
Story of Long Tian and Xuan Yu

For a moment, many memories of Long Tian flashed in front of Chen Zoe and Lei Wei. They couldn't understand what exactly the meaning behind each memory because everything was distorted. 

Many faces came in front of them, and in most of them, there was one figure that was somewhat similar to Chen Zoe in many ways. 

The memory that came to Chen Zoe's mind before was also a part of Long Tian's memories. Before he could see the remaining part, the memory changed, and they finally crashed on a stable one.

"Where did I end up now? White smog???" Ends up in a place, filled with thick white smog everywhere, Chen Zoe looks around. 

"Where is that damn dragon? Am I the only one who trapped inside here?" 

"I'm here, human." From near, Lei Wei's voice was heard. "Stay wherever you are; I will take you out from here."

As he said, Lei Wei lead Chen Zoe out of the smog while holding his hand. 

"Wow…" When the smog lessens, they reached in front of a grand palace built with pure gold. With a slight touch of light, it glows enough to make a person blind.

People were wandering around the place, most of them seemed to be high class individuals, [judged from their clothing] and the remaining be servants and soldiers guarding the palace.

The servants stand behind their masters, carrying some gift boxes as there was some function taking place in the palace.

"Did you see that? The person just passed through my body." Experiencing an unusual thing, Zoe surprisingly speaks.

"That's because we are inside someone's memory." Lei Wei tries to make him understand the situation, they are in. 

Chen Zoe's wish to finish the quest while holding the dragon flower, that came true in a way, it takes him to the place where he can find answer. 

The place filled with the memories of Long Tian and Xian Yu, and the answer for every question he had. 

"Xiao Bai…" A teenager's voice suddenly grabs the attention of Chen Zoe. He looks around for the source and find the real Chen Zoe's younger self standing there.

Xiao Bai doesn't wear any luxurious clothes, instead he seemed to be a servant boy who got along to the place with his master, a nine tailed fox. The appearance of the nine tailed fox somewhat reminds him of Zhihao. 

His visible white furred nine tails, slightly revealing red clothes in the delight and fair skin, on the top, the ornaments that make him more like a god especially in the atmosphere.

"You didn't forget what I said before right. You have to stay by my side no matter what. And don't attract any unnecessary attention from anyone here…" The nine tailed fox continued to lecture him but he doesn't seem like care much.

"I know, I know… Stop eating my ears now." In a reassuring way, he continued. "Bai Lu, I'm a big boy. I know how to protect myself."

Xiao Bai's words doesn't work on Bai Lu as he heard these empty words before. Holding Xiao Bai's hand tightly, he walks towards the palace. 

Following him, Chen Zoe also entered. Having no other choice left, Lei Wei dragged along.

The palace was filled in a joyful occasion, it's the crown prince birthday. The guests take their arranged seats, Xiao Bai also take his seat behind Bai Lu, as all other servants.

Seeing the pure air-filled dishes in front of the table made him surprised for a moment. He couldn't understand, how someone can eat and live while having air alone as food. 

"Bai Lu…" In a low voice, Xiao Bai called.


"How am I supposed to eat this thing? From nose or mouth?" Having no idea of how to consume air that served as food, Xiao Bai curiously asks.

That moment Bai Lu reminds that Xiao Bai hasn't the power to consume the air as other heavenly beings there; also, if he does, the discomfort he may feel was unpredictable. He let Xiao Bai went outside until the mealtime was over.

Wandering around the place, Xiao Bai lost his track and ends up in an isolated place that was completely different from the other places.

The walls were painted in black, there isn't any sign of anyone there and also a cold chill coming from nowhere.

Suddenly he sensed someone's gaze upon himself.

"Whose there?" Getting no response, made him think that he was mistaken. But the feeling doesn't wear off, so he let out a fire attack towards the direction and he find a boy similar to his age.

Different from others, he looked heavenly, but his clothes seemed so normal. Instead of any gold ornaments, all he had was two bracelets made of iron, that laying on his hands. 

["Isn't it Yuzhen?" Hitting Lei Wei in excitement over seeing Yuzhen, Chen Zoe speaks.

"He really looks like him… But he isn't Yuzhen. Do you forget, we are inside Long Tian's memory. Let's watch what happening…" Disappointing Chen Zoe with reality, Lei Wei explains. ]

"You should have spoked when I asked, why kept silent. Look what you bring upon yourself." Xiao Bai went to help him, the attack wasn't that strong, so the boy slightly surprised by it and fall to the ground.

Xiao Bai forwards his hand to give support, instead of taking it the boy looks at him in a puzzled way. "Come on, my hands are hurting…" 

Hesitatingly he holds the hands of Xiao Bai and stand up. "Aren't you afraid of me?" Confusingly, the boy asks. 

"Ha… Why should I afraid of you, when you are so cute?" In a flirty way, Xiao Bai speaks.

"Cute… Am I cute?" Unbelievably, the boy asks again with expectant way.

Seeing it, Xiao Bai couldn't able to say 'No' to his question. He nodded positively. A shy smile appeared on the boy's face.

"Hmm… Whatever, you shouldn't be here? Don't you know, it's a restricted area?" In a serious tone, the boy speak out.

"Restricted area!!! Then what are you doing here?" Xiao Bai teasingly asks which made the boy speechless, he continues. "Other than you, I didn't see anything valuable here. Is that why, it's a restricted area?"

The boy's face turned red in embarrassment after hearing such cheeky words from Xiao Bai. 

"May I have the chance to learn the gorgeous one's name here?" Coming closer to him, Xiao Bai gently asks.

But before he gains an answer, Bai Lu's voice reached his ears. "Xiao Bai…"

"My master is calling me; I have to go now. Let's meet again another time." Xiao Bai intends to return but stopped in the middle and came back and give him a green pendant that was similar to the boy's pupils.

"There is nothing in this world that can compared to your beauty, so this humble being giving you the precious thing that I can afford." Kissing behind the hands of that boy, Xiao Bai runs away before he could react.

A smile appears on the boy's face while looking at the pendent and he whispered the name, "Xiao Bai" passionately.

Returning back to Bai Lu.

"Why are you coming from that direction?" Anxiously Bai Lu reacted. "Did he meet Long Tian, there?" [He speak it in a low voice.]

"Huh!!! I lost the way and ends up there. Don't worry, I didn't get caught by anyone." Confidently Xiao Bai speaks.

"Did you meet somewhere there? A kid at your age…" 

"Yeah, I met one. 

Because of you, I didn't get the chance to ask his name." Angrily Xiao Bai talks.

"Where is the pendant I gave you?" Seeing the pendent was missing, Bai Lu continued. "Don't tell me, you used it to flirt with that boy.

Seriously Xiao Bai… Why are you flirting with giving someone else property?" 

"Come on, brother-in-law. It's just a green pendent, why making such serious face. I can give you thousands of green pendent if you want." 

"What did you say now?" Not listening to the continuation, Bai Lu excitedly asks after hearing the word 'brother-in-law'.

"I will give you green pendent as much as you want from our territory." Playfully Xiao Bai cut the first sentence.

"That's not, what did you call me now?" 

"What I called… Bai Lu…" Cluelessly, he speaks.

"Seriously… Xiao Bai… please call it one more time…" Playfully, arguing they return from the heavenly palace.