
140 Picks Up Kills, Gold Suit_3

He would find it difficult alone, but with help from Doggy Two and Old Eight, it would be effortless.

After all, even though he is currently Three-turn, his dogs are all Four-turn, their powers have undergone a tremendous enhancement.

Doggy Two and the rest are also part of Dean McKenzie's fighting force!

Dean McKenzie still has hundreds of Excellent Templates and dozens of Rare Templates at his disposal.

If he wants to, he can easily summon hundreds of Four-turn Excellent attacks and dozens of Three-turn Rare attacks.

What does it mean to be an army of one?

Dean McKenzie is an army of one!

He still has a pretty clear idea of his role.

Soon, Dean McKenzie had finished reviewing his situation. He straightened out his mindset, "Anyway, right now, at this stage, my personal strength is a bit inadequate, but my dogs' strength has improved.

So, in the period before I become Four-turn, the dogs will become the absolute core of the battle.