
Ultimate Throne

In the grand tapestry of existence, mortality serves as a poignant reminder of the transience of life. Fish succumb to the whims of hunger, their fate a mere trifle in the grand scheme. Humans, on the other hand, surrender to the allure of wealth, a fleeting dream that vanishes like smoke on the wind. Yet, in this world, the currency of trust proves far more perilous. To entrust one’s fate to the wrong individual is to invite despair, to drown in a sea of regret. Trusting a devil will only leave one imprisoned by the chains of pain. When I say “devil,” I don’t mean it in a spiritual sense, but rather a human with the characteristics of a devil. A person capable of lying to himself until his mind believes it to be the truth. Someone who views the world with disdain and wouldn’t care if it disappeared in the next second. On the planet Ablauf, where the extraordinary has become mundane, abilities both grand and trivial are woven into the fabric of existence. like turning into an insect, to the all powerful like reversing time, mind control, and turning illusion into reality. Tito Roux Z, a broken soul from Earth with the ability to turn into flames, lands on this planet with no goals in mind. However, from the second day onward, when he heard about the “Ultimate Throne” granting the rights to be Sovereign of Ablauf from Encender Tohil, a fellow inmate at the time, other thoughts began to form in his dark mind.

Platofox · 科幻
123 Chs

Suspicion [2]

Human behavior flows from three main sources: Desire, emotion and knowledge. 

I somehow understand the knowledge behind Star's actions. 

He knows this prison is near inescapable, and he hates people dreaming about the outside world. 

This gives birth to his emotion: rage mixed with a lot of self loathing, because he failed to escape once. 

It is no secret that he tried to leave this hell. 

What I don't understand is....

What does he truly desire? 

That is why I thought of a spy manipulating him from behind. 

At first, I thought it was the female who was bitten by a Scorpio crystal bug. Her side effect turned her into a man. 

She loves Star, but iguana doesn't swing that way. Even if she tells him how she feels. Star will plainly reject her feelings. Worse, he might never want to see her again. 

She knows this, so she just stayed by his side instead. 

She is not off the hit list, yet. Love can cause people to go crazy. Sometimes it can be faked. 

The other henchmen who was bitten by something related to Pinocchio. 

This made his nose increase in length every time he lies. 

He is really loyal to Star. He can even walk through fire for him. 

Just as with love. Loyalty can be fabricated. 

Tucky and Kont. Just who is the spy?

"It could be both." Encender answers. 

It was like she just read through my thoughts. However, she is actually self talking to the candy sticks in Tsuyoi's hand. 

She has this serious look, like she is making a big decision, "They both look tasty. Let me try them first? I will give you feedback after."

I guess for her, it is a big decision. 

The same is for me, too. I love anything sweet. 

"Tsuyoi sad. You want to take her candy." Her face and words were opposite. 

She had a sunny smile and a little saliva coming from the corner of her lips. 

I turned my head sideways. I looked at the people eating candy sticks on my side. There were all sitting on their knees, just like me,


"What are you doing on my bed?"

The one on the far end from me answers with a scorn, "Tsk. Why is a peasant like you on the top? It is common knowledge that royalty such as myself should take the first bed."

The two girls just played it nonchalantly, as they kept on licking the candy sticks. 

'Those two really get along.' 

I just took a gasp of air. At this point, I am used to the tobacco scent. It has somewhat become norm to me. 

 "Let's go. The earlier we finish this, the better." I asked, with my feet jumping over to the ground. 

The three ignored me and continued with what there were doing. 

"Tsuyoi wants to know if Rajah is not feeling hot?" 

I was also wondering about that. Thanks to having no open places, this prison's temperature is above forty. 

For someone with snow white skin like Tsuyoi, she has to spend most of her time in the shower. 

The man wearing an achkan answers, "Heh...compared to this, I have been to hotter places."


I had to raise a brow at Rajah's words. His arrogance was nowhere to be seen. 

He seemed to be saying the truth. Maybe he is trying to get on Tsuyoi's good side.

"Okay let's go!" Encender jumps off to the ground with a big smile. 

She suddenly looks at me and her smile ended, "Tito, why are we even fighting this guy? Can't we just let idiots be? That's what my brother used to say."


I had to stop my jaw from falling down from shock. Her words make sense. We don't need to fight Star. There is nothing to gain even if we win. 

It's meaningless. We can just stay here and forget about it. 

The reason I have been planning about facing iguana is because of the memories playing in my mind. 

"Hahaha! Why? You ask? Motive doesn't create actions. It's actually actions that create motive. 

You can stay home all day and think, but nothing will come out at the end. When you take a step forward, you start making motives for your next step."

"Listen Tito, I have a son called Star. He is a stupid little kid. If you happen to meet him, punch him in the face for me, would yah? Hahahaha!"

It seems that homeless fibber was indeed from another planet. 

Thinking about the past made me smile a bit. 

I hold Encender on her shoulders and start to recite what that green haired fibber told me. 

"When you are a leader everything you say counts. You might make it a joke, but it's not. To be a great leader, is to do what you say. Many have fallen by trying to make light work out of what isn't."

"I see." The light brown haired girl nodded with a confused look on her face. 

'She didn't get a thing.'

"I will just have to beat him then."

"That's my darling." I really wanted to say idiot. 

"Okay!" She raised both hands into the air, "Everybody—!"

"Rock your body, right." I cut her off, as I swung my head sideways. 


Everyone turned silent, like a person had just died. It was unbelievable for me to just say things like that. 

I only did it to stop the idiots next words. I clearly remember telling her that we are not friends. 

Furthermore, I cleared my throat with a red face, "Let's go. We only have a three-hour break. Not only that, but we also need to gather food on our way back."

Encender couldn't let me have the last say, "Let's go!"

"Tsuyoi is ready. She will knock out everyone who gets in her friend's way. She will repay the favor for saving her life." She states with a confident look.

'Do girls always bond that easily?'

Rajah jumps to the ground and extends his hand to Tsuyoi. Helping her come down the bunk bed. 

"Don't worry ladies. This prince will take a sword for you. No, a sword can't kill me. I will sacrifice my immortality for you all."

'I wonder about that.'

Encender starts to walk out of the cell, and we just had to follow from behind. It felt like we were following a shining star. 

Nah, it's a red panda. 

"Are they shooting a horror movie?" Encender mutters, as she exited the block area. 

She couldn't stand the lights going on and off. It is such a bad setting for the eye. 


We all turned over to look at who is shivering on the concrete floor. He seemed like he is under a seizure. 


We all raised a brow in astonishment. His acting sucked. No person dying would wiggle his legs in the air like that. 

He tried to make it believable by saying, "Bis ufen smch is milling. I mmu bark to mme mell. (This rotten stench is killing. I will go back to the cell.)

'The food stores are a five hundred meters away! Even so, why is he not holding his nose if it is smelly?'

I suggested with an angry voice, "Let's kick him."

"Sure thing." Encender agrees to me with an evil grin. 

However, the girl with short wavy hair walks up to him. She had a cute smile, as she crouches her face to his ear. 

My ears picked on her small whisper, "If you help us win this...I will kiss you."


My jaw quickly hang wide open from shock. Rajah sprung up and shoved a relishing smirk at me. He looked like he was born again. 

"Don't worry ladies! Coz, I am here! I will guide you to victory and make sure we win this."

All I could do was stare at him with empty eyes, as he dragged his useless body towards the center of the hall. 

When he passed the library, I looked at Tsuyoi next to me, "Are you serious? You really aren't going to kiss him, are you?"

She gives me a look filled with hatred, "Tsk, all man are the same. Why are you trying to make a fifteen-year-old kiss someone?" 

'Because you asked...'

I just ignored her question, as I walked past the 'Book Cube' (Library). My ears didn't even hear one of those invisible guards' heartbeats. 

Entering the half broken arena door, we reached the nicely paved grounds. It really proved the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover."

However, I didn't ponder much about the tile floors, as I had to direct my eyes towards the ravishing bucket seats. 

"You idiots are finally here! I see you have brought on a little friend, however that doesn't matter, as you will all die here today.'

Encender gritted her teeth at the owner of that croaky voice, "Star."

He ignored her and ordered the man next to him, "You boys go encircle those fools. Let them have the first hit. I don't want the other block leaders to think that I bully the weak without a reason."

I didn't pay any mind to the men walking over to the stage, as I looked at the only two people who remained sitted next to Star. 

'Who is the spy?'

Chapter 14! Don't forget to support and comment on any errors!

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