
Chapter 2

"you're the one....

who saved me?"

Kennen asked with all his might coughing in between each word.

"Yes you were nearly about to die when I saw you.."

Kennen felt a weird sensation of relief and slowly closed his eyes drifting back to sleep.

'Hopefully we can have a proper conversation after you wake up again, Loyd thought,

...and I can introduce you to my older brother who lives with me'

Just then from the corner of his eye, Loyd saw some kind of dark presence outside his window.

*Loyd turns around for a second to see nothing there*

As Kennen drifted back to sleep, Loyd's older brother entered the room.

His name was Lock and he was the only other family member present.

He was very tall, built and intelligent.

He also had brown hair and blue eyes thus making it clear that he was Loyd's older brother.

However, he had curtains for his hairstyle.

"How's his condition Loyd?"

"He should be alot better when he wakes up again brother"

"I see... replied Lock

...then you can go rest as well while I tend to his wounds"

"But brother.... I told you I'm fine"

"No excuses Loyd..

Lock demanded in a firm voice,

..You bruised your leg and you have alot of scratches on your arm and face, now go rest up, I won't tell u again"

"fine..alright I will" Loyd answered as he sighed and left the room.

Lock moved over to the desk next to Kennen's bed and grabbed some bandages and medicine.

'This boy would've died if Loyd never saved him' thought Lock as he wrapped on new bandages for Kennen.

Kennen had almost no blood flow to his right arm and legs causing them to nearly lose complete functionality.

"It's a miracle this boy is even still alive"

Lock finished tending to his wounds and placed back all the medicine and bandages back into the desk besides Kennen's bed.

'Looks like I need to get more food and medicine' Lock pondered as he glanced around the room unable to find anything of aid.

He grabbed his large trench coat, slipped on his shoes and proceeded to leave the house.

"I'll be back in a bit you two, make sure you don't leave the house and rest well" exclaimed Lock as he closed the door and set off.

As Lock went off, a scene of two townsfolk are displayed.

"Nobody will believe us!!"

A nervous shaking man cried

"There is no way those things were human"

muttered the second man with his eyes open wide.

"But we saw the skulls and bones of humans!!"

The first man shivered"

*Scenary ends with the two townsfolk shivering in fear*

Meanwhile, Loyd was in his room laying on his bed occupied with the questions and thoughts of everything that just happened.

Loyd got up wanting some snacks to eat.

His living room was joined into one massive room separated only by a small dining table which sat in between.

He walked in and immediately strolled over to where Kennen laid asleep.

"Hey, wake up " Loyd muttered.

Just when Loyd was walking away to the kitchen, Kennen shot up from bed gasping for air shivering in fear.

Loyd panicked as he rushed back to Kennen.

Kennen couldn't speak and stayed silent.

Still breathing heavy but slowly calming down, he wiped the sweat from his head.

He looked at his arm and then over to his lower body shocked in disbelief. He couldn't comprehend the fact that he was alive and well.


"Give me water!" Kennen yelled.

Loyd sprinted to the kitchen as fast as he could and grabbed a glass of water.

Loyd gave the glass to Kennen and Kennen drank the entire glass in one sip and took a gulp.

Loyd was shocked seeing Kennen shivering so hard. He couldn't understand what was going on with Kennen

"Hey, are you ok!?"
