
Unexpected Pregnancy Brought Me The CEO'S Dotting Love

"Tyler... I love you! Will you marry me in the future?" Caroline. "Car, I promise to love and marry only you!" Tyler. SEVEN YEARS LATER "Caroline, I've never loved you, much less marry you. The only person I've ever loved is your sister, Yasmine. And to add to that, you cheated on me on our engagement night!" Tyler exclaimed. "What a joke! I, Caroline Clark, vow to make you all pay for ruining my life!" Caroline seethed. Caroline's engagement night was a night orchestrated by her parents and older sister to drug her and have her sleep with a stranger, which led to her name being splashed all over the news as the unfaithful fiancee. The once cheerful and sweet Caroline turned resentful, swearing to make everyone involved pay for her misery. That is until she crossed paths with Jack Mickelson, the handsome, wealthy CEO of Glory Company, who pledged to love and marry only her. But Caroline looked into his eyes and declared, "You... Mr. Mickelson, do not deserve me or my heart. No one does!" *********** Jack Mickelson, the most handsome, rich, and famous CEO of Glory Company, ended up sleeping with the wrong girl the night his grandparents deceived and drugged him. "Little Jack! You are no longer my grandson if you don't find that girl and marry her!" Grandma Beth threatened. "She doesn't want me, grandma! She even called me a PIG!" Jack fumed. "What?" Will Caroline be able to heal and open her heart to love again? Will Jack be able to win her over, even after being insulted? What if Tyler decides he wants Caroline back? What about Caroline's unborn child with Mr. Stranger? Will Caroline finally find happiness? With whom? To find out, continue reading...

DaoistruhAil · 现代言情
5 Chs

A Shameless Daughter

"Mom, Dad, how could you betray me in this way? I am your daughter, flesh and blood. How can you treat me as if I am a stranger?" Caroline's voice trembled as tears streamed down her face, a mix of sadness and outrage.


A resounding slap echoed through the air, making Caroline's head snap to the side from the force of her father's hand.

"How dare you speak to us like that? Who do you think you are? Our daughter? Never! You are no longer a part of this family after the shameful act you committed." Daniel Clark's voice rang out, filled with wrath.

At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to end Caroline's life.

"Caroline, you have disappointed me beyond measure. I have always trusted and believed in you since you were a child. And now, to sleep with a stranger on your engagement night? No, my daughter would never stoop to such lows. How could you?" Emma Clark, Caroline's mother, feigned concern and anger.

"Mom, Dad, please! Give her a chance! It wasn't deliberate. Right, little sister?" Yasmine Clark, Caroline's older sister and the root of her downfall, spoke with false sympathy as she rested in Tyler's embrace.

At that moment, seeing her sister in the arms of her childhood sweetheart, who was now her fiance, sent a pang of pain through Caroline's chest.

These people were her family and loved ones, yet they looked at her with nothing but hatred and disgust.

What pained her most was the fact that Tyler didn't even acknowledge her. It was almost as if he didn't know Caroline or chose to ignore her presence.

Tears continued to flow down Caroline's face. What had she done to deserve such cruelty? Was it her fault that her own family and sister had conspired against her on the night of her engagement?

Did they even care about her from the beginning? What kind of family would do such horrible thing to their own kin?

And in that moment, Caroline let out a laugh, filled with bitter irony. Their family was built on nothing but hypocrisy. And this incident has opened her eyes to see their true self. And she wished she had never been born into this horrible family.

"Oh! Do you find me to be a joke? Is that why you mock me? Don't insult my intelligence!" Caroline's voice was laced with fury.

Everyone looked on in confusion. How could she find humor in such a grave situation? Did she not understand the seriousness of her actions? Why was she acting like a madwoman?

They just stared at Caroline in shock. Even Tyler finally turned to look at her.

"Amusement? Ridicule? No, father... Those terms fail to capture the magnitude of your duplicity." Caroline seethed, her once teary eyes now ablaze with crimson fury. She could no longer contain her emotions.

Her supposed family and loved ones treated her as an outcast. These were the people who were meant to love and cherish her. And yet...

"You are all nothing but vile specimens! Hypocrites! I am disgusted to be associated with you. Which one of you deserves respect? My deceitful mother? My duplicitous father? My nefarious and malicious elder sister? Or... my unworthy and unreliable fiancé?" Caroline spat, her eyes burning with contempt as she glared coldly at each of them. She memorized their faces, vowing to never forget this day.

"Caroline Clark! How dare you!" Daniel bellowed, his gaze furious as he looked at his daughter, who seemed like a completely different person.

"You have no right to yell at me, Mr. Daniel Clark. What gives you the authority to do so?" Caroline challenged her father, her anger simmering.

She marched towards a nearby table and forcefully shattered a vase on the floor, releasing all of her pent-up grievances.

She wanted to smash everything in the house and burn the house with the occupants in.

Everyone was shocked. They all knew of Caroline's fierce nature, but she had always been calm, composed, loving, and kind towards her family. She never showed this side of her to them.

So seeing her unleash her fury upon them was a jarring sight for all, especially her fiancé Tyler, who sat wide-eyed and stunned.

Was this the same sweet and innocent girl he had loved since childhood? Why did she seem like a completely different person now?

"C- Caroline, please calm down. We can sort this out, okay?" Her mother pleaded, afraid that Caroline might turn and hit her with the vase if they provoked her any further.

"Y- yes... Your mother is right. Let's all just calm down and have a rational discussion." Daniel said cautiously, eyeing his younger daughter warily.

His heart was racing, fearing the consequences of Caroline's outburst.

Currently, it would be more beneficial to adopt a serene approach with Caroline, instead of angering her even more.

"Silence! Silence!! Silence!!!" Caroline shrieked at the top of her lungs.

The frustration and rage were etched onto her face. She felt utterly betrayed. Why? Why was she subjected to such cruelty by her own family?

"I, Caroline Clark, have done nothing but fulfill my duties as the kind and dutiful daughter of the Clark family.

I have never defied your wishes. I always made sure to be there whenever you needed me. I even work at the company as a regular employee, solely for the betterment of our family.

You showered all your love, attention, and care on my older, malicious sister. Yet, I never voiced any complaints. I even gave her anything she desired, even if it rightfully belonged to me.

Yet... what have I received in return? My parents, along with my older sister, drugged me and forced me to sleep with a stranger on my engagement night.

A stranger whom I had never met before took my innocence, my virginity, on the night of my engagement, all because my parents drugged me.

Why? Simply because they wanted my older sister to be with my fiance. What a sickening joke!" Caroline burst into laughter again after saying this.

But it wasn't genuine laughter. If one were to listen closely, one could hear the pain and agony behind her mocking tone.


"SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!" Yasmine attempted to speak, playing the role of the innocent victim, but Caroline silenced her with a cold glare. How dare her to speak?

Her icy stare sent shivers down everyone's spine. If looks could kill, everyone present would have met their end at that very moment.

"Shut your unsightly mouth, Yasmine! Wasn't that your ultimate plan? To devise this scheme and then manipulate Mom and Dad into joining in on your deceitful ploy.

If you truly desired Tyler, you could have competed with me fairly for his affection. Instead, you resorted to these despicable tactics to ruin my reputation and destroy my life in front of everyone.

Tell me, do you feel even the slightest amount of remorse and guilt for your actions? And yet, you still had the audacity to persuade our parents to kick me out of our own home.

Now let me ask you... What wrong have I ever done to any of you to deserve this cruelty? Have I been a thorn in your side all these years? Why? Why must you utterly destroy my life?" Caroline screamed, her voice echoing throughout the living room as she smashed anything in her path.

She felt deeply wounded and betrayed by her own family. Her emotions were so overwhelming that she had to release them by unleashing her anger on the objects around her.

"Caroline... how can you say such hurtful things? I have loved you since we were children. I have always been here for you. How can you spew such venom towards me?

I may have harbored feelings for Tyler, but he also loves me. He has loved me since we were kids as well. He - he only stayed by your side because you wanted him to. Isn't that right, Tyler?" Yasmine spoke through her tears, her pitiful state breaking Tyler's heart.

Even their parents felt sorry for Caroline.

Their angry glares shifted towards Caroline, who stood there, stunned by what she just heard.

Yasmine's words kept ringing in her ears like a thunderbolt. Tyler never truly loved her! He was only with her because she wanted him to be! He only saw her as a little sister!

These words repeated in her mind like a broken record. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was all of Tyler's love just a facade? If he didn't truly love her, then why did he go along with their plans for marriage?

She could have let him go and allowed him to be with Yasmine if he wanted. But he chose to stayed silent and pretended to love her. What was the point? What was his endgame?

What was his purpose behind all of his deceitful actions and words? His love and card was just a facade?

The most excruciating aspect of it all was that his phony display of love and his refusal to make things right resulted in her parents and sister drugging her at her engagement, and forced to sleep with a stranger. How heartless could Tyler be?

Caroline felt her world spiraling out of control. Was everything she thought she knew and believed in just a fabrication? How could she come to terms with this brutal reality?

She turned to face the man in question, but he only looked back at her with pure disgust. Why?

"Tyler? You... how could you?" Caroline's voice trembled, shattered with agony and rage. Her heart was now bleeding from the deceit of this man who was once her everything but turned out to be a despicable fake.

"ENOUGH!" Tyler finally spoke, his words aimed directly at Caroline as he stood up to confront her.

An evil grin spread across Yasmine's face as she witnessed the confrontation. This was all she ever wanted. Things were about to get interesting.