
Under The Starry Sky

Shrouded in Darkness he found himself... And then it vanished. Time turned, years rolled. How did he get here? So many questions at his tongue, but no one to answer them. Perhaps it was right, Death is but the next great adventure. A story of mystery, thrill, lessons, love and action.

prakhart2007 · 作品衍生
15 Chs

The First Task: Darkness Descends

I leaned against the surprising sturdy wall of the tent. Half of the Champions had arrived, while the other half were nowhere in sight. It was the day of the task. And for some abhorrent reason, my mind was flooded with distress and ominous dread. It was eerie how I was feeling. It was chilling. But outwardly, I showed a cool facade, though my face was probably a little pale too. The same couldn't be said for others. 

Krum was his usual grumpy self, fidgeting and grumbling under his breath, his back hunched and hands on forehead, sitting on a chair. Fleur was also pale, standing still and face full of concentration. Cedric was pacing around the tent, to and fro, his mind in turmoil. Pierre, similar to Krum, was sitting on a chair, his hand on his forehead, face pale, and hands fidgety. The other four hadn't arrived yet.

Bagman, noticing everyone, waddled towards us, his figure looking like a slightly overblown cartoon character, "Oh-ho, our five champions are here… Looks like four are left…"

As time passed I could hear the sounds of an audience forming outside—the quidditch pitch stands'. Eventually, Gemma, Anastasia, Aleksandr and Marie also arrived. We waited some more until all the judges were ready, and then finally Bagman spoke.

"Well, now we're all here — time to fill you in!" said Bagman brightly. "When the audience has assembled, I'm going to be offering each of you this bag" — he held up a small sack of purple silk and shook it at them — "from which you will each select a small model of the thing you are about to face! There are different — er — varieties, you see. And I have to tell you something else too . . . ah, yes . . . your task is to collect the golden egg!" 

There was a large black display at the edge of the room, and suddenly it started displaying everything that was happening. Interestingly, there was no way to see who got what last time, so this was new to me.

"So, Ladies first," Bagman said and one by one, Fleur then Gemma, then Anastasia and then Marie were assigned a Common Welsh Green, Peruvian Vipertooth, Hebridean Black and Swedish short snout respectively.

None of them looked particularly thrilled, though I suppose no one could be, after all they have to fight a dragon.

Now, Bagman gave, one by one, each of the boys, the bag. I was the first one to be given, and I tentatively placed my hand in. My hands roamed and eventually my finger curled around small scales, and fur… I lifted it out…

"Ah—Mr. Potter has gotten one of the special treats as his challenge—The Chimera!" Bagman exclaimed but no one seemed to share his enthusiasm—No champions, no teachers, no reporters.

I maintained a calm facade, though my eyes did widen as I lifted the miniature beasts out. At least I didn't get the Nundu, I thought grimly.

As it turned out, no one did. No one got the Nundu… Thank goodness. Cedric, Krum, Pierre and Aleksandr got Chinese Fireball, Romanian Longhorn, Antipodean Opaleye and Ukrainian Ironbelly Respectively.

This would be torture… I would once again be the last to fight… and that too the worst beast—Well the second worst, but worst among the ones chosen. But hey, when has my life ever been easy?

Over the next 3 hours, one by one each of the champions left the tent and entered the quidditch pitch. I could hear cheers, boos, ooh~, aah~, the exciting commentary that bagman provided and the hushed silence that the audience held every once in a while. During this time, many thoughts went through my mind, but most prominent was a question—how should I tackle this task?

There were many things I could do honestly; the question was what to do. I could take a silent approach and drag the task but not reveal my exceptional magic. I could do some tricks and woo the audience. I could end the task in less than a minute. I could try and show a good amount of magic but not too much. I could do so much. I could even try to use runes and surprise everyone. The possibilities were endless. I just needed to figure out what would be the best for my future. What would help me prevent suspicion from powerful people while gaining their admiration.

"And so— we see Aleksandr everyone—" The amplified voice of Bagman came from outside and I braced myself. "Now for his scores—"

For several minutes there was silence, and then loud cheers rocked the quidditch pitch. He must have done exceptionally well. A loud cannon shot sounded and I made my way towards the tent's entrance. 

"Give one for HARRY POTTER EVERYONE!" Bagman exclaimed extremely loudly, "—The youngest and Hogwarts first Cha—"

His voice drowned in the ambience as I entered the quidditch pitch. Immediately I felt wards activating around the ground's perimeter. Smart… The magical beasts used were strong and could shoot flames hundreds of feet far. At least Chimera could send over 100 feets. The Hungarian horntail, though not selected, could shoot from 50 to 70 feets. And a Nundu… a Nundu can release toxic gasses in the air that can travel hundreds of meters and wipe villages.

I looked forward, trying to spot the figure of the beast and then I did. At the center, a pile of boulders forming an elevated structure stood, giant and menacing. Atop the boulders, the gigantic, formidable creature stood, his silhouette majestic against the bright sunny ambience of the winter cold.

It stared at me, as if challenging me to step forward, its face puffed up and mane flowing in the breeze.

Damn… I understand that it's a strong creature… but arrogant much?

I started circling the central elevated rocky terrain, carefully inspecting the place to spot the golden egg's position. Finally—it was between the Chimera's hind legs…

"Shit!" I murmured and internally cursed when I felt my voice being heard from speakers around the pitch… They were recording my voice and amplifying it too?! What the hell, it wasn't like this last time!

"Change of plan," I muttered and twirled my ring, summoning and instantly raising my wand, "Fumos Maxima!"

Instantly a torrent of thick-gray mist expelled from my wand's tip and started engulfing the pitch, making it almost invisible to see. Even in this gray nothingness, the Chimera's golden eyes were visible.


A shiver instantly made its way, crawling from my head to toe. A grim realization dawned, as a flurry of concentrated fire hurled towards me from where there had just been golden eyes—The Chimera could see magic… 

Almost as if on autopilot, my wand raised and the strongest shield I knew—Aklys Wrath—erupted out in a dark flurry of shimmering light, chipping substantially at my magical reservoir, and engulfing and nullifying the red and golden flames.

"Jeez… His fire burned the magical fog…" I almost gaped… I knew Chimera's were strong… But this was beyond a dragon's strength… Dragon flame can't expel and burn magical fog…

'The Chimera is a fearsome, fire-breathing creature with the body and head of a lion, a goat's head protruding from its back, and a serpent or dragon as its tail. Its monstrous form combines the ferocity of a lion, the stubbornness of a goat, and the deadly venom of a serpent.' I recalled the description which hadn't given due justice to this beast.

I bristled and braced myself for another attack as I lowered my shield… The ferocious beast glared at me, almost surprised that its attack was thwarted. Its tawny coat shimmered in the sunlight and its mane glowed. The goat's head at its back roared angrily while the serpentine dragon head spewed venom around the boulders.

"Ok… no playing…." I said gritting.

Till now I didn't wish to show my true magic… but this beast had already made me reveal one of my best shields… something that would surely make Dumbledore wary… No time to hide now…

I ran towards the center, conjuring a large boulder just in time to take cover as the beast shot a beam of fire. I smirked as the beast bombarded the boulder with its flames. With a twirl of my ring I summoned my Runic Quill, or Pen…

"It's time to rock…" I grinned and started drawing runes on the rock, while the Chimera continued trying to melt it with its flames from the other side. "The absorption rune…" I muttered as I started connecting three runic arrays after completing the absorption rune… Now… "Seven–three–three system…?" I stopped and calculated internally for a while.

Meanwhile the Chimera had stopped sending flames my way. But that didn't matter much at the moment… I was focused on this boulder for now… At last… after drawing all the runes, I conjured a small piece of gold and embedded it at the center of the 63 runes runic-array. Now… only one thing left…

I stepped out from behind the boulder and the beast instantly glared at me. Despite this though, it didn't send any fire my way, apparently tired of having his fire nullified every single time… This would be a problem… I need that fire…

I raised my wand with a wave sending a conjunctivitis curse, aiming at the beast's eyes. The pink coloured beam left my wand with a crackle but was deftly dodged by the agile beast. Undeterred, I sent a flurry of Jinxes, from simple stunners to bombarda maxima. Many struck the beast, many didn't, but the main motive was fulfilled as the beast, with a loud roar, opened his mouth, crimson-golden glowing from inside.

With a quick wand movement, I summoned the Rune'd boulder in front of me before I would be charred.

The runes began charging, absorbing the magical flames like a sponge absorbing water.

From the sides of the boulder, I sent a flurry of curses, continuing aggravating the beast… and finally at last… With a smile, I touched the embedded gold with the tip of my wand. A small white glow connected the two and finally I murmured, with a small smile on my lips, "Volo incipere."

The ground crackled and shook, the wards around the pitch shimmered, doing their best to hold and the Chimera stilled, startled by the ominous silence and the smell of pure magic… And then with a roar of the depth of sea, the boulder erupted, sending a large, humongous beam of pure Emerald magic towards the Chimera.

The Chimera stared at it wide eyed, it's serpentine tail thrashed, sending venom, it's goat head roared defiantly, and its lion head stood its ground, sending the strongest flames it could muster… But it was futile… The Green magic engulfed the beast, melting the chains that held him, and sending it straight back, hurling it against the ward at the Pitch's perimeter…

The Chimera gave a terrified, pained scream and, then with a thud, struck the ground, fainting instantly.

A silence fell upon the ground, and I felt a little relieved. People outside may have been screaming or cheering or doing whatever… But inside their voices were not coming thanks to the ward… I had defeated the Chimera…. Wait... I defeated the Chimera. Shit… I went a little overboard…

Slowly I walked towards the central bouldered elevated rocky terrain and picked the golden egg up. It was warm… even hot, perhaps because of the Chimera's Aura? Anyways, I twirled my wand, unsummoning it and clutched the egg in one arm, and made my way to the other side of the Pitch to exit the ground.

"—ed in 17 minutes and 48 seconds!" I heard the loud sound enter my year as I exited the warded pitch and entered the medical tent.

Instantly, all eyes in the tent were on me. From McGonagall's piercing gaze to Babbling's, who seemed to have rushed here, impressed one.

"Harry! That was amazing," Babbling gushed, "To draw so many runes effortlessly in a time pressure—"

"Yes, yes Professor Babbling," Madam Pomfrey interjected, and pushed me on an empty bed, prodding me everywhere with diagnostic spells, "Hm…"

"I feel fine Madam Pom—" I tried weakly.

"That's for me to decide, Mr. Potter," She said sharply and picked a red vial, "Drink this," I silently, almost pouting-ly, took the pepper up and gulped it. "Hmm… Some minor burns… Nothing too serious… First time for you I suppose?"

"Ah— Yeah…" I said awkwardly and heard the sound of giggling from the right…

"You are free to go…" Pomfrey said and handed me two greenish-yellow potions, "Take one in the evening and one before sleeping."

I nodded almost too quickly, making Pomfrey roll her eyes, and stood up. Always too intense… healers…

"Stop giggling, you two…" I told Ron and Hermione who had somehow managed to make their way in the tent. The two after a few minutes relented.

"You did amazing, Harry." Hermione said, "I can't even understand what runes you drew on that boulder… And then joining the?!" She was flabbergasted.

"Yes, You got that Chimera Real good!" Ron added, "Isn't it supposed to be one of the strongest beasts?" His eyes were almost shining with awe… "'Mione couldn't even shut about how you did that boulder thingy!"

"Yeah… kind of improvised…" I murmured while gazing around the tent… Many of the Champion's were being treated, none from Durmstrang though… Damn. None of the Durmstrang Champions were hurt badly apparently. Among the Hogwarts Champions, Cedric was lightly Charred, his hand red and bubbling lightly and Gemma's leg was bruised.

Fleur was not in the tent, so I supposed that she was out and had probably gone to meet her parents who had come to see the tasks. Pierre was on a bed beside a cute little girl showing him her drawings, his hand covered with bandages. At the bed, two more people were sitting who I presumed were his parents. Marie, among the Beauxbaton Champion, was the most hurt. A lot of her hair were burned, her face and shoulders were bruised, and her stomach had some nasty burns… Jeez… Beside her bed, Aleksandr, who didn't have any major injury, was sitting, holding her close. Another person, who looked like either Marie's older sister or her mother, was sitting on Marie's other side. I hope she gets well soon, she's nice.

Among the Durmstrang Champions', Aleksandr, as i mentioned, was sitting with Marie, and the other two—Krum and Anastasia—were not here.

"Mr. Potter," Professor McGonagall said, "It's time for your scores, come."

McGonagall led me to the screen from which I could see the judges. One by one, each of them raised their wands and I waited along with everyone for the Judges to be done with their evaluation.

"You did Amazing Mr. Potter," McGonagall said, a little softly, "I didn't know you were this proficient in runes already… and that shield you conjured… Perhaps you have been hiding your inner talents in my classes all these years?"

"Just bringing my best game to the Tournament, Professor," I said, and McGonagall did something I had never expected—She snorted. 

"Don't give me that claptrap," McGonagall said, a little amusement and curiosity in her eyes, "I have lived long Mr. Potter. Well, I hope you will continue doing this great."

Loud sound of trudging accompanied by a large giant figure—Hagrid, made its way towards us, "Yeh did it Harry! Yeh did so Great!"

"Thanks, Hagrid," I said.

"An' agains' the Chimera! One of the wors'... Splendidly done!" He patted my back and I almost lost my footing, only not falling because of Ron's support. I sent him a quick thanks.

"It's marks out of ten from each one," Ron said.

"What are the current standings?" I asked curiously.

Hermione replied, "Anastasia's first, 46 points… Karkaroff and Bagman gave her ten points, Dumbledore and Maxime gave nine and Crouch gave her eight. Krum, Fleur and Gemma all are second with 42 points… all lost points here and there…" She said and as an afterthought added, "except Gemma who lost only because she slipped and injured herself… otherwise she would have probably gotten higher" She then continued "… and well, Alexandr and Cedric got 41, Pierre got 40 and Marie got 35…" Finally she concluded, "Everyone managed to complete their tasks…"

The judges had finally completed their evaluation and now all eyes were on them. Madame Maxime raised her wand in the air. What looked like a long silver ribbon shot out of it, which twisted itself into a large figure nine.

"Not bad," Hermione said with a beaming smile, "Probably because of your time…"

 Mr. Crouch came next. He shot a number ten into the air. 

"Looking good!" Ron yelled, thumping Harry on the back.

"He hadn't given a ten to anyone yet," Hermione said, shocked.

Next, Dumbledore. He too put up a ten. The crowd was cheering harder than ever. 

Ludo Bagman — ten.

And now Karkaroff raised his wand. He paused for a moment, and then a number shot out of his wand too — Six.

"What?" Ron bellowed furiously. "Six? You lousy, biased scumbag, you gave Krum ten! You Gave Anastasia a Ten!"

"This is totally biased," Hermione said, now also irritated.

"Hey, it's okay guys," I tried consoling the pair, "I will get 'em next time."

"You're in second place, Harry! You and Krum!" said Charlie Weasley, hurrying to meet them in the tent. "I couldn't believe it. You sent a Chimera flying! Not even the strongest team of Mazes can do that! Listen, I've got to run, I've got to go and send Mum an owl, I swore I'd tell her what happened — but that was unbelievable!"

"Mr. Potter, you should go back to the medical tent," Professor Mcgonagall said, "Mr. Bagman will give you instructions for the next task, Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger, why don't you two wait outside for a minute?"

And so I headed towards the medical tent. Nearly everyone was healed, though Cedric had some orange paste covering his charred hand, Pierre still had bandages and Marie… Yeah… Marie will probably take a week to get well, her injuries were quite severe.

Everyone was in the tent and we were now just waiting for Bagman.

"You would have to show me that shield of yours sometime," I heard Anastasia speak and turned. "Greatly done, by the way. Karkaroff robbed you," She joked with an amused smile.

"There are two more tasks," I said with a subtle challenging smile, "Don't get your hopes high."

"We will see," She said with a smirk before sitting down. She started a conversation with Gemma.

A cool shiver went down my spine and the smell of cinnamon invaded my system as I heard the voice, "'Arry! You did zo well!"

"Ah— Thank you Fleur," I told the silver haired beauty, "Congratulations to you too."

She sent me a beaming smile and started, "Oh~ my baby-sister 'as come to watch the task. You 'ave to meet 'er! She is obsessed with you."

"Baby sister?" I asked, feigning curiosity,

"Oui, Gabrielle. You will love 'er!" She gushed.

"Ohh— I would love to meet her. She goes to Beauxbaton too?"

"She will start in two years."

"Well done, all of you!" said Ludo Bagman, bouncing into the tent and looking as pleased as though he personally had just got past a dragon. "Now, just a quick few words. You've got a nice long break before the second task, which will take place at half past nine on the morning of February the twenty-fourth — but we're giving you something to think about in the meantime! If you look down at those golden eggs, you're all holding, you will see that they open . . . see the hinges there? You need to solve the clue inside the egg — because it will tell you what the second task is and enable you to prepare for it! All clear? Sure? Well, off you go, then!" 

"Why are all their clues useless and obvious?" I muttered, expecting something or at least anything else.

Fleur shrugged nonchalantly, "Don't know." She took my hands and said, "Let's go."

"Of course—" My eyes suddenly fell on a single figure standing just at the tent's exit and a small smirk appeared on my face. "Fleur, where would we be going."

"Per'aps around ze lake, I wanted to show my seester, Maman and Papa around ze lake," She said, directing a questioning look my way.

"Can I meet you after around thirty minutes?" I asked apologetically, "I have some small business to take care of."

She looked a little downtrodden but said, "Zure, but be zere quick."

The immediate abscess of her warmth, as her hand slipped from mine, made my heart flutter with a tinge of sadness. My eyes momentarily widened, and I kicked myself internally, berating myself for such thoughts. "Thank you."

Fleur left and I walked towards the lone figure standing at the tent's entrance. It was Rita Skeeter. She was wearing acid-green robes today; the Quick-Quotes Quill in her hand blended perfectly against them. "Congratulations, Harry!" she said, beaming at him. "I wonder if you could give me a quick word? How did you feel facing that Chimera? How do you feel now, about the fairness of the scoring?" 

"Hello, dear," I gave her my sweetest smile and deftly plucked the quick-quote-quill from her hands, "Let's get down to business, shall we?"

Twenty minutes later, two happy people, me and Skeeter, left the tent. I was happy because tomorrow's newspaper was going to be wild, and Skeeter was happy because of the easy content she had received.

I looked around and noticed that Ron and Hermione were not in the tent's entrance. I decided to walk towards the lake and search for Fleur.

As I walked, the grimness and dread I had been feeling in the morning suddenly returned… I felt Vulnerable and exposed… I didn't know why. The Grounds around Hogwarts, the black lake, Hogsmeade and Forbidden Forest were all littered with thousands of students, officials, children and adults who had come to witness the task.

I noticed Ron and Hermione, arguing about something while strolling around the lake and made my way towards them… Suddenly—

Loud, Vicious roars echoed across the Scottish valleys, followed by flashes of light.

"What is—" Hermione asked, holding me for support. Suddenly her eyes widened. I followed her gaze and cursed.

Flashes of red, yellow and orange flames were visible, unleashing carnage upon the Quidditch Pitch. And then one by one… at once even… dragons rose from the place, flying in all directions while people screamed and ran here and there in pure panic.

"Guys—" I said and shook both of them, "We should go to the castle…"

"What— How?" Hermione was still shaken by the sight, unable to tear her eyes off of the view. Ron pulled her and the three of us started running.

Suddenly I heard a loud scream…

Author's Note: So that is a cliffhanger for you all… Also sorry for the poor quality of writing… I didn't really feel like writing… But I wanted to at least give you all one chapter this week. School is killing me honestly.

This chapter is around 3500 words… So word count is decent I guess. I hope all of you are doing well. I hope everyone finds this chapter decent at least… If there are any mistakes, just point them… I will go study now… God help me with NLM in physics…