
Chapter 1

The early morning rays of sunlight sifted through the trees and down to the forest floor. The thick vegetation blocked most of the heat those morning rays brought with them. My self-made trail was worn flat from all of my runs from many previous mornings. What was different today? Why am I waking up in the middle of my trail? And why am I naked?? I quickly looked left and right, then the rest of my surroundings. Seeing no one, not that I anticipated seeing anyone, I jumped to my feet and made my way home. Keeping quiet and listening intently for any movement other than my own. All the while racking my brain, desperately trying to remember yesterday and how I got here. I remember meeting someone but their face i can't quite picture.

Only after reaching my house did I feel a little better. Running up to my back door I reached above the light to the side and pulled down my hide-a-way key and let myself in. Feeling dirt caked on my body I went upstairs to shower. Who was the man I can't picture in my memory? Why does it feel like the only answers I'm going to get are from him? Most bizzarely, why am I getting a physical response from my own body when I try to think of him?

Ignoring the response my body gave me, I cleaned up, washed my hair and wrapped my body in a towel. Feeling clean, I stepped out of the shower and went to my bedroom and threw on an oversized nirvana shirt and shorts. Lucky if all I am missing memory wise is yesterday, it should be Saturday and I have nowhere to be.

"Phone." I thought, where is my phone? I need to make some calls and try and piece together some of what happened yesterday.