
Bai Chen couldn't compare to Madam Fu's son

Self-hatred darkened Ji Mo Yuan's gaze as he lost himself in memories from a past and future that neither Bai Yue nor he wished to live through ever again. Bai Yue watched him and inwardly acknowledged the fact that perhaps the man couldn't be reduced to the blood flowing through his veins. Like her, his soul had been pieced back together but the pieces didn't match seamlessly anymore. They were ragged and exhausted. What the two of them experienced in their past life changed them deeply. Too deeply, if she were to be honest with herself.

A sigh passed her lips, startling Ji Mo Yuan out of his memories. Bai Yue looked away, her gaze unconsciously turning towards the distant city walls. Although she had never been close enough to see them, she had often imagined the tall structure prior to her rebirth.

"Hopefully... Your Highness won't repeat the same mistake," she said quietly.