
Under The Alpha

The young woman Solance with a strange past is kidnapped and abused and nearly killed by a group of madmen. But she is saved by a pack of wolves, now she is forced to stay with them. It gets even more complicated as the Alpha’s son imprints on Solance, who is still fragile. What will happen to Solance now? can a relationship even begin under such conditions? and what secrets does the mark on her chest hold?

MielaNao · 青春言情
17 Chs

A horrendous meeting

The redhead bolts to the bottom of the stairs, she had originally gone to the infirmary to get the first aid kit to her sister and Angie, but seeing Dimitry with her dear unconscious friend snapped her line of thoughts. At the bottom of the stairs, most of the household was present. Angie howling her eyes out at the severe cut she had received from Matthew after she had severely injured the other redhead. Matthew was tenting to his mate's wounds. Sarah turned to the girl on the stairs, " he is... With her" she managed to say out loud.

Sarah, Lavenda and Clyde needed no more information and bolted to the room. Upon entering they meet the adolescent's back, he was keeping the girl closets to the wall covering her from sight. The male turned his head slightly so he could see the intruders, his eyes narrowed and held a dangerous red tint. The adolescent regards the three intruders, the intruding male takes a step towards them. Dimitry growls in warring, the male pauses, and glances to his mate. Both females remained at the door, it could go very bad fast if Clyde chouldn't convince his son to back down. It was essential that Dimitry is parted from Solance, the poor child was still too weak to handle such a fierce dominant like his son.

"Now pup let's think this through... Solance will be very frightened if she wakes up like this.,, Clyde spoke softly but still commanding. The addressed male slightly shifted his body, he raised himself, so his body was above the girl. A position that formed a shield and displayed that he was ready to fight, Dimitry growled again. Both males stood their ground, the room was tense and silent. That's when Clyde realize, it was his son's wolf that was present. Clyde hadn't seen it surface since Dimitry first shifted.

A soft groan escaped the girl, all the movement and shifting had woken the girl. Every person waited for the girl's reaction each person had a different scenario of what would happen.

The girl slightly shifted to rest on her side, a soft sigh left her and her breathing once again evened out. She had fallen back to sleep.

Dimitry lowered himself slightly closer to the female beneath him, her groans had sounded discomforted. Which resulted in the male's instinct to provide comfort to his chosen ones, he slowly dipped his head down to nuzzle the human's exposed cheek. Dimitry found her skin soft and smooth, an approving rumble left him.

The human tried to shift though couldn't and instead, her hand came up to swat away whatever was trickling her cheek, goosebumps had appeared. The dominant male, only just avoided getting swatted in the face, the human nuzzled back to wonderland.

Dimity chuckled finding his mate quite adorable, once again he dipped his head down to trace her cheek. Again, goosebumps appeared and this time he watched at the small, soft hairs on her skin slowly stood up. Again, her hand came up to her face, again he avoided it.

The three adults could only watch at what in a less delicate situation would be adorable, Dimitry had no idea about the girl's mental state. Sarah readied herself for the worst scenario, the young wolf kept repeating the pattern. Nuzzle cheek, avoid hand and chuckle. The young male was rejoicing in the bonding moment he was sharing with his chosen one, he had been waiting for so long.

"Son please let the girl go,, his father slightly growled. The adolescent rose his head and narrowed his eyes at the offending male, his lips rose revealing sharp canines. "Dimitry! If you want a future with the girl, you mustn't do this! She needs to know you before you claim her!,, the adult male tried. For once his son acts like an average wolf, but Solance isn't a wolf. Her stat is far too delicate for this.

Dimitry returned his attention to the female under him, she was so beautiful. He wanted her to wake up, to approve of him. He dipped down again, nuzzling her cheek and neck edging her to wake up. The female must have been a heavy sleeper since she only raised her hand to swat him away again.

Not this time little one the young blond thought, when the hand swatted, he skillfully avoided her hand only to nip at her fingertips. The hand recoiled and the girl stiffened under him, patiently he waited just like the three adults.

Blue eyes opened, they meet a pair of golden brown orbs. Orbs that held on to her eyes in an inhuman manner, at that very moment two hearts missed a beat. Time stopped for the two teens, the male was taken away by the blue color his chosen one had. A rich royal blue, big and shiny. Eye contact remained, neither could look away. Dimitry smiled down at Solance, he opened his mouth to speak.

He was abruptly interrupted by a loud wail, Solance had snapped. In a blink of an eye, the girl started to buck and fight under him, all while screaming bloody murder. Stunned by the girl's sudden behavior, he remained completely still above her. He couldn't understand, it wasn't supposed to be like this. Why was she frightened, why of him? She shouldn't fear him. Never.

Dimitry started to soothe the girl, he tried to get eye contact. But her endless bucking, fighting, and screaming kept cutting him off.

The three adults remained at the entrance, Sarah could only look at the girl who was panicking. The poor girl, she had kept Dimitry away because of this. Her fears had become real and now there was nothing she could do, blue eyes meet hers. At first, they seemed to beg, then as Sarah remained standing not moving to help at all. Sarah saw a light pass in the girl's eyes, a new emotion came forward. Betrayal. In its wake the girl became fanatic, her limps flared around her dangerously. Her limps connected with the male teen's body, tears started to build up in Sarah's eyes.

Dimitry's face was hit with a frail-looking hand, the force behind the hit didn't really hurt him. His chosen one wasn't strong enough to hurt him, but the knowledge that she would try to hurt him, that knowledge hurt his heart. How could she? He looked down at her, her eyes were nearly all black. Why was she afraid? Her scent that before was so great as a soothing balm for his soul, was now sharp and it was attacking his senses furiously. Giving him mixed signals, his mate was afraid, he needs to remove that which frightened her, but it was him that frightened her. He flinched, the girl under him was still screaming her head off. Another scent hit his nostrils, blood, his female was bleeding.

In the girl's fight, she had hurt herself. Her heart was working overtime, she didn't get the needed air into her body. Making her brain and body weaken and an adrenaline rush for a final fight, in vain Dimitry tried to calm his mate. but the human tossed and struggled against him.

And then her heart grew weak, all the wolves could sense it. Her breath was shallow and huffy, the young male looked to his Alpha, worry so clear in his eyes. Clyde closed his eyes, there was nothing he could do, Solance was too far away. Sarah cried, Lavenda had her hands in her face. To think her son would be losing his mate so early in life, she would lose her son. No male can recover the loss of a mate, not a destined mate.

Dimitry saw the despair in his family's eyes, they could do nothing for Solance. No, I won't lose her! the male thought as he desperately thought of a way to save the girl, whose eyes were losing their strength and shine. Then a thought hit him, his aura! Just maybe it would work, it could protect her from nightmares maybe it can help her now. He gently trapped Solance's hands on either side of her body, trying to hold off his weight of the girl. He focused and rose his aura, he then first gently prodded the girl's own distressed aura. Her aura was stubborn but weak, the male kept prodding it all the while he was cooing and making reassuring sounds in a gentle and low tone.

Her aura gave in, her heartbeat turned steady and stable though still weak. She still fought but her resolve was weak, her eyes were still blank.

"What is he doing?" Lavenda asked as the young girl's body started to relax, a spark of hope soared in her. "I believe he is using his aura" Clyde said, as his son slowly released the girl's hands. The girl was still under his son, the girl's eyes didn't seem to be able to focus and they were rolling around in her head.

"That must be it!" Sarah said, -"He must be covering her in his aura, he is most likely pushing his aura in, which pushes or dissolves Solance's aura." She continued impressed at the young male. "Which means?" Lavenda inquires as Sarah just looks at the two youngsters, "I believe that he is forcing her to relax without really hurting her, basically he is taking control of her. He must be, it's the only explanation to what we are seeing." Sarah finished.

"So, she will be fine? He is not hurting her?" Clyde asked his eyes locked on the now still girl, whom his son was slowly gathering in his arms. His son's eyes never left Solance's, having gathered the girl in his arms, he nuzzled her neck. The girl looked confused but at least she is alive.

-"No he is not hurting her, he is making her numb. As a doctor I think you can say what he is doing would be bad, but in this case, it's the only way. basically, he is taking over her body, keeping her numb. She is awake and aware though I think very confused." Sarah answered.

" So, she is trapped in her body, that is now being made numb by my son's aura?,, Lavenda asked, wanting to be sure that she understood what was happening before her. Sarah only nodded as the young wolf was walking towards them, with the dark-haired girl in his arms.

Dimitry stops before the three adults, he meets the alpha's eyes. Red versus red, Clyde was shocked. His son had reached alpha, the red eyes proved it. He knew his son was strong, but he had never seen his son act so much like an alpha as he was now. His son glared at him, Clyde lowered his eyes, he wouldn't fight his son now. Now it was all about keeping Solance alive, the elder alpha steps aside, the two females follow suit.

Dimitry walks out of the infirmary, the only room the girl in his arms knew. Sarah says that she needs to check on Solance, to make sure she is okay. The young alpha doesn't answer her, he continued walking, heading towards his own room.

Outside in the hall a handful of the other pack members are waiting and watching, the young male's eyes move from one male to another. Only leaving one pair of eyes after the owner of said eyes, exposed their neck to him. His red eyes shining leaving no room for anyone to argue, Solance is just watching. There were so many new faces, and then there is this male holding her. He scares her, she can't move, she can't talk. Tears were building up in her eyes making her vision blurry, who was this male, why wasn't anyone stopping him?

Dimitry kept walking, he then passed the stair that leads downstairs. That's when Solance caught sight of the twins.

Adele caught Solance's eyes and mouthed a name, but she quickly realized that Solance didn't get it. Adele knew that things were getting dangerous, she could feel the fine hairs on her neck rise. Dimitry wasn't himself right now, getting in his way could kill her and it may harm her friend even more. "Dimitry!,, Adele said loudly getting the attention of the male and her human friend, the male turned to her. She could feel the glaring eyes on her, she quickly exposed her neck. Adele could sense the distress from her twin, Adele had to choose her words wisely.

"I..I could go get Solance's back bag and fill it with her things, that way you wouldn't have to leave her side,, Adele managed to stammer out.

There was silence for a while, Solance remembered the name Dimitry, the one whom Angie had her eyes on. But what else? Then it hit her, he was the one who had been bringing her meals to the twins. He was the one who had been on the other side of the door, the twin's new friend. Solance glanced up at the male once more, slowly trying to take him in. He was tall, muscular build though still slender. His hair was blond like Clyde's, but Clyde's hair was short and neatly cut hair. This younger version had thick blond locks, it was wild and gave him a rather wild look. His eyes were red and were glaring at everything, it was frightening. A small sound escaped her, the man, no Dimitry looked down at her. Their eyes meet once more, Solance remembered that they were a golden brown before.

Dimitry and his wolf looked into their mate's eyes, they were so big and glassy, unshed tears were hiding in her eye corners. His face became gentle, he made a low rumble sound in his chest to calm his mate. He then nuzzled the top of her head, his mate would be okay.

" alpha?,, Dimitry turned to the elder twin Adele, he meets her eyes and nodded his approval to her offer. He then moved on down the hallway, he needs to get his mate settled so he could see to her injuries.

Adele ran to do her assignment, Aywa hot on her heels. They both knew that things were changing, they weren't born into this pack. They came from the outside, so it was not the first time they had seen an ascending alpha. Better not get on his bad side, he would be the one to decide whether or not they could stay. Aywa may be allowed to stay since she has a mate, but Adele didn't have that luck. The two twins passed the three adults who were talking among each other.

" Adele, Aywa, did you see" Sarah began but was cut off by the twins who answered in unison, that yes they had seen Dimitry and Solance. " Oh, well where did he go then?" Lavenda asked as she watched the two girls, collect Solance's things and put them neatly into her back-bag. " His room,, the twins said as they left the room, leaving the adults in silence.

Dimitry stopped before his door, he had to open the door somehow, but both of his arms were supporting his treasure. He ended up opening the door using his elbow, he then edges the door open with his foot.

Solance takes in the room, it was a rather large room. A big king-size bed was pushed into the corner furthest from the door, it had a dark wood bed frame, with woodcarving all over the wood. It was massive, there were no legs on the bed. It had like a socket, leaving no room under the bed. It was tall and rich in cravings. The duvet and pillows were a rich dark green with black leaves. There were two windows in total, one like a normal farmhouse window. But the other one was made to dent out, so there was a seating on the window seat. The window was facing into the forest. Each window had a heavy dark green curtain.

Dimitry placed his mate on the bed, he then sat down on the floor. Resting his head and arms on the bed, he sat there watching her as she took in his, no, their room. Her eyes were resting at the wall towards the door, he turned his head to see the massive bookcases in the same style as his bed. Each shelf was filled with books, maybe he could read to her sometime. He turned his eyes to her again, he watches her as her eyes moved about their room.

He was lost in his mate, who was silently laying and watching. She would be able to see more if she sat up, but it would have to wait. Sarah had to do a check-up on her before he moved her anymore and before he slowly released the girl's aura. A soft knock on the door, made him rise. Has he stood before the door, he took a quick glance back at his treasure. But her eyes were locked onto the headpiece on their bed, he could see her eyes taking in the woodcarving. He opened the door to see Adele and Aywa, their eyes meet his. They both took a breath of relief to see his eyes back to normal, Adele softly held out Solance's back-bag. Dimitry took it and then paused, he then to a step to the side. So, the girls could see Solance on the bed, he could see them relax. They had been worried.

" Would you like to come in?,, he asked, though he wanted to be alone with his mate. It was not about him, it was about his mate. She was frail and maybe seeing her friends in her new room will make it easier for her.

The two redheads did not hesitate, and both walked in. This was new territory for the twins, the two walked towards the bed and sat down on the floor. Each of the twins held onto one of Solance's hands, Dimitry knew he should feel angry. But right now, he could feel Solance, she was getting better. As the females took comfort in each other's presence, he worked to put away Solance things. She didn't have much, a hoodie, a pair of leggings, some toileting, a hairbrush, and a drawing block. Once more a knock sounded on the door, he opened the door to see Sarah, who walked in. He growled at her. "Yeah yeah, I know, but I need to check on the girl,, the woman said.

"teach me,, the male said, Sarah, stopped in her step and turned. "excuse me?,, she said, did she just hear what she thought she heard. "Teach me how to care for her, we need the bonding,, the male said.