
Ultimate Upgrade in DC

The average unlucky Joe finally gets lucky when he dies when a ROB grants him 3 wishes. Will he have a harem? Will he be stronger than superman? What changes with his arrival? Let's find out.

BigBuu · 电视同人
12 Chs

The Dark-Knight

22 Dec 2013



'Wow this city is more depressing and dreary than what any of the installments made it look' as I rode a taxi through the forsaken city, I managed to organize a meeting with a Lucius Fox over the phone but apparently I can't meet their boss as he is "too busy sleeping through a Hangover" as he worded it.

Driving further into the city things slowly start to get dark 'Wow things are worse here than they said on the news' as the taxi continues through the city, even though most of the streets are "clean" you can still see bullet casings and blood splotches on the ground in some areas with bodies just dumped in alleyways for people to ignore.

Eventually after a few minutes the streets appearance changes as now they are actually clean with no blood, bullets or body's on the ground and multiple tall buildings around the area. 'Least we know the cops only try keep the rich people happy and safe' soon the place I was looking for comes into view with the words 'Wayne Industries' written across the front "Can you park infront of that building please" I said to the driver.

Soon after getting out of the taxi and entering the Wayne Building I notice something off extremely quickly 'Why is almost every women working here look like they could work as models? *sigh* Bruce' I shake my head as I walk to dispatch, "Hello miss, I'm here to see a Lucius Fox for a '11:15' appointment" I said to the burnette office worker.

"Ah yes we have you here Mr. Martin, can you please go to that elevator and you will see Mr Fox on floor 82" she said as she points across the main foyer to an elevator with a guard posted in it.


After the slow trip up the elevator I walk out to another dispatch on my left with a pair of large oak doors next to it, "Ah Mr. Martin, Mr. Fox will see you now" said the dispatch woman with an attractive smile.

"Thank you" I said while nodding, as I push open the doors I find a darkskinned man in his 60s in a sharp three-piece custom suit, sitting down at a long table at the head filling paperwork before lifting his gaze to me. "Ah young Mr. Martin, it's a pleasure" said Lucius, as he stands up for a handshake.

"Honors mine too sir" I said respectfully, soon after our quick greeting Lucius gestures me to sit next to the head of the table, "So Mr. Martin what was it that has brought you here to Gotham?" asked Lucius. I smile as I pull out a blueprint of my prototype Ark Reactor, "Please call me Daniel" I said "I'm planning on stepping into the 'clean energy' business and I was wondering if Wayne Industries would like to collaborate with Omni-Tech to help me finish this"

"Ark Reactor?" asks Lucius as he gazes at my blueprint, "Yes this machine works by mashing two isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium, together at such high energies that they combine into one atom" I said "when they fuse, the reaction produces helium and a free neutron. Critically, helium plus a neutron has less mass than deuterium combined to tritium, and the missing mass is converted to energy which is about three gigajoules a second".

Lucius's face turns to shock for a moment before thinking about it, "Why do you want to partner with Wayne Industries of all companies Daniel?" asked Lucius "surely other companies like Lexcorp or S.T.A.R labs would love to collaborate on this".

"Yea your right but with Lex he'd try use it to build weapons and soon blow everything to kingdom come" I said "And S.T.A.R labs I collaborated with them as I think you heard of my 'Hydro-Kathor Distillator' that was used to clean the recent oil spill in the Mediterranean".

Lucius sits there as he contemplating what I said "I must say your one busy young man Daniel" said Lucius "So what exactly do you need from Wayne Industries?".

"Palladium" I said "And alot of it, problem is I currently don't have the channels to get the amount I need legally but your company does", Lucius starts nodding his head understanding my predicament "Ok I can understand" said Lucius "And what will you offer Wayne Industries?"

"20 percent shares off all profit made" I said.

Lucius slightly closes his eyes for a moment before gazing back at me "35 percent" said Lucius 'Heck this guy is going full business man on me', "22" I replied.

"30" said Lucius


". . . . You have yourself a deal" said Lucius as he reaches for a handshake, I smile as I meet his handshake "We can bring our lawyers tomorrow to finalize the deal" I said "I've booked a hotel to stay so I'll come same time tomorrow?".

Lucius nods his head as I begin to walk out the door, as I get into the elevator my bugs I left in the room go off.


*Fox? you normally don't call at this time, what's the problem*

"No problem Mr. Wayne, I just had a visit from our most recent celebrity 'Daniel Martin' he's offered a deal on collaborating with Omni-Tech on a device he calls the 'Ark Reactor' ".

*Is that so, and what's got you so interested in this device of his that you called me?*

"I've had a small look at the blueprints and queried him a bit, if this device works it will generate more energy than the current largest nuclear power plant in America."

"If his numbers are right of course, but for some reason I don't think he's wrong if I'm completely honest".

*Are you sure Fox? if so this could start a war with petroleum companies. I'm clearing my schedule, is he coming back?*

"Tomorrow at 11:30am"

*I'll be there*

"Thank you Mr. Wayne"

[End Call]


'Well looks like I might be getting a visit from batman, knowing Mr paranoid investigates everyone he thinks is a threat'.

As I walk out of the Wayne Building I wave out for a cab to take me to 'Orchard hotel' it's one of the "better" parts of Gotham City, heck Presidents and diplomats go there if they ever come to Gotham the only thing I'd like to avoid is the 'Court of owls'; Batman can deal with them not my city.

After about an hours drive I'm dropped off at a large white white multiple building with arches and lights on every corner, the building literally screamed posh when you looked at it. Especially the sign which was a large golden oak-tree with the words 'The Orchard Hotel' underneath in gold too, 'Damn this place is awesome'.

Since I failed to actually book a room I had to bribe the teller to get myself a free room, after taking the elevator up I find my room near the elevator exit at the top on floor 47 room 3. 'Wow best bribe ever!' my room was massive with a super king bed, big 50 inch TVs in the lounge and bedroom. The bathroom had a spa, 'Can I buy this building later?'.

After exploring my room for awhile I went to have a quick nap before I go look around for the 'Dark Knight'.


23 December 2013

Gotham, Orchard hotel


After a quick nap I left my room through the window as I silently move through the darkness towards major crime areas as I look around for 'the Batman', 'Wow this city is creepy at night' flying high into the air as I attempt to look around for my target with no luck at the moment.

'Where would a edgy man in a bat-suit go?'

I almost thought I'd never find him till I heard more gunshots than normal (you'd be surprised how common it is in Gotham), after racing over to trace what made the noise I see a black silhouette clash outside through a window of a bank with a weird 'scaly thing?' standing by the window.

"Come 'er bats, I'm feel like havin a snack" roared the beast, 'wait isn't that?' looking at the scaly figure I recognize who it was 'Waylon Jones AKA Killer Croc', gotta say he's alot buffer than in his live action 'Suicide squad version'.

Soon multiple flying blades hit the Croc sending him flying back inside, "Not today Croc" said the dark silhouette stands into the light revealing himself as Batman. He quickly uses a grapple-gun took draw himself back up to the same floor as the Croc, suddenly a fury of punches is swung at him as the croc attempts to attack the dark knight without success. Watching the fight between them I was really impressed with Batmans skills, when you think about how easily Killer Croc can kill a person yet Batman here is holding his own.

'Might as well try give Bats a hand, maybe get another power while I'm at it' as I slip through the window I quickly launch myself above Batman at Crocs neck spreading my body as I quickly incapacitate his body, 'Hey what the hell is going on?' Immediately when I tried to copy Killer Crocs abilities I ended up losing the same abilities I copied from Superman?.

'F*ckin crappy system! not A-maze system, bloody F-maze system' I was furious I couldn't copy multiple abilities like our OP android, soon I realized I was also strangling the Croc as he started to shake out very throughly 'oops, nearly killed him'. I slowly lossen up "Surrender Croc" I said, Croc just falls to his knees while remaining silent.

'Did I scare him a bit? usually he's the less co-opperative'

As I move my 'head?' out I see Batman staring at me like I'm one of those scorpion face-eater things from Aliens, "Wow so your actually real? thought you were some urban legend" I said as I use my body to both restrain and lift Croc with his arms exposed in front so he can be cuffed.

"What. . . are . . . you?" said Batman coldly as he stood unmoving just staring at me, 'Hell even though he's go no powers he's just got this scary vibe'.

"Hi I'm Genos umm I'm not really sure to be honest, I've tested myself for a Meta-gene; Negative" I said "I know I definitely have one human parent, never knew the other so I could be half-alien or something? that would be cool actually".

I soon think about it more about it 'Did I just get it as a Gift by GoR after I turned ten or did he arrange something so when I'm born I "inherit" the abilities I asked for after I turned Ten?, I'll think about it later'.

(A/N - GoR = God of Reincarnation)

Batman just squints his eyes at my while remaining silent "So you wanna cuff this guy or something so we can leave?" I ask, slowly Batman reaches behind himself and pulls a injection gun with a strange yellow substance visible inside. After Croc is injected by whatever was inside I feel him relax inside my body (does that sound weird or it just me?), soon within a few minutes he's deadweight and can't move 'F*ck that's some strong stuff'.

After letting go of the Croc I reform infront of the Batman towering over him "So what now? just leave him or you all the cops?" I ask curiously, without a reply Batman just starts walking to the broken window before stopping "I'm too busy to deal with you" said Batman "so get out of my city. Now".

"Ouch, least my city is actually hygienic" I joke.

"So who are you anyway?" I ask as I walk towards the broken window he's standing at, he looks back at me and just before he disappears 'Damn he's creepy'.

"I'm Vengence"


Another finish, sorry for the late update COVID-19 is making work a nightmare.

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I think I gave a decent first impression but can always be better, this won't be the only time they meet before the Invasion so the MC can properly introduce himself to the Dark-Knight.