
Chapter 15

And it did.

Ian woke up to a glorious day. Clear blue sky, made brighter by the sun. The sound of birds in the trees outside his apartment. Even his mood had lifted. His head was clear. The previous day now seemed like nothing more than a nightmare that had passed.

He’d no sooner got out of bed than the phone rang.

“Hey, sexy.” Brad’s greeting made him cringe. Sexy?“What are you up to?”

“I’ve just woken up.”

“Really? Come on.” Brad laughed. “You’re missing the best part of the day. Listen, I’m having a couple of people over for lunch so I thought you might like to join us. Meet some of the gang.”

Ian instantly tensed up.

“You might have a good time.”

He vacillated between accepting and making an excuse not to be there. Only, Brad would know if it was an excuse.

“Okay,” he said, blurting it out before he could change his mind.

“Great. Come over any time. We’ll probably start eating around eleven-thirty.”

As Brad usually did, he hung up without a goodbye.