where the bulk of the members were. Here, they could partner up with whomever they wished and do whatever they felt they were comfortable with. 

Some partners would only focus on squirting, while others were more okay with piss getting into the mix, but overall, they all didn't mind the people around them. 

"Everyone here has had some experience with watersports already and they are fine with others doing it if they don't feel the need themselves. As for our more hardcore members, they're on the second floor so they don't make anyone too uncomfortable. 

Ah! Mia! Is this him?" She suddenly called out to someone in the kitchen. 

A familiar naked woman who was talking to several people while they drank water turned there way and gave a smile. 

"Yes that's him. Leon right?" Mia reintroduced herself again. 

She was a sweaty mess as well, and from there, took over for Rae.

"Come find me if you wanna have some fun~" Rae ran her hand along his abs as she walked away. 

Leon tensed up a little, more nervous now that he was actually in the thick of things and blushing slightly. 

"I'm glad you came." Mia smiled and led him down another hallway away from the living room towards some bedrooms in the back. 

"Well, I almost didn't come." He sighed truthfully. 

She giggled lightly, "I understand. I felt apprehensive as well but the first step towards something new and unknown is always the hardest. After that though, the path becomes much easier to follow so try to relax and have some fun, knowing that you've already gotten over the biggest hurdle." 

Leon nodded and thanked her. Her words lifted some of the anxiety off his back, as it was true that now that he was in here, it didn't feel nearly as intimidating before. Still, he was nervous for what was to come. 

"We've gathered the new first years together from both the clubs and a few of our best club members will show you guys how the Squirting and Watersports clubs operated. We work together often because squirting and peeing are very similar in many regards, even if it may not seem like it. 

"I'm sure they'll explain more to you so good luck!" Mia patted his shoulder and opened up one of the bedroom doors. 

"Also, if it makes you feel any better," She whispered in his ear before everyone inside the room noticed them, "I came really hard after you left the booth today~" 

Leon shivered as she walked away and left him to the devices of the others inside this room. Looking around he could see about a dozen people, with most of them sitting on the bed partially naked, while there were two others on the back wall completely naked. 

Without even needing to ask, he could tell that the two against the wall were their 'instructors' for tonight, as they were far more relaxed than anyone else here. However what surprised him the most was a very familiar face amongst the first years. 

"Gah!" She yelped and tried to hide herself, but it only drew more attention to her. 

'Interesting...' Leon couldn't help but smirk a little in her direction, as she nervously fixed her glasses a bunch.

"Come on in!" The man at the back of the room waved him in and approached. 

Leon did that and closed the door behind him as the man of Asian decent held his hand out with a smile. Leon took it and met the strong grip of this guy, surprised at how sturdy he was. He had short black hair and black eyes, and a bulky body, although he was a bit on the shorter side. 

"I'm Bryce, and the Watersports Club Vice President, nice to meet you." 

"Leon, nice to meet you." He returned the greeting, surprised that the vice president of the club was here to teach them. 

"Over there is Hannah, she's the President of the Squirting Club." He gestured to her. 

Hannah was a pale woman, with light brown hair and matching eyes. She was slim all around but was graceful in the way she walked and leaning against the wall emphasized her toned abs.

She waved over, "Hello! Thank you for coming and sit wherever you'd like." 

Leon nodded and looked over to the woman still trying to make herself small despite her curvaceous body making that impossible. Luckily, a spot seemed to be available right next to her so he went around everyone and sat on a chair next to the edge of the bed she was on. 

Leon smiled inwardly and outwardly, really starting to enjoy himself now that he met someone he knew. Better yet, it was one of the better students in his class and also a fellow Awakened. He never expected her to have such an interest in things like this but the way she fidgeted and fixed her glasses constantly suggested she was trying to hide something. 

"Hello Abigail." He greeted her quietly, making her flinch.

"H-Hello Leon..." She tried not to look at him and focus on the two presidents of the clubs that began talking. 

"Welcome first years and thank you all for coming to our gettogether between the Squirting and Watersports clubs!" Herself and Bryce both clapped, making the rest of them clap as well. 

"We have a pretty good turnout this year considering the nature of our clubs so I'm glad you were all brave enough to at least come out and check us out. If you didn't know already, but our clubs work very closely with one another, as squirting and peeing can often times get confused with one another. 

"Many students will come to the squirting club expecting what you all expect, but when they are greeted by meetings such as this often, they start running away. Its sad to see new blood get scared off so soon so we've started using rush week as a way to get you all introduced to our world one step at a time."

Bryce pulled out a chair for Hannah and she sat down in it, letting her legs rest on the arms of the chair and giving everyone a few of her already slick pussy. It took a few students aback but considering what they were about to do, it was nothing to write home about. 

Bryce then got down on a knee and pointed to her pussy and began an actual, genuine anatomy lesson. 

"For those of you who don't know, people with a vulva have the capacity to squirt. This means that just about any woman is able to do so, but the intensity and frequency varies with each individual. And while men can technically squirt as well, it is much much harder to do so. If you don't believe me, you're welcome to look it up online but the previous president of the Watersports club was a guy and he learned how to squirt."

Leon's eyes went wide, as that sounded just like some sort of myth. However one of the first years had already pulled out their phone and guessing by their shocked face, it must have been true to some extent. 

"So while it is possible for guys to do it too, the act of squirting is mostly for our female counterparts. To continue, when a woman squirts, the feeling they get from it is often very similar to that of when you are peeing. The reason? Because both squirt and pee come from the same place, the bladder." Bryce gently poked at Hannah's tiny urethra opening. 

Leon could see her bite her lip quickly before she went back to normal and continued, "if you ladies have already encountered this feeling before, you might have been worried that you would end up peeing instead of squirting. That's normal, and you'll slowly learn to tell when you're going to do either or.

"What you guys know as 'squirt' and 'pee' are essentially the same thing, the differences being that it will look or smell a bit different, and it'll feel different for the squirter. They are both composed of urea, creatinine, and uric acid - all components of urine - but are also mixed in with some more fluid that comes from the Skene's glands, or in layman's terms, the female prostate."

Bryce followed her words by pointing towards where these areas were located and Leon was surprised by this information. Leon had never really thought about it much, as did most people, but it made some sense. Otherwise, how could some women squirts literal gallons of liquid in porn movies and such?

Even if you guys don't enjoy the subject matter, hopefully you guys still appreciate learning new information if you didn't already know about this stuff. I was surprised to know that guys can squirt and if there's something I got wrong lmk so I can fix it.

QueiterNoisescreators' thoughts