
First Mission

The semifinal matches didn't disappoint one bit but nobody could have predicted the results. The clear winner in everyone's mind was the scout that seemed to have an answer to every situation.

The first match was between the Beastlord and the Shaman and it looked to be a very even match as the Shaman seem to have great control over his previous fights. The initial countdown came to and end and the Shaman hit the Warder Pet bear with the spell weakness while he kept his distance from it until he finally was able to land Icy winds to slow his movement speed down.

The moment the Shaman landed Icy winds on the Warder, the fight took a turn for the worst for the Beastlord as they themselves were pretty weak without their pet in the beginning stages of their evolution. Seeing that he had the Warder where he wanted it, the Shaman immediately activated the Totemic Incarnation of the Bear and charge at the now defenseless scout and Maul him to the ground. It happened so fast the Judge almost didn't stop the fight in time to prevent the Beastlord injuries from becoming too severe.

"The Winner by submission an advancing to the finals Cipher"

"Next fighters to the stage!!"

The second fight was the moment everyone was waiting for, their favorite fighter was up and they expected the results to go their way with a stunning performance by the Rogue. However, they were quickly disappointed when the Beastlord's Warder Pet started to display great support skills that would make it an asset for any team. As opposed to the more popular Frostsaber Warder Pet that specialized in attacking, the spider could be classified as a control pet that aimed to disrupt the flow of the battle and create openings for her companion.

From the beginning of the fight the whole aim of the spider was to reduce the movement speed of the Rogue and entangle him on a spider web that shot like a giant net over an area. The Beastlord also acted as a shepherd and closed the escaping routes to decrease the Rogue's space making it harder for him to avoid the spider skills. One devastating skill was the Warder's Frost Mist which could decrease movement speed by 60% in a cone in from of it and it was usually combo with a Web Spray that would try to entangle the opponent leaving him defenseless.

After two minutes of dodging around in the ring a cold mist finally hit the Rogue in one of his legs and his only option was to surrender. It was quite an impressive victory for the Beastlord and it seem that he had not shown all of his tricks so far.

"We will take an hour break before the final match between Cipher and Joku".

Since both players need it to recuperate some of their energy, they sat quietly by the arena and visualized the upcoming match. The constitution elixir was very appealing to anybody in the first evolution bracket even if it was a small improvement it was pretty rare to see such a magical liquid. Every match all the participants had given it their all and it was commendable.

In the final match Cipher was at a disadvantage from the beginning, It was very hard for him to deal with a caster and a close combat fighter at the same time as he would be disrupt time and time again. Using his healing ward Cipher even manage to slow Joku but nothing of what he tried worked. The Spider was a hard counter to his style of fighting as even the slows of the spider were a lot more potent than his own. Knowing that there was nothing to do Cipher switch to his Ursine Incarnation for a desperate charge but was stopped by a very timely net spray.

"Winner Joku and Zani"

Rahz was delighted, he got to see such wonderful matches and learn a lot about the various skills all the classes possessed and had a clear person that would fit perfectly into their group. Rahz took the opportunity while everybody was surrounding Joku in order to take a pick at the Constitution Elixir to approach Cipher who was leaving and offer him an invitation.

"Hey Cipher wait up!!"

Cipher turned to see who was calling his name and when he saw Rahz, he was a little puzzled as he had never interacted with him and only knew that he was the son of Master Rhaen. What Cipher didn't expect was that the son of such a strong individual was born with such a physical defect as a Hunchback.

"Rahz Right?"

"Yup that's me. I saw your matches and I think that you should join my team, we got a very important mission and could use your help"

Cipher was a little taking a back, in his mind the person in front of him was not suitable to fight and much less lead a team. As he was thinking he didn't realize that he was thinking out loud " How can they let you fight with that disability"

Hearing Cipher's statement left Rahz a little confused, he thought Cipher as many others was talking about his height but that had been fixed so the only other imperfection in his mind were his ears.

"Hey!! I came here to offer you a position in my team but if you didn't want it there was no reason for you to make fun of me. You better apologized before I make you eat your words"

Cipher realized he had spoken out loud and felt bad about it but now his pride was being tested, he need it to teach the person in front of him a lesson. He had just gotten second in the village tournament and this chump said he was going to whoop his ass, not likely.

"Listen Hunchback, I can whoop your ass up and down the village so you better behave"

"I like to see you try it"

Without further ado Cipher turned into a bear and charge at Rahz who very quickly side step him and jumped on his back. Once on his back, Rahz grabbed him by the neck in a Rear Naked Choke and no matter what Cipher tried to do he could not get rid of Rahz or the pressure to his neck.

The commotion attracted the gazes of the elders but seeing who it was they just sighed and went about their own business.

Little by little the bear started losing his energy and with one last ARGGGHH dropped passed out on the floor. The Incarnation quickly disappeared and Cipher just lay there knockout. The elder responsible for the tournament went to check on him and cast a quick Cure spell to remove the sleep state and made him come to.

Everything started getting into focus for Cipher and he was able to see all the people looking at him probably saying "Man he got choke up". Even the most fierce warrior would feel embarrassed after that performance, specially after winning second place on a competition of strength.

Rahz made his way to the still dizzy Cipher and offer his hand to help him get up. Cipher looked at Rahz and hesitated for a second before accepting his help, " I am sorry for making fun of your Hunchback, I can see now that despite your disability you are an amazing fighter which makes me want to work harder"

It took a second for Rahz to catch on to what Cipher was talking about, " I don't have a hunchback weren't you talking about my ears?"


"If you are not a hunchback what is that in your back?"

"Oh!! is Riddick, He still hasn't hatch so I need to carry him around to give him energy see.." Rahz took of his fur coat a little bit and showed the top of the egg.

It all made sense to Cipher now and it had all been a misunderstanding. He looked at Rahz's clear eyes that didn't have an ounce of malice and decided to join his team.

"Great!! Here is a present for you, we should be starting our missions in two days so you have plenty of time to prepare. Meet me in front of the meeting hall the day after tomorrow".

Cipher look a the gift in his hand and knew exactly what it was immediately, It was the price for the first place of the tournament he had just taking part in, and Rahz gave it up like it was porridge.

Two days later, the group of Four stood in front of the elders for inspection and were given their first mission.

" Yesterday one of our scouts in the borderline North East of the village was attack by a group of Orcs. Thanks to the efforts of Elder Wolf he is still alive but chances are he would not be able fight for the rest of his life. Your mission is to intercept and annihilated any groups in the border area near Frostwolf village and prevent more casualties".

Rahz bow to the leaders of his village, "We won't let you down"