
More cooking and Snow Activities

A/N: This is late so I made it longer then the usual 1500 words. Enjoy!


"Booze" D murmured as a pleasent sensation relaxed his body. His entire skeletal body almost completely stress free since last night's part-


"GAH!" D immediately jumped as his left eye burst out in a green light. He instantly turned his head to the door to see a tall skeleton in a pink apron stand there.

"Dear Brother! I believe you have slept for far to long! it is already 1:00 pm!" David looked at the clock next to him to see it was 1:03 pm.

"Sorry bro... you and the human had lunch yet?"

"no not yet... but I am about to start coo-"

"I can do it" Papyrus looks at him in dismay.

"Is my cooking really that bad?" Papyrus asks. D shakes his head in response.

"No not really but I believe that you would prefer my cooking then your own" Papyrus regrettably shakes his head as he turns around.

"Well I am gonna go to the kitchen, come down when your ready" Papyrus said as he exits the room. D sighs as he watches the door close.

He stretch his arm bones into awakening as he pull himself of the bed. He grabbed his jacket and pants on the floor and wore them.

"Welp all set... wait where are my slippers?" He changed his pink bunny slippers into black puppy slippers a few days back. He checked under his bed, his drawer, even under the pile of smelly cloths in the corner. There was even a single piece of fur in sight.

"Guess I have to bare foot" D said as he approached and opened his door. As he went down the stairs he saw Papyrus and Frisk sitting at the table. What caught his eye was the pair of black puppy slippers on her feet. D instantly teleported behind her and grabbed her shoulder.

"ah!" Frisk let out as she immediately turned around to see a stiff skeleton face with a green glowing eye looking at her.

"Hey kid... give me back my slipper before I teleport you to the bottom of the lava lake" Frisk immediately took off the slippers and carefully handed it to D. He took them in satisfaction as he puts them on his cold feet.

"That's better, welp I am gonna go cook lunch" D said as he turns around walks towards the kitchen. He sees the counter full with utensils and bowls along with some olive oil.

"Guess Papyrus set them up for me, welp time to cook some quesadillas!" D said as he started washing his hands in the sink.

(A/N: I am just gonna point this out, this is gonna be common thing throughout the entire book so... deal with it)

1. First D headed towards the fridge and grabbed a block of cheese, a can of salsa, a few pieces of chicken breast, and some of premade circled of soft bread.

"To think these spare pizza bread will come in handy"

2. He heated up two pans in high temperature on the stove.

3. D opened the cabinets as he pulled out black pepper and salt.

4. He then brought out a wooden chopping board and placed 4 chicken breasts on it.

5. D then proceeded to cover all the chicken in both salt and pepper.

6. After he completed covering the chicken breasts he started to pour olive oil into one of the pans. He poured so much that it completely covered the floor of the pan.

7. He then grabbed some tongs and placed the chicken breasts into the pan causing several sizzling sounds throughout the kitchen. He then thoroughly cook the chicken breast. When finished he placed the chicken breast onto another chopping board and grabbed a knife.

8. He then cut the chicken breasts into bite size cubes and placed it all into a bowl.

9. D then grabbed a can of salsa and opened it forcefully through magic. He then poured the insides into another bowl and placed it along the bowl full with chicken.

10. He then picked up a grit and started to grit the cheese into swiss cheese I to a bowl. When the bowl was completely full he stopped and placed the bowl along with the other two bowls.

"It is time for the assembly!"

11. D then later out a tray and layer out a circle of soft bread. He folded it in half and then started to cover one half with cooked chicken.

12. Next he added the salsa and heaps of cheese. Then he folded it in half again like a sandwich. He then placed the quesadilla into the other preheated pan.

13. Finally he grabbed the other pan and placed on top of the quesadilla. He forcefully pressed it down using his own weight as leverage. As a minute passes he took of the pan to see and golden crisp quesadilla on the pan.

14. He takes a pizza cutter and cut it into four equal parts as he magically places them on a pre-prepared plate.

15. He did this 5 more times completely using up the salsa chicken and cheese.

"Done!" D walked towards a trolly in the corner and placed the three plates full with food. He then pushed it into the living room where the dining table was. As he enters he sees the excited eyes of Papyrus, Frisk, and surprisingly Chara who was floating next to Frisk.

"Lunch time" D said and he pushed the trolly to the table. He placed a plate infront of Papyrus, Frisk, and himself as he sits down.

"You can eat" As is signal a war has benn given both Papyrus and Frisk ravage the food infront of them. D also started to furiously eat the quesadillas infront of him.

'Man it has been such a long time' D thought as he relishes the taste of the meal. In the middle of eating D suddenly had a thought.

"Papyrus where did the human sleep last night?" D asked, Papyrus made a wait symbol with his hand as he finish chewing his food.

"Oh! Since I didn't want to sleep on the dirty couch I thought I could be a gentle and let he sleep on my bed!"

"Ok then... where did you sleep?"

"On spare futon underneath my bed" Papyrus replied.

'He had a spare futon?' D thought, he then continued eating the quesadillas as Papyrus does the same. About 15 minutes later the plates has been wiped clean.

"Well that was a fulfilling meal!" Papyrus said, both Frisk and D nodded in response. Frisk then noticed the falling snowflakes outside through the window.

"Sans, do you ever play in the snow?" Frisk asks, D nods his head.

"Well me and my bro used to make snow monsters but now that it is just always there we haven't really made one in a while"

"Then... wanna make one together?" D raised in non-existent eyebrow at the question.

"Sure?" Frisk let out a smile as she goes to the front door.

"Wanna join us Papyrus?"

"No thank you! I have to go train with Undyne today!"

"ok bro" D then followed Frisk to the door who finished putting on her brown shoes.

"Let's go!" Frisk then opened the door and walked outside. D followed her as he embraces the cold seeping into his bones. They walk until they reach a pretty isolated area.

"Lets build them here!" Frisk said, D just nods in response. Frisk started to pile up snow as D wonder what monster or who he should create.

'Oh I got the perfect thing!' D immediately started using magic to Frisks disappointment. D notices Frisk changes and then asks.

"What's wrong?"

"Well... I thought we could do it the old way together, without magic"

"hmm sure" D replied, Frisk instantly made a wide smile as she continues to gather snow.

"Hey bone head" Chara says as she floats next to Frisk.


"Why are you being so kind even after we killed your bro-"

"Finish that sentence and you will be sent to the judgement hall again" Both Frisk and Chara shudder at the response.

"Welp anyway Frisk you finished gathering snow?" D asks, Frisk nods in response.

"Yes I actually have something in mind that we could make together"

"Oh what's that?"

"Well... Me you standing next to each other?"

"Hey don't forget about me!" Chara yelled out.

"oh yea and Chara"

"Sure" D then started to grab a block of snow and started building.


2 hours later

"To be honest... it is not that bad" D said, Both Frisk and Chara nodded in response. Infront of them is three snow sculptures of a skeleton and two humans. There is barely any detail but one could it was a skeleton and two humans after a second look.

"Well since we made some snow sculptures there is another fun activity I want to do" D said, Frisk tilts her head in confusion. But her eyes go wide as she sees D grab a block of snow and mold it into a ball.

"Snowball fight!" D immediately throws it at Frisk who runs to the side. She then grabs some snow from the ground and threw it at D. D just barely moved his body to dodge. Frisk continued to throw snow balls but all have missed without fail. Her breath became slightly ragged as she sits on the ground.

"Tired are we? well My Turn!" Frisk eyes widen as she sees a snowball flew towards her face. She barely dodge by rolling to the side. However despair appeared on her face as she sees hundreds of floating snowballs covered in a hint of light blue infront of her.

"gg" All the snowballs flew towards her like a volley of missiles.

"D wai-" Frisk tried to say before she was buried in snow. She however immediately bursts out and gasps for air.

"Why did you do that" Frisk said as small tears formed in her eyes.

"I think you know why" Frisk just bowed her head.

"Sigh* want a hug?" D said as he opens his arms. Frisk stands up and walks towards D before entering his embrace. D then however felt a familiar feeling coming from Frisk. He looked over to see blood red eyes.

Welp I am back at writing! Even though it was late. Welp will probably post on my second Undertale fanfic next. Enjoy the story!

FerretLovercreators' thoughts