
Ultra Universe

Ultra Universe is based many years in the future... The story revolves around Kiana an 18 year old girl who's dream is to join the 9Xforce and protect the earth from vicious monsters who threaten the earth survial.... But she soon discovers that those monsters aren't their only enemies.

Quin_RED · 科幻言情
43 Chs

Where is Tyler?

Marbel sat next to Tessy in the technical unit of the 9Xforce, while they watched control some drones outside the barrier to search for Tyler.

"It's gonna be hard to find him" Eight noted tapping some codes on her keypad " The one thing I don't understand is if Kiana was found in the SSF building why did your friend track her outside the barrier" Eight added

"I dunno, I haven't really gotten to speak to her since she got back and she's moved in with her mum now" Marbel replied starring at the screen

"I thought she didn't get along with her mum?" Tessy asked

"Dunno, she said something about realising how important her mum is to her" Marble said

"That's odd" Tessy noted

"Maybe you guys should check on your friend, Mr X did say she was acting a bit off" Eight said

"who's...?" Marbel asked

"Xavier" Tessy replied "We can to Kiana's when we are done here" Tessy added


Tyler snuck through the vents trying to find a way out. Darin had put the entire building on lockdown to prevent him from leaving and motion sensor beams filled the entire hall.

"You should activate the other drones" Terri whispering

"I can't. something blocking the signal" Tyler replied crawling through the vent to an empty room

"You still haven't found him" They heard Andrew yell from the hall

"Am working on it" Darin grumbled

"Really now, Tyler has been in this building for three days and you're still working on it" Andrew yelled again "Tell everyone to evacuate the building, it's time exterminate a rat" Andrew noted

"What does he mean?" Terri asked Tyler

"Believe me you don't wanna find out" Tyler noted "We have to get out of here fast" He added

"They just gave us our ticket" Terri said transforming her self to look like one of the guards "Here take this" she said handing a chip over Tyler which he placed on his wrist and transformed into a guard as well.

They filed out alongside the other guards until they where out of the building. "Nicely done" Darin said walking up to them. "I only gave 10 guards the order to evacuate the building but I see 12 here" He said with a smirk

"So you have a shape shifter friend huh?" He smiled "Well I have friends too you know" He noted as four blood thirst stood behind them.

"Don't leave any piece behind" He said to the blood thirst and they charged towards Tyler and Terri.

Tyler grabbed Terri and began to run towards the exit... "Get back into your crystal" He said as he approached the wall.

"Did you think we won't change password" Darin yelled from behind but Tyler paid no attention... He ran faster toward the wall and broke through. "Impossible" Darin said running after him with the blood thirst.

Tyler hopped on his hover board and began to head out of the cave. "Are you okay" Terri asked Tyler whose head was bleeding. "I'll be fine" He said turning to back to see Darin and his blood thirst who where hot on his trail.

"We have find Kiana and deactivate that chip" Tyler said turning back to face the exit of the cave. One of the blood thirst jumped over him and landed in front of him blocking the exit. It's looked just like a human but dead like, huge with red eyes, long sharp claws and sharp pointed teeth... You could say it was half zombie half vampire. Tyler tried it's best to fly over it but it pulled his hover board down causing him to crash to the ground. It sent it's claw down to Tyler but he rolled away to aviod the impact.

Tyler turned back to see the other three head towards him with Darin "This is the best time to call up your drones" Terri said terrified.

"End of the line Tye" Darin yelled, Just then a hundred drones filled the cave. "Not this time" Darin said blasting through the drones and heading towards Tyler while the blood thirst attacked the drones.

Tyler ran out of the cave feeling dizzy, he had lost a lot of blood.

"I have always been stronger than you, and this time beating you is gonna be a breeze" Darin said punching Tyler who staggered backwards. "You just as weak as ever" Darin noted walking up to Tyler about to blast him but Tyler used his hover board to hit the blaster off his hand and then smacked him across the face with the board causing Darin to fall face flat on the ground

"You'll pay for that" Darin said getting up from the ground very furious before looking up "Argh!" He exclaimed sighting an air squad jet coming their way, he turned back to see his blood thirst still battling with the drones. "Let him go" Andrew said coming out from inside the cave "But...?" Darin tried to say but kept shut when he saw Andrew deadly gaze and retreated back into the cave.

"It isn't right for them to let you go, you know a lot about them now" Terri noted

"I always have" Tyler said watching the Jet land next to him.

"Are you okay?" Two agents asked heading out of the jet and assisting him in.

Tyler arrived the 9Xforce infirmary and was met by Marbel and Tessy.

"What happened?" they asked

"He can't talk now" a doctor said taking him into one of the rooms. "This won't hurt a bit" A nurse said injecting him with a fluid that made him go unconscious.