Reenie was a Skelton... OBVIOUSLY! He didn't know much else when he popped out the earth all he knew was that the creatures surrounding him disliked his presence and seemed to run whenever he tried to make contact follow Reenie on his journey to figure out how the world and its inhabitants operate. See how Reenie lives his life or should I say death as he ventures the world and meets people who are bound to bring him on a skele-TON of journeys.
There was nothing until suddenly there was darkness... This was the perspective of Reenie. Who had just been born... The only reason Reenie even knew he existed was because he could think.... He could feel the Earth ejecting him and most importantly? He could feel the beautiful presence that was magic!
After Reenie finally was ejected from the surface he got up and looked around only to see a grave yard with lots of tomb stones which most would assume a Skelton felt close to but Reenie didn't really seem to care for there existence as the tomb stones had about as much magic as everything else although it seemed the magic in general was strong in this area at first he didn't know why there was so much magic but later Reenie would realise why there was so much magic(AN: foreshadowing... how unexpected)
After walking around a bit Reenie came across a giant metal structure with a wood sign on it saying exit from graveyard and another wood sign on the other side which was unreadable at the moment
Reenie then put pressure on the exit as it seemed there was a separation and he had planned to push past but when Reenie put preasure on the gate it blasted off and seemed to disintegrate in a Green blue moon(AN:colour pallet, please Google for reference) this seemed unique and all the magic in the area seemed to thrive from just being in the presence of this magic
Seeing this power Reenie seemed to beam in pride and all the magic in the area seemed to react and boost the magic power as If it was a humble child trying to please the king they adore so much
(chapter end)