

"Hello everyone, I am Arthur and this guy here is Zeek. We will be your Warrior and Magician trainers respectively."

Arthur was a classic knight looking guy, he has well trained muscles and blond hair with blue eyes.

Zeek looked like a scholarly looking man, he has a skinny body with just enough fats. He has black hair and purple eyes with a look that said 'hurry up would you?'.

From Sizuin's perspective, Arthur was a sneaky rat that would take advantage of others. Zeek on the other hand, was a man who would rather like the result than the journey. He seems to be in a hurry for everything.

"Today we will talk about your classes and stuff like that. Practical training will start in the next few days, now split up according to your groups. Warriors on the left, Magicians on the right, Alchemists and Craftmens will wait for the Head Alchemist and Head Craftmens to arrive"

After the class split up, Arthur spoke again.

"Alright, now follow me warriors."

"You guys follow me too, let's be quick" Zeek pointed to the magicians and walked away.

Airi was having a special training with Kanako, Riku, Haruto and Sora so Sizuin didn't have alot of people troubling him. His classmates tended to not talk to him since his reputation made them uncomfortable.

After awhile, Arthur and the Warriors walked inside a rich looking classroom.

"This is one of the many royal study room, take a seat and we will begin our lecture."

"You may be wondering why the classes are very vauge right? Well everyone's classes can be upgraded after completing certain conditions. If a Warrior wanted to be a swordsmen, they would need to be skilled in the art of the sword, The same goes to other weapons."

"The Warrior class is like a blank sheet of paper and your choice of weapon is the ink, eventually you will paint the blank sheet with the inks and turn the blank sheet into a painting. There are grades of classes too like your classes [Great Warrior] will be [Great Swordsmen] and stuff like that."

"Arthur-Sensei, will our class grade upgrade too?"

"It can"

All of the students had a happy expression with eyes that was filled with relief

"But it would be very difficult to increase it. Out of 100 people who has [Warrior] class, only 10 of them will upgrade it to [Great Warrior] in less than 10 years so you guys are quite lucky having the class straight of the bat. To upgrade [Great Warrior] to [ArchWarrior] will be extremely difficult, i'm afraid only those with lucky encounters will manage to upgrade it."

The students were a little disappointed but still had some hope in getting a class upgrade

"then if we somehow upgrade our class, what happens to our used stat and ability points?"

"You will get back all of your Stats and ability points so you can re-spec it after getting a better class grade"

"Sensei! What are the grades on classes?"

"It starts from just plain [Warrior] then after that is [Great Warrior], [ArchWarrior] and lastly [Supreme Warrior]."

"Then what makes them better than lower graded classes?"

"A [Warrior] would only get 10 Stats and Ability points but a [Great warrior] will get 15. Every grade higher will have 5 more points than the grade lower."

"isn't just 5 more points? it's not that big of a difference"

"Don't look down on this 5 extra points, if you are of equal levels then he would have 50% more Stats than you, if you battle against your classmate with the [Supreme Warrior] class then he would be 100% stronger than you when you are of the same levels"

"Then don't we just get more levels than them?"

"First of all, Every class has a level limit. Your [Great Warrior] class has a level limit of 400 while they have a much higher level limit."

"Second of all, They would be able to level up faster than you since they have higher stats"

"Third of all, i forgot to mention this but higher gradded class have better Abilities than lower gradded classes. If you have the same skill such as {Wind blade}, yours would not be as efficient a higher grade class meaning the skill done by you will have less power even if you both have the same stats."

"ohh! Then what does Ability points do? Do they level up our abilities?"

"Yes, different abilities require different amount of ability points to level up."

"how do we get titles?"

"For that, you would need to do something exceptional like creating your own high ranked abilities or saving alot of people. Only certain people like the hero and Supreme classes gets a title for free"

"Then whats your class sensei?"

"My class is [ArchKnight]" Arthur looked proud with his class while the students were in awe.

"Does that mean you use a Shield and Sword?"


After more questions and a lecture of how to use weapons, the Students left and walks towards their room with excited faces.

Sizuin had acted normal and asked questions to look nornal. Sometimes, a perfect act must have parts where they are obvious and out in the open.

Sizuin had some of his important questions answered like how OP his class is, how to act like a [Great Warrior], the powers of other classes. But it also brought along some questions like why did he get such an OP class and titles and whats his new purpose here since he wasn't a demon king anymore. For now he would continue gathering informations until an opportunity comes by.

After Sizuin ordered dinner, he rested on his bed thinking what to do with his Stats and Ability points. Eventually he came to the conclusion that he should save it and wait for a situation where he can't do much with his current Status.

His {Supreme Body} and {Supreme Magic} made it so that he could be in the safe for awhile, he could control all of his strength naturally so he didn't cause any blunders.

*knock knock*

"Heyy! Sizuin-kun you there??"

"Nobodies in this room!"

"Ah okay then, i'll just have to eat the dinner Sizuin-kun ordered alone"

"ok ok! i'm coming Airi-san"

Sizuin opened the door and sees Airi, Kanako, Riku, Sora and Haruto all sweaty.

"Why are you guys covered in sweat? also wheres my dinner?"

"hehe, Kanako told me to say that"

Sizuin looks at Kanako and she just smiles in response.

"ughh, i was hungry too."

"Anyway, come inside. You must have physically trained right? you guys can rest and request more food."

"It was super tough training! We had to use our stat points to not be exhausted, i have a pretty high VIT now!" Airi was still cheerful while the rest was tired and spoke less.

Sizuin and the group talked about some stuff while the food was getting prepared. The ones training them were also an Arch graded class and their names were Charles and Anne. Charles was a warrior type and Anne was a Wizard type, they both were middle-aged so Sizuin tought that they should be pretty strong.

The trainers taught them about ranks, they use a classic ranking system based on letters F rank was the lowest while SSS rank was the highest. The empire highest ranking person is a S ranked.

The special classed group were basicly Sizuin's inside informer without them even knowing about it.

Kinda late since i was busy reading stuff and playing games 030


i made ranks so check it out if you want to truly understand how i accidentally made him too OP right now *sigh* Rank B at lvl1 *sigh*


i also forgot to post his status and update the character sheet so check them out if you forgot something


btw Naruto Uzumaki and Haruto Izumaki. Did no one noticed?


so far, 25% of info has been introduced. I'll introduce info bit by bit from now on since i can't bs my way on the earlier chap

doodlyycreators' thoughts