
Chapter 40

At first, he held her at a distance and stared down at her. His heated, intense stare nearly lit her on fire. She willed her hands not to perspire but they did anyway. She hoped he wouldn't notice.

As they swayed to the music, she thought about the wardrobe and hairstyle she had chosen carefully on this particular evening. The part of her that fought to avoid Peter battled with the part of her that fought to seduce him. In the end, avoidance lost. She had chosen a fitted black dress that snugly cupped her breasts, displaying just the right amount of cleavage, the right amount to heat up any man, Peter in particular. She'd drawn her large, brown curls together and fastened them in a rhinestone clip high on the back of her head, intentionally leaving several curls loose to flow around her neck.

Peter pulled her closer to him as they moved with the beat of the music. He lowered his mouth to her ear. "You look beautiful."