
Ubran cultivator: unleashing professions

In the bustling cityscape, Ethan, a diligent agriculture student, stumbles upon a clandestine system of cultivation that grants him access to multiple professions as his mastery deepens. In a world where the existence of cultivators remains concealed from the ordinary populace, Ethan's journey unfolds against a backdrop of secrecy and intrigue. As Ethan ascends through the ranks of cultivation, he forms alliances, navigates rivalries, and discovers unexpected romances, building a harem of individuals with unique talents and desires. Yet, lurking in the shadows are governmental agencies and ancient adversaries, both eager to exploit or eliminate those with cultivation abilities. Faced with mounting dangers and moral dilemmas, Ethan must wield his newfound powers responsibly while uncovering the truth behind the urban cultivator's existence. His choices will not only shape his own fate but also determine the future of cultivators in the modern world. "Urban Cultivator: Unleashing Professions" is a gripping tale of discovery, ambition, and romance, inviting readers into a world where ordinary students wield extraordinary powers, and where every decision carries weight in the balance between secrecy and revelation. Join Ethan as he embarks on a quest to master his abilities and redefine the destiny of urban cultivation.

WorldWanderer · 都市
25 Chs

Chapter 6: Ethan Masters Vital Vines Through Ingenious Innovation

Ethan trudged back towards his private quarters well past midnight, nursing more than just bruised muscles from another brutal session training in advanced botanical manipulation. Limp vines and wilted petals littered his wake, remnants of failed attempts binding animated plant constructs into the pretzel-like battle forms Elder Trenton demonstrated with casual grace in afternoon lectures.

But no matter how Ethan strained channeling currents of living essence through his gesturing fingers, the vegetal familiars either spasmed wildly beyond control or collapsed into lifeless mulch heaps. Each public failure fueled annoying gossip from legacy peers over the upstart commoner failing to back up Guardian Julia's overt praise of raw talent.

Tossing his sweat-soaked training tunic aside in frustration, Ethan sank onto the piles of botany texts Julia helped him obtain, chasing theories that could bridge innate capacities with expectations far exceeding current capabilities. There HAD to be unlocking the next level if he just found the right mental key...

As Ethan pondered, fingers unconsciously tracing intricate designs along the margins of pages filled by his tidy script, inspiration struck with all the force of Yusei's air lances those months ago when Ethan first unveiled his potential yet stumbled. That exhibition match was meant showcasing skill, not brute magical muscle bereft of discipline...

The parallel hit his tired brain like a thunderbolt. His unraveling plant constructs demonstrated exactly that lack of discipline and structure! Ethan leapt up, urgency overriding exhaustion. He practically sprinted to the sanctuary's enclosed gardens even this late, making straight for the pavilions nurturing a variety of magical hybrid crops.

Yes - perhaps the answer involved implementing literal structure into these unruly conjurations! Rather than wrestling with wild vines or flowers as shapeless masses, Ethan could envision a rooted trellis framework to guide and bolster growth aligned with his wishing! Just like gardeners train crops on lattices...

Unleashing his pent-up essence, Ethan focused on manifesting a simple tomato plant, then elaborated detail imagining supportive trellises woven from supple willow branches he shaped emerging from the soil. As his glowing aura fed life force into these frameworks, enthusiastic vines climbed eagerly upwards, spreading leaves and nascent fruit with bursts of purposeful growth. He had crafted an environment conducive towards achieving his ideal form!

Ethan fine-tuned his spiritual conduit, raising trellis pillars higher, carefully curving selected shoots along intended angles and planes so they could interweave according to his structuring patterns. Like a patient artist, he guided the vegetation's animation potential rather than forcing some static end result. Minutes stretched into hours, but Ethan scarcely noticed encroaching dawn. He and this magical plant were communing strides forwards no previous session reached!

As amber rays peeked over the distant peaks, Ethan surveyed his night's work with jaw-dropped awe - elegantly arched trellises framed by a proud tomato plant. But rather than bearing raw fruit, vibrant ruby orbs akin to crystal balls shone amidst veined leaves. A fully intentional specialized cultivation! Ethan crowed triumphantly, rushing off to gather witnesses before his euphoria shattered this gorgeous vision.

He returned dragging a bemused Elder Trenton and several disciples including a sleepy Emma who kept brushing leaves from her blonde hair after Ethan's exuberant arrival interrupted her dreams. But all fatigue fled gaping at the resplendent display dominating the pavilion space. Even Trenton stroked his beard astonished!

"Great gardener's gloves! Never conceived applying such techniques for stabilization and amplified yield. Lad you've broken new ground here! Why the way you've cultivated these aligned essence flows could reinforce spell matrices, accelerate regeneration rates, all types of outstanding applications..."

Ethan beamed, pride and passion bright as the dawn's first light. Emma laughed delighted, hugging him tightly before catching herself. Ethan's thoughts entangled further feeling her warmth so near. What wondrous harvests awaited now that his patience, attunement and care cultivated control breakthroughs! But greatest fruit was the growing confidence - in both Ethan's skills and personal connections - dawning with this gorgeous morning.