

it was by 18:00hours when she discovered the terrible news of a married man she was dating for 3 years Mr. Chola. Mr. Chola was a casino Managing Director in one of Lusaka Casinos, he was a man of different women and she was one of the women he played and messed with w Chizia a 27year Old pretty young lady full of life and dreams to achieve.

That same evening in his hotel Mr. Chola after so long of dating Chizia he decided to clear his conscious which led into consequences.

"Chizia my love they is somethings i need to tell you and please find it in your heart my love forgive me first because i love you so much.

"Ba Chola'' just tell me what is it that is making you gloomy for the past few weeks?

Ba Chola" im all ears tell me not ifi ati forgive me (than these questions of forgiveness).?

''My Love'' before i met you i had number of different women in my life whom i dated for sometime

'ummm ok im hearing (chizias' mind was getting different scarily thoughts as if she knew the next word)

"Chizia, im sick

Sick! what do you mean you are sick ba Chola?

what decease do you have?

"My love i am HIV Positive that's' why i went away for a month to America because my cd 4 count dropped, Chizia i am dying please forgive me, i love you (chizia was in shock upon hearing that she was shattered like the world had stopped moving )

Dont! you touch me Chola dont touch me again (Chizia Sobbering in anger)

"Baby listen to me i explain you" Chola explain what, what! please stay away from me don't! you ever come near me otherwise i will commit murder" (she ran out of the room crying in pain got into her car stayed there for 30mins to clear her mind)

what should i do God what should i do my life my career is ruined (she went back in the apartment and found Mr. Chola had dozed off drinking too much brandy without thinking twice she pressed a pillow on his face and killed the man, luckily no camera showed her when she came back in the apartment only when she was with him the time he was alive)

what have i done when did i become a killer ( Chizia cried at home)

early hours of 07:30hours Mr. Chola was found unconscious in his apartment by the house keeper everything was intact apart from the three empty bottles of brandy supposedly drank by Mr. Chola. upon being taken to the hospital was declared brought in dead.

few hours later a knock on Chiza's gate two Police officer; Good afternoon Madam how are you?.

Good afternoon sirs i am very good how are you sir?

well thank you ' can we come in we are here with some few questions Madam?

Please come in sir; can i offer you anything water, Juice?

no! We are good.

so Sir how can i help you? Mr. P Banda answered

Madam where were are you at around 18:00hours to 19:30hours of last night 10th July 2020?

Mmmm, Sir i don't understand your question?

let me make it simple are you aware that Mr. Chola the owner for Peacock hotel died last night?

Yes sir i was told this morning.

could it be the reason your eyes seems to have been shedding tears?

not only that sir im crying for so many things (she sobered more) how will i live, will i die soon why is life so unfair for me (the officer offered a handkerchief)

tell us more madam why is that?

well Sir last at 18hours i was with Mr. Chola (then she went though them the confession he gave her) after hearing that i stormed out of the hotel and came home going through my mistakes and what they have led me too waiting for my death soon ( she cried more) he died without leaving anything for me apart from the decease tell me officers how will i live now i just to die too (she cried more and more)

(The officers ended up consoling her until they went back)

"Chizia sat in her couch thinking of what next move so no one suspects her ( in her mind its unfortunate that Mr. Chola is declared to have drank too much and it caused his death after covering himself in the bedsheets which i myself had put him in May His Soul Rest in Hell that wicked man)

nothing is hidden under the blue sky

Chericutecreators' thoughts