

Standing beside the water dispensary, Singtan was trying to calm himself down when Ming wrapped her hands around his arm and said," Everything is going to be okay."

Singtan shook his head and said," Nothing is okay Ming, nothing."

Dragging him towards a nearby bench, Ming sat beside him and said," Don't lose hope Singtan. If you become weak what will I do? And we also have to take care of Beth."

Looking at his blood stained shirt, Singtan said," He knew it was dangerous and they would surely harm him but still as soon as he saw Zian and Yumi, he ran towards them before I could. He saved Yumi from getting shot Ming. Our kids are fine but now he is suffering. I-I don't even know whether I'll see him again or not Ming." 

Ming's heart ached when she saw him like that. She had never seen him so weak and vulnerable.

Sitting down on the floor, Singtan wrapped his arms around Ming's waist and buried his head on her stomach before bursting into tears.