
Unbounded Ruler of Death

Kanata Nagisa along with his classmates gets summoned to strange world facing the crisis of the demon king. However unlike the others he was not needed as a main character in the main act. He gets banished, fated to die a dogs death. Facing numerous trials in this unfamiliar world he seeks to overcome them all. ======================================== Original story by: Akemi Kyoshi

Akemi_Kyoshi · 奇幻
64 Chs


Episode(48): A promise to return, Arrogance, pride and the hero's insanity!


Hearing Akane's words and seeing the pitiful look on her face, a hint of hesitation could be seen flashing through Mavis's eyes.

It was one thing if she agreed, however it was another thing to keep such a promise after all, just look who she was up against now.

The guy could literally slap them to death with a single palm.

Could you really say you could return alive after facing him?

If she was lucky then she would return with most of her limbs crippled and that was only if she was lucky.

If this was a month ago when she had just met Akane she would have long coaxed her before heading off to complete her duty as a knight.

Now however, the two were like siblings born from the same womb.

She really didn't want to disappoint Akane by getting her hopes up and telling a lie.

Her face fell and Mavis bit her pink lips in frustration.

What to do oh what should she do?

From the expression on her face she was obviously at a loss.

To be honest she didn't like the idea of sacrificing herself either.

Just how hard had she worked to be where she was now? And she had to give it all up for Renji?

Not because he was the hero would all the women of this world fall for him.

Some were just genuinely disinterested in such people and Mavis was one such a rare specimen.

But she also acknowledged the fact that no one but Renji could pose a threat to the demon king.

Even if it was just to seal the demon king, this would give humanity the time and space to prepare a proper sword to once and for all defeat the enemy of all mankind.

Unwillingness was in her heart, but even so it wasn't like she could defeat the demon king with her measly strength.

No, she might be a rare holder of two traits but that didn't make her eligible to claim her value higher than the hero.

She was only a slightly special person in this long story of demon vs man.

In that story Renji was the only one fit to be the protagonist.

Looking at the pitiful Akane sobbing, her shoulders slightly trembling.

Mavis could only softly brush her hair to comfort her.

To Akane, it felt like a big sister coaxing her little sister.

Normally Akane would have tried to save face. When was she, a woman of many talents ever treated like a child?

However now she didn't have any thoughts of resistance in her mind.

She just looked up at Mavis with sad eyes knowing all too well that she couldn't convince her.

[It's okay]

Mavis smiled sweetly.

Her smile was genuine and bright like the sun in the morning sky.

Even while knowing that she had a high probability of dying-

[I won't die. I'll make sure to come back safely]

Mavis saw doubt flash through Akane's eyes and pouted petulantly. 

[What? Don't believe me? I still have many things to teach you so you don't die on the battlefield and it would be irresponsible of me to leave you so soon, right?]

If this were any other time Akane would have definitely tried to tease Mavis, but now she just felt so weak and helpless.

As a summoned hero shouldn't she be the one to protect others?

Why was it the other way around?

But Mavis didn't give her the time to ask this question.

She had long made her intentions known and now it was time for her to work.

Turning around she prepared to enter the battle but not a moment too late, she paused.

A thoughtful expression came to her face and she slapped her forehead.

The next moment she gave a glance to a noble that was in the crowd not to far away.

This noble wasn't someone who knew how to fight but collected well made sword regardless of the rank.

Soon, the noble noticed her gaze.

His face was slightly pale but he soon nodded as if he had received some sort of message.

Reaching down, he took off a silver ring on his finger before discreetly throwing it to Mavis.

Catching the ring, Mavis quickly casted in her mind and said 'Open'. A light flash dimly shone where she was and in the very next moment a silver long sword appeared in the air.

Mavis who had a stern expression slightly relaxed then grabbed the sword firmly holding it tightly in her grasp.

Akane watched from the side with relish.

This item was called a storage ring.

From what Akane knew from reading books, this item could only be created by spatial magic users but such users were extremely rare.

To show this fact, none of the heroes that were summoned could use space magic at all.

Not even Renji or his childhood friend who had an extremely high mage class.

Akane tried to test if she had talent for space magic but, well no luck.

With a thief class, her element focused more on swiftness making her compatible with the wind element.

Although she had a skill that could teleport, that was only through the wind and not space.

She also wanted to suddenly appear from the void and stun everyone while acting cool but she could only sigh.

Well, it wasn't bad since she could use spatial rings. At least this was what she thought at first.

After a month of being in this world she had unfortunately learned that to equip a spatial ring one needed to be at least above level 20.

Akane could only sigh and wait silently but she would work hard and not be a salted fish.

Mavis on the other hand already met the conditions which confused Akane.

'Why didn't she bring her's with her?'

It was confusing but she figured that Mavis just left it behind because she forgot.

Indeed, that was the fact.

Not being used to social events, Mavis was a bit flustered and forgot she even had a storage ring.

[At any rate...]

Akane wiped her tears away.

It was useless to cry in this situation and since Mavis had chosen to stand then there was no reason for her to be useless baggage and drag her down

[Since Mavis is helping out over there let's just move my hands and do what I can do]

Lifting the hem of her dress slightly, Akane turned and ran towards the frantically escaping people.

If she couldn't fight then at the very least she should help the people evacuate safely.


At the same time-


The entire banquet hall was in ruins.

What was once a fancy venue had now become no more than a far cry of its former glory.

Now It wouldn't be wrong if someone were to think it was the ruins of an old country.

For the two engaged in battle, this slight detail didn't matter at all.

Both of them fought throwing out attacks that cracked the ground and split tables one by one.

Even the buffet wasn't spared a glance before food was scattered like dog food.



Two figures, one defending with ease while the other attacking with all his might clashed back and forth at the centre of all the destruction.

[Take this!!]

Renji announced with a shout.

He tightly gripped the hilt of the glowing holy sword and swung it with all his might.

The air split apart as the sword enveloped in divine power cleaved towards it's target.

In every angle he could motion, Renji attacked like a madman on a quest for vengeance.

Each attack was heavy and filled with force enough to split the ground and slightly crack pillars, yet no matter how strong his attacks were nothing went through at all.

His attacks were like throwing a stone into a calm lake.

It was a big attack but it only caused a ripple and nothing more.

Sullivan would easily swing his hands countering and blocking his every attack which was baffling to Renji.

Even so Renji didn't stop. It wasn't that he was tenacious. 

What fickle man could be tenacious?

Renji was such a fellow.

He didn't work hard and he expected everything to fall in his lap so how could such a person be tenacious?

He believed that his Holy sword would naturally do the job every time and he really didn't need to worry or stress about training or hard work.

The only reason he kept on persisting was because his face had completely been slapped into the void and he needed to get it back.

As a hero, he couldn't even land an attack on a demon?

What a joke!

However, even as he slashed and stabbed and performed all sorts of special attacks it was like he was a fool dancing in the palms of his opponents hands.

Coupled with the fact that he had long used one of his ultimate specialties, he was already almost drained of all his energy and stamina.

Right now Renji didn't even care about how disheveled he looked from the side.

Just the fact that he couldn't even deal a single scratch on the demon before him had already dealt a huge blow to his inflated ego.

He was the hero so this should have been a cake walk! 

It should have been so and yet, what the hell was this?!

Renji grit his teeth to the point that it seemed they would break.

At the same time, he stomped forward slightly cracking the ground beneath his feet and with a heavy swing he made a rush at Sullivan.

Now that his strength was far lower than the demon which was made obvious to him, he could only compete in speed.

He thought that even if the demon was stronger that didn't necessarily mean its speed was the same.

If so, he had a chance!

His figure flashed like a leopard making a mad dash forward.

The moment he closed the distance he began to release a flurry of attacks not wanting to hand over the momentum to his enemy.

Although the strength in his attacks had decreased significantly, his speed had rose another level and was far above before.

Even so it wasn't enough to defeat his opponent at all.

Sullivan's calm expression just changed to one where the corners of his lips were slightly curved up.

No matter where the blade struck from he would always block.

Sometimes, he only even needed a single hand to block while checking the time on his watch.

The figure of such a Sullivan battling nonchalantly against the ferocious hero looked almost too formidable in the eyes of those still watching the battle.

At this moment Renji began to panic.

This holy sword of his, no one knew better than himself just what a cheat this item was.

It gave such a high boost against monsters and demons that Renji only needed to swing his sword from a far and they would be dissected even while stronger than himself.

It was also sharp enough to cut through the strongest materials in this world like paper.

How could he not be flustered and panic when such a weapon was blocked by the other party's bare hands?

It was like thinking your cheat was almighty then encountering a monstrosity that could slap you to death with a single palm.

He was horrified.

This feeling continued growing the longer the battle ensued and it quickly turned to dismay.

Any chances of victory had long been swatted away by this fellow. 

Not only was he wasting his stamina away, even his mana was continuously being drained as well.

As a hero, all his skills and abilities costed a high amount of mana so he was constantly depleting energy just by swinging his sword.

If not for the fact that he had gained a mana replenishing skill not too long ago he really might have long croaked on his own. 

For him to acquire such a skill in this world, it could be seen how high his luck was.

It was an incredibly rare skill that even high class mage occupations sometimes didn't even have and many wished for.

However, it wasn't a unique skill so at most he could only recover (+3) mana every 8-10 minutes. 

This was why, even when he recovered his energy it was being used constantly again.

He was now no different from a leaking bucket.

Constantly being refilled but at the same time leaking out all the water that was filled inside the bucket.

The more he wasted, the less he could recover and the cycle was being continued over and over the more this process circulated.

As a hero, Renji thought that he was strong and his status could get him all the wonders in this world!

The envy and admiration other directed towards him gave him the cheap to hold his head high no matter where he went. 

How could he not feel like he owned the world when everyone grovelled at his feet?

As of now he had recently become level 35. And just weeks ago he was below level 20?

Who could believe such a fast levelling pace?

No one. 

It was a level of talent far above others and he didn't even work hard for it.

Right, only the protagonist could live such a life blessed by the heavens! He was convinced of this fact!

Money, women and power were all just given to him just like that.


Everyday for Renji was like walking on the clouds.

Even all the other heroes were mere side characters unable to measure up to his greatness.

His women as well were mere toys to pleasure himself with when he felt bored and he could just toss them aside.

Within his palms, the world bowed in reverence!

Should I say that I'm back? Nah, don't expect too much! HAhAHa

Akemi_Kyoshicreators' thoughts