
Ultimate Mafia System

Matthew navigates a world teeming with crime and a hint of comedy and romance. He endeavors to carve his name into history as the greatest outlaw ever. Join him as he charts a path through a parallel Earth, where chaos reigns, and the line between crime and heroism blurs. -------------------------------------------------------------- A few things to clear before you read - -> The novel follows a steady moderate pace with gradual world-building and character development. So if you are looking for a novel where mc gets a system, completes quests and gets op in like 2 chapters, this books is not for you. -> I have worked hard on the world-building and characters to make it rich and deep so, you can safely raise your expectations. -> The novel may get a bit dark in future chapters. Also there will be romance and intimate scenes (nothing explicit though). Patreon - https://patreon.com/user?u=111552903&utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink --------------------------------------------------------------- Excerpt:- And as he thought about the consequences of his actions today - THERE. WERE. NONE. 'There are no consequences.' Matthew repeated in his head. He smiled evilly. In his previous life he was trapped by what society and ethics expected of him. His true identity, full of rebellion, defiance and a strong desire for freedom, got buried under the pressure of what society deemed acceptable. The rules acted like chains, holding back the wild parts of who he really was. But as Matthew stepped out of the shower and looked at himself in the mirror, he realized something - In this new world, those chains were broken, and he could finally let loose and be his true self without worrying about what society thought. Finally he can be the man he always was, finally he can be free. And as he made the conscious decision to accept this newly discovered version of himself - he felt free, he felt creative, powerful, charged, INVINCIBLE. He had never thought that he could feel all these things so vividly. He was no longer the Matthew Marshall form his previous world. A great man once said - "When do you think a person dies? When a bullet from a pistol pierces his heart? No. When he's attacked by an incurable disease? No. A man... dies when people forget him." Matthew, until now had not forgotten his previous self from the world he was from. Saturday, May 30 2009. That was the day when Matthew Marshall died, forgotten by himself and Matteo Marchesi was born in his place.

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56 Chs

Chapter 25 - The Plan

"So what's the plan?" Matteo asked Angelina.

"There are some things you need to know before I tell you the plan." Angelina said and started telling Matteo about the gala.

This particular gala was a bi-annual event organized by the Leroy Family of Vinopolis and deputy provincial governor of the Vignoble province where Vinopolis is located was - Julien Leroy - the son of the head of the Leroy family.

But that was just a secondary. The most interesting thing was that Julien Leroy had connections with the Dubois Clan. He was friends with the youngest son of the Dubois Clan - Alessio Dubois. There was a high chance that Alessio might attend the Gala.

"Do you think he is there to gather intel on these high profile targets?" Matteo asked Angelina as she was explaining all this to him.

"Yes its one of the many possibilities."


"Yes, there are many things he can be there for. Uncovering secrets of the Black Market, Targeting high-profile Individuals, Obtaining Sensitive Personal Information, Securing New Clients or Buyers, Locating Valuable Artifacts or Information among others. We don't know his motivations."

Angelina then continued to explain that there will be an art auction and a secret Black Market auction during the gala. The Black Market Auction was restricted to the people of the Underworld though.

"So now here's the plan. We've got intel that the anonymous tip, the one provided the intel on Leandro will be at the gala to help us identify him. She has her reasons for a personal grudge against Leandro. She'll be your date for the night. Once you're inside, blend in, keep a low profile, and rendezvous with her."

Matteo smiled "What were you going to do if you had to infiltrate the gala and be her date?" he asked mischievously.

"I would have sent Sophie."

"There's no way. Sophie will blow her cover in minutes."

"She probably will." Angelina chuckled "Anyways you will be able to identify Ludovica by black rose corsage on her left wrist." she quickly changed the topic.

Matteo also let it go "Is that her name?" he asked her.

"Yes. Ludovica Ferrari." Angelina confirmed. "You will get her and Leandro's profile, don't worry." she added.

Angelina and Matteo then continued to discuss the plan. After they were done Angelina picked up the notebook and started reciting the plan to confirm in once again. -

" Phase 1: Identification

Meeting Point: The gala entrance. She'll approach you once you're inside.

Safe Words: You both will use a set of coded phrases to confirm identities and ensure discretion.

Phase 2: Observation

Blend In: Act as a high-profile guest. Carry yourself with confidence, but don't draw unnecessary attention.

Watch and Learn: Once with the Ludovica, subtly observe Leandro's movements. Look for anything suspicious – changes in behavior, interactions, or if he senses danger.

Communicate Anonymously: Use discreet communication devices to relay observations to me outside. I'll be coordinating with the extraction team.

Phase 3: Action

Discovery Confirmation: Once we're sure we've identified Leandro's plan, we will decide what action to take based on the circumstances.

Extraction Point: If it's a capture mission, we'll coordinate a discreet extraction. If it's a kill order, you proceed with extreme caution.

Elimination Protocol: Only if absolutely necessary. We don't want collateral damage or drawing undue attention. If you have to eliminate Leandro, ensure it's clean and discreet.


If Leandro is on to us, prioritize your safety over the mission. Escape is the primary objective.

If there's a security breach, we'll activate a diversion to redirect attention. "

"It's a risky plan, but it's our best shot." Matteo commented after she was done.

Angelina nodded at him "I guess that's pretty much it. We will have to improvise the rest when we get there. No plan is perfect."

Both of them then started wrapping up their things with. But Angelina suddenly asked Matteo as if she had just realized something. "Wait, how much do you know about art and paintings again?"

Matteo furrowed his eyebrows, thinking "Well I did take art history as an elective at my time in college." he subconsciously muttered under his breath and Angelina heard it.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, hold up. You are telling me, you actually have a college degree. And you have art history as an elective?"

Matteo realized that he accidently said something he shouldn't have. The words had already left his mouth now and there was no way to take it back now so he just admitted it.

"Well, I did attend college. About the art history thing, my teacher at the time said that it was easy credits. Easy credits my ass! It was the most torturous lectures I ever had to endure." he replied.

Meanwhile Angelina was wondering just how many surprises does this man hide. When she had investigated Matteo - or Matthew at the time, there was no mention of a college degree. "So, how much do you really know about 'art history'?"

"Well I slept through most of it. But I did research the paintings which had a interesting story behind their creation."

Angelina just nodded at him, but still asked him to research Art, Memorize the guest list, especially high-profile attendees, Carry concealed weapons for self-defense and Secure his cover story and be prepared for any social interaction. "There is no such thing as over preparedness." she quoted.

Matteo just agreed with her. After they were done wrapping up Matteo sent off Angelina. 'As I thought he is talented but inexperienced. He will need to learn a lot. But his potential is scary, if he really joins the underworld, Alpencia will be seeing another 'Tyrant' soon. *sigh*' she thought as she walked towards Riviera Stellata.


By the time Angelina had left it was already late in the evening. Matteo picked up the stack of files and papers from the coffee table and placed them on to his desk drawer. He then pulled out his own notebook from the drawer. The plans for Vinopolis were almost finalized but his plans for his entry in the Underworld weren't.

Matteo grinned as he opened. Here is a page straight from his book. 

( If you don't get anything don't worry I will explain in the next chapter. )