Meanwhile at the Robert Chen's Office. Robert Chen have great idea for JV's down.
"So, what is your idea boss?". Secretary said.
"I have an idea!! What if I plan a set for him? Like we rent a girl to say she is a pregnant or JV's girlfriend, why not?". He said to him secretary.
"Sir!! You got a good idea!!". Secretary said.
"Yes!! Eventually this is a biggest scandal for this company hahaha!!". He said.
"So, where you take a girl for him?". Secretary said.
"Dont worry I got a new best Idea". Robert said.
Meanwhile at the Floury Restaurant. JV waiting Regine at the back table of Floury Restaurant. Regine sudden arrive. They meet each other.
"JV!!! Are you here earlier?". She asked to him. He answer to her.
"No, I just arrived now. So may have seat!!". He said to her.
"Ohhh!! Thank you!! So I'm here for the business". She said.
"Ahhh sure!! Now, what you even takes, conditions and wants I agree". He said to her.
"So, what I even takes, conditions and wants are you agree? Fantastic ahhh". She said to him.
"Yes, what you hear now is the order because I believe in you. Other say is what the tree is what the fruit is. Right?". He said to her. She agree to him.
"So, may start about the conditions? Because I have 2 appointment meeting from clients"? She said.
"Yes, may I take this envelope on your hand?". He said to her.
"Yes sure, why not". She said.
"Before I read this rights. May we order the food?". He said to her. She agree to him.
"I don't know why, but he is not totally handsome but he looks familiar, why?". She said at herself.
After order their lunch. They are talking about the business.
"So, this is so good. I'm not lose this agreement. We are same profit. That's good!! Now, you are part of the company!! Congrats!! May you start now!! Let's talk about the speaking of law and do's for now". He said to her. Regine explain him about the business law.
Meanwhile at the Ryan's office. He and him secretary arrange the things for business trip.
"Ms. Secretary Hilda Siete. You may put may use things for my business trip. Ok!!". He said to him secretary.
He don't know him secretary fallen in love with him. It obey their boss.
"Yes boss!!". She said.
"Ok!! I have to go ok!!". He said while leaving.
"Ohhh!! Why he so cute!! I'm very lucky because I'm secretary of the handsome boss". She said to herself.
"Heyyy!! Who your crush? Are you blushed? Ayieee". He said to her.
"No!! Get out this office!!!". She said to her.
"I wish he not crushback to you!!". He said while runaway at her.
"Heyyy!! Are you sick!!". She said to him.
Meanwhile at the Floury Restaurant. While JV entertained Regine sudden hear at the radio news.
"From the other news!! The new CEO of the Orange Company Jerico Vince "JV" Lee. Have a pregnant girlfriend. He take as a hidden but him girlfriend complain at this studio for financial assistance that because he didn't gave her a financial assistance. My reporters report!!". News anchor report.
"I believe you are not girlfriend since birth?". She asked to him.
"Yes!! I am not get girlfriend even my dreams!! So why I get a girlfriend? Pregnant? Wow!! What so unbelievable!!". He said.
"So, this is fake? So this is a crime!! Who the girl?". She asked to him.
"I don't know!! I don't know who she is!! I don't know who the master mind!!". He said.
"I manage that !! I investigate that!! Don't worry!!". She said.
"I don't know why happen but no one loves me. Except my parents and my best friend. I was bullied at my young age. So I feel weak. I don't accept apologize who girl and person at this scandal!!". He said to her while feel mad and sad.
"Yes!! Do this answer this problem as one. Okay let's answer us". She said to him. the train Ryan not believe about the news anchor report.
"I can't believe about this news!! Irresponsible report!! Did not inspect this news". He said while hearing a news.
Meanwhile at the Robert's office.
"It is so very nice!! She become a loser now like a garbage". He said.
"Sir, how about Mr. Armando Blanco? He is a former chairman of Ago and Bla Law firm!! One of the best law firm of philippines!! Robert Agoncillo is a one of the lawyer of this company! What if JV take a truth and get them as a lawyer? How about that?". Secretary said to him.
"Hayyy!! I don't care!! I have a good Idea!! I take about that". He said to him secretary.
"I really proud myself because I have a great boss and soon to be a new chairman to this company. You deserve it what you takes". Secretary honor to him boss.
"Yes!! I'm a great boss!! More decades I serve here as a Max Lee supporter. Now it's not superfluous if I take his position, right?". Robert said to him secretary.
"Yes!! Your right sir". Secretary replied.
Meanwhile at the Max Lee rest house. He worried about him son's situation because of the scandal.
"My love!! What happen to our son". Elena asked to him.
"Don't worry!! My love, I talk with Armando and Bernard for legal terms and I talk with the board members for the damage control!! Don't worry!!". He said to her.
"I trust you, you are responsible now". She said.
"Don't worry!!". He said.
Meanwhile at the company...
Robert Chen greeted them in front of the company and asked to him.
"Sir, I listen to the news!! I heard to the radio about your pregnant girlfriend? This is true? I can't believe". Robert said to him.
"I take a responsibility, about this issue. This is not true, this is fake!! I will sue the woman say she pregnant and who the mastermind!!". He said to Robert.
"Yes! I support you". Robert Chen said to JV.
What the next?????
To Be Continued.........
Thank You To Reading!!!!!!!