
Ultimate Hacking System

My name is Alexander. I have received a hacking system. I want the world to see me rise from poverty into being rich. who can stop me? no one can. the amount of money that I will make using this system will be a lot. I will be extremely rich in the future. want to show how much money you got in front of me. watch me how I hack you and steal everything you got. wanna show how strong you are in front of me. watch me how I will slap you to death. want to hack me? watch me how I hack you to death

lllDarkCloudslll · 现实
4 Chs

Chapter 4 forced quest (Part1)

After leaving the restaurant, I have decided that my first goal will be to buy a house. I want something to be mine. For the time being, I will stay in a hotel. This way I can save my money to buy a good house. I will be going to a club today. I have never really been to a club before I wonder how it is.

The club that I have decided to go is 20 minute from my current location walking. It is one of the most popular clubs in time square. This I know through some of my friend that went there before. I wonder how it will feel to see many people gathering at the same place. I will go there for sure.

After deciding where to go, I start to walk toward the location. The sky was turning darker every minute. I could feel the wind hitting my face a body. It was getting a little bit colder. The wind started to pick up little by little. This is to show the power of fall. The wind felt refreshing as it was hitting my face. The sky looks beautiful as the stars began to shine through the endless darkness that the night possess. The moon was nice and round. It seems like it was showing the world its greatness.

The sound of cars going by showed how lividly this city really is. The number of people walking on the sidewalk kept increase by a lot. This show the power that the night possess. The night was like the queen of the world showing everyone it greatness. That is the reason many people came out of their house. It have not noticed before how great the night was still today. I am not sure if it has to do with the system binding to me or not.

Finally, I have reached my destination. The first thing that came to my eyes was the number of people waiting in line. The number of people mounted to nearly 200 people waiting to enter this place. I was amount this group of young people willing to experience club life. Time passed by quickly, and it was time for me to go into the club.

Entering the club, the sound of the music was the first thing that rushed like lighting towards my ears. The music that was playing had a good rhyme to it. The number of people that are here are roughly 200 people. They all were body their body toward the beat that came from the song. Many were sipping their drinks while dancing to the tune.

The first thing that caught my eyes was a beautiful young girl. Her body was extremely sexy. The light of the club was hitting her beautiful face. This show how extremely beautiful she is. Her skin color is white as the fresh snow that begins to fall during the winter. Her hair is golden blonde. It seems like she is from a wealthy family. The way she moved her body to the beat is extremely sexual. I can see that many people would love to be with this girl.

"Fuck she has noticed that I was looking at her." I say to myself while thinking if there will be an issue with this. The reason for this is because reach people are extremely arrogant in this city. While I say that. I saw that the beautiful girl began to walk toward me. Why I think this will be troublesome.


[Quest reward 3 medium pills of each attribute.]

[Quest starts after leaving the club. Good luck young man.]

Sorry for the late update was busy for a couple of day

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